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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Unis:
[B]Hello Golden_Era:

While some people say you benefit just as much from lying down, my own experience has shown a much greater benefit by sitting up, well supported back, as the instructions provide.


Can you expand on this. What difference did you experience? I ask because I was always a "lie-down" meditator and have wondered whether sitting up would have been better for me.


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The more time I have spent listening to binaurals, the more I have noticed that posture indeed does make a big difference in the outcome, regardless of the type of product you are using (i.e. holosync vs. a concentration tape or whatever.)

It is ideal to assume a traditional meditative posture while listening to binaurals, i.e. on a comfortable mat or carpet, with a firm pillow supporting your lower back. Spine straight, and head tilted slightly forward.

(Technically, the spine is not perfectly straight; as I said, see a book or a course for exactly how the posture is supposed to be. But the spine stays relatively straight compared to the way most people are accustomed to sitting.)

The reason is that this posture allows the energy between different centers in your anatomy to flow with the least amount of obstruction, which is a great aid to any sort of "processing" or releasing work. If you practice listening to binaurals in this way for a while you will begin to feel this.

One of those "learn to meditate" kits might be advisable for the specifics.
Most of what you will be doing in the first few weeks of any "learn to meditate" course is simply get comfortable with sitting in the proper position for thirty minutes or so; until then all the "breath counting" or witnessing or whatever is merely "gold to stop the flow of a child's tears." (i.e., window dressing)

I do think, however, that using a program like holosync can be a good set of training wheels, and can make it easier to progress through the intial stages and the interupting thoughts and uncomfortable sensations that get in the way.

The better your diet and your overall state of health, the more quickly you will be able to master the basics.

I have learned it from a variety of sources and it is king of an intuitive thing. After a few moments of sitting like this I usually start to feel grounded in my hara, or lower dan-tien as Chunyi-Lin would say.
Then it seems to expand and fill my lower body almost completely.

After a few minutes the posture becomes effortless and natural, and it is easy to be perfectly upright and totally relaxed. I can start to feel my whole frontal line as a column of circulating energy... I feel grounded and anchored to the earth and at the same time connected to a point infinitely above my head. From there the meditation becomes a process of comfortably maintaining the posture while allowing mind to clear and remain clear. There are sensations of releasing obstructions along my frontal line, while being anchored in the point below the navel.
...When I am really "into it", it is like I am not there, although I am at the same time, completely aware, even more aware than usual, of the present moment and of every sensation that arises.

Doing some yoga or SFQ concurrently with a medtitative practice is a good idea, as it stregthens your body and teaches you how to intuitively recognize and maintain good posture.

You want to get to the point where you can hold your spine straight, while in a relaxed position for at least 30 minutes to an hour. It may seem like kind of a chore at first but it is a very good discipline to learn for your stress level and for your health.

Once you do this in conjunction with binaural proigrams like holosync I think you might notice a big difference.

If you are interested in pursuing this further, I would recommend a book or a course. There are a lot of books out there that will teach you how to use a mirror to establish the correct sitting posture. Spring Forest Qigong is always a useful complement for me as well.



[This message has been edited by garics (edited March 20, 2006).]

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Can you expand on this. What difference did you experience? I ask because I was always a "lie-down" meditator and have wondered whether sitting up would have been better for me.


I believe the major difference for me is energy flow, and probably for the same reasons that when using the SFQ meditations it's better to do so sitting up.

When I started HS, I thought I'd never be able to sit up for the full hour because of my back. But I just didn't seem to be sensing anything, so decided to try what Centerpointe had suggested - sit up!

Well, I found a way to support my back, rolled up a comfortable towel to place between the back of my neck and the chair (for support, and also to hold the ear-phones close and stable to my head), and although I'm not completely vertical, my body is resting nicely at about an 80 degree angle in my lazy-boy chair. I also take advantage of the hour to put up my feet, which tend to swell during the day. I get major amounts of energy channeling up through my body, from the base of my spine and into my head, particularly at the brow and crown chakras, and I definitely have a sense of things happening all along the other chakras.

For one thing, when sitting up, you are much less likely to fall asleep (unless that is your intention). I like to use several different meditation techniques along with the HS, which I believe also enhances what HS does, and the overall experience of it. I use the more (inward) verbal techniques during The Dive, and switch off to focusing on my breath for The Immersion. Sometimes during Immersion, I will use the deeper level as an opportunity to do healing, by focusing the incoming energies on areas needing help. As well, during The Dive portion, if I have some specific goals in mind, I will incorporate some Hypnosis and NLP into the middle 10 minutes or so, just before it pushes down to Delta. I have also used the increased sense of energy flow to channel healing to others at a distance, using some of the techniques taught in SFQ.

What I have noticed from chatting with others using HS is that most of the ones lying down are either not feeling like they're getting anywhere, or they are experiencing inordinant amounts of overwhelm. I believe part of the reason for either of these has to do with the energy not flowing properly and being blocked.

As well, whether from not understanding just how powerful the mind is, or not truly wanting to become fully engaged in personal change, many people seem to think that if they just sit/lie there and listen, that's all the benefit they will derive. My personal experience is, that the more engaged you become in the experience while listening, the more you will also become engaged in the outer processes of expanding awareness and growing spiritually.

I have written extensively about how beneficial I feel HS has been in my life on the Centerpointe Forum (not directly related to the company). I am currently just started on Awakening Level 3, first CD. With approximately another 10 years left in the program, as I am an Inner Circle member, when I consider how far I've come in just a year and a half, I'm totally in awe of where this could lead over the next 10 years.


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for some reason every time I tried meditating sitting down with my spine as straight as possible, my feet would begin to tremble and a numb sensation would come and would bother me and therefore I had to stop.

Any help on this? I began to meditate lying down because it was a lot easier on the back and on the feet.

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Stevie Offline OP
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by garics:

"After a few minutes ……. I can start to feel my whole frontal line as a column of circulating energy... From there the meditation becomes a process of comfortably maintaining the posture while allowing mind to clear and remain clear. There are sensations of releasing obstructions along my frontal line, while being anchored in the point below the navel. ...When I am really "into it", it is like I am not there, although I am at the same time, completely aware, even more aware than usual, of the present moment and of every sensation that arises."


Thanks for the reply. I cannot even begin to imagine what the above feels like. As I said at the very start of this post, I have never felt a thing doing Holosync and when I hear other users describing their experiences I can only think; hey wait a minute, what about me? What do I not feel that way too? Off course I do realise that I can only feel what is appropriate for me and that trying to feel the way others do is not what it is all about. But it would be nice to feel something, anything even.

On a different note, part of my problem may be my inability to sit in the way you describe due to various problems I experience with my knees etc. Sitting cross legged on the floor would be quite a discomfort for me due to immobility in the knee joint and problems with my cartilage etc; hence the reason lying down was always the easier option for me. I tried using a recliner once but even that caused a little discomfort, so as you can see in the end lying down became the easier option.

It may be that meditation and Holosync are just not for me. I have always believed that what works for one person does not necessarily mean that it will work for all, so there is no universal remedy in my world, no panacea in my opinion. Assuming this to be the case then I will just have to accept that fact and get on with living my life as fully as I feel I can.

Regards to you Garics

p.s. Of course being only human I do admit to more than a little frustration and disappointment that Holosync did not work for me.

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hello anyone,

i'm new to this forum and was after a little help if possible. i have been using holosync for over 3 months (awakeing level) i have paid for the first level in jan 16th, and still havnt received my affirmation email? i have emailed twice and have been told the same on both occasions, that you will receive the affirmations email in 3-5 day??? has anyone else out there experienced any difficulty in this way? i do live in the uk and find the communication difficult to centrepointe. can anyone help me.
thank you

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Stevie Offline OP
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Unis:

....if I have some specific goals in mind, I will incorporate some Hypnosis and NLP....

Can I ask whether you are using a form of self hypnosis?


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Originally posted by Golden_Era:
for some reason every time I tried meditating sitting down with my spine as straight as possible, my feet would begin to tremble and a numb sensation would come and would bother me and therefore I had to stop.

Any help on this? I began to meditate lying down because it was a lot easier on the back and on the feet.

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Originally posted by Golden_Era:
for some reason every time I tried meditating sitting down with my spine as straight as possible, my feet would begin to tremble and a numb sensation would come and would bother me and therefore I had to stop.

Any help on this? I began to meditate lying down because it was a lot easier on the back and on the feet.

I apologize for the duplicate quote. Unis, Golden-Era, & Stevie-I just wanted to let you know that I found a device that helps me sit with proper posture - & without pain-while meditating. The meditation device is sold by Higher Balance Institute and cost $49.00. It is a rather simple device that will probably last for many many years. Before using this, after a short time of meditation, I would be in pain trying to maintain the proper sitting posture. I do not think this device is the solution for all "meditation sitting" problems-but might be worth a try for some of you. If interested in checking it out, this is their 800 number: (800-935-4007-Pacific Time Zone ) or website: . I am sure Higher Balance could give you an idea, by phone, if the device might be of assistance for one's individual problem. I do not know if this particular item is refundable or not In the event that the device does not help you or your physician does not appove of you using it. Blessings-khalah

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Originally posted by Stevie:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Unis:

....if I have some specific goals in mind, I will incorporate some Hypnosis and NLP....

Can I ask whether you are using a form of self hypnosis?


Yes, it is self hypnosis. What I do is to set an intention and choose a few key words to use during the meditation, somewhat as an affirmation or mantra. I've been doing trance work for over 25 years, so I have a good sense of when I reach certain depths.

Approximately 10 minutes into the Holosync entrainment, deeper alpha moving into Theta is experienced, and this, for me is the best place to push suggestions. This is also a good time to do visualization along with key word suggestions. That period lasts for approximately 10 minutes more, then dips into Delta entrainment, which is where one wants to be quiet, and allow the deeper entrainment to do its work.

Besides, by that time I'm in such a nice cozy, blissful place, I just don't want to be doing anything but being in that experience.


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