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Alex...I think you will find this interesting. Let me know what you think. I hope you can join us in May. Pete

------ Forwarded Message
From: "Pete Bissonette, Learning Strategies"
Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2006 13:17:30 -0600
Subject: This is what you've been waiting for...

Ancient wisdom says that your fortune -- the good things you enjoy -- comes from three distinct sources.

Unfortunately, most people only focus on Self-Improvement if they do anything at all. But this involves only one source. Our new "Triple Fortune" 2-day event combines the three in an unprecedented way, which has really gotten me excited. Let me explain:

The three sources are called "Heaven Luck," "Human Luck," and "Earth Luck." I'm not fond of using the word "luck," because it implies chance, but in a way, how you got to where you are today is the luck of the draw.

* Human Luck involves "mental programming" and what you do with your life. That's why it involves self-improvement, such the courses Paul Scheele creates for you.

* Heaven Luck is about your destiny. What you are born with. You can open your Heaven Luck through a spiritual practice. You can even open it through meditation such as what Chunyi Lin delivers with Spring Forest Qigong.

* Earth Luck involves the energy of the earth, because it can have a profound effect on your life. That's what Feng Shui is all about, including the new course we're introducing this winter by Marie Diamond called "Diamond Feng Shui."

You can cultivate any one of those sources individually to enjoy more success, exceptional health, extraordinary relationships, and spiritual growth.

And, as you can imagine, develop the three together to exceed your wildest expectations -- to literally and figuratively change your destiny.

We are talking about a potentially huge change -- a dramatic effect on your life. It's taken us 25 years, but we've finally put it together for you. I hope you can stay with me through this email so I can help you understand. There's tremendous benefit for you to get this.

Paul Scheele and I have been studying the "luck" wisdom for the past couple of years, and we began wondering what would happen if we brought them all together. What would happen if we brought Chunyi Lin, Marie Diamond, and Paul together at one time to channel their abilities to work with individuals such as yourself.

Instantly and immediately we knew it would be amazing. I mean, imagine what would happen if you could bring together the energy of heaven, of your spirit, with the energy of you as a human being, with the energy of the planet.

Before you knew it we were on the telephone with Chunyi and Marie creating what can only be called "Triple Fortune."

1) When you work on your spiritual self,
wondrous things happen in your life such as healings, serendipity, and spiritual awakening.

2) When you improve your skills, learn neat things such as PhotoReading, handle mental programming, etc., you accomplish more (with less stress).

3) When you interact smoothly with the energy of your home or workplace, fewer obstacles get in the way. You'll finally understand what causes you misfortune while a person in similar circumstances experiences fortune.

And results are automatic.

Never in modern history has such a convergence of the three fortunes occurred. You're one of the first few to find out about it. Will you be the first to use it? Can you join us for this first ever event in May? Getting the three masters and three sources of good fortune together will cause sparks that can add power to your life.

* * *
The "Abundance" you get
from Triple Fortune
* * *

The objective of Triple Fortune is your personal abundance. You can look at it any way you want from the softer aspects of abundance to pure financial prosperity.

Let's start with Marie Diamond, a gem that we uncovered in 2004. Paul and I believe that she is one of the most gifted Feng Shui masters on this planet, and her values and beliefs align with ours.

At Triple Fortune she will teach you a wide variety of Feng Shui tricks and techniques that will position you as the King or Queen of your life.

In other words, you will learn how to get
positive power flowing toward you and not against you. You will enjoy more fortune and less misfortune that comes directly from energy in your home or workplace.

You will be able to direct this power to four areas of your life: Success, Relationships, Health, and Spiritual Growth.

Paul Scheele will help in those four areas by working on your mental programming and behaviors. He'll use processes from his "Abundance For Life" course to help you clear out emotions, feelings, and thoughts that hinder you. And he'll help you direct your mind to get the success you want with no physical or mental exertion--as effortlessly as possible.

Chunyi Lin helps you in the four areas by using Spring Forest Qigong. He'll teach you how to use Spring Forest Qigong to heal your body and soul, which will have a profound impact on every aspect of your life. He'll tell you how to use it for personal abundance, which is not something he usually talks about.

(Chunyi will also do an amazing, massive group healing. Some people in the room will have complete healing of physical problems. Others will have pain disappear. Still others will enjoy a significant change in their symptoms. You gotta be there for this.)

Do you see why I'm so excited?! We're bringing you the wisdom of the ages with the practical work of three renowned experts with one goal in mind: your personal abundance.

Remember, our mission is to help you maximize your potential, and this event will give you a peak experience. And more...

* * *
Benefits you will take home with you
* * *

Besides this being one of the coolest
experiences you've had in a long time, you're going to get a lot from the weekend to use in your life:

- 3 techniques that you can use on demand to eliminate stress. One from Paul, one from Chunyi, and one from Marie.

- Assume the "power position" at the office, in a restaurant, at a party, anywhere you want to be the center of attention, afforded the most respect, or given the competitive edge.

- Have the natural energy of your home or workplace support your projects (and redirect energy that can keep you off balance).

- Use your sleep time to thoroughly relax, attract positive and abundant energy, heal your body, and balance your life.

- Brilliant insights and techniques to eliminate sickness and disease from your body.

- Automatically boost your creativity any time you choose.

- Increase confidence in your ability to replace lack with abundance.

- Use your emotions and feelings to support your dreams and goals (instead of blocking them, which is what most people do).

- Undo the harmful psychological effects of past negative events.

- Establish greater levels of joy and respect in your relationships.

- Have your personal spiritual energies support your mental energies for achieving personal breakthroughs.

- Live in a natural state of complete abundance.

* * *
And the biggest treat of all
* * *
A live Paraliminal session guided by
Paul Scheele, Chunyi Lin, and Marie Diamond
* * *

Have you experienced one of Paul Scheele's Paraliminal recordings? Imagine one that is live where you are actually in the room with Paul.

What about one of Chunyi Lin's healing meditations where you can feel energy moving in and around your body? And what if the meditation was done in concert with Paul's live Paraliminal?

And what about one of Marie Diamond's empowerment meditations bringing in the "yin energy" and the female voice? Joining Paul and Chunyi!

I'm going to be right there in a chair next to you taking it all in, going as deep as possible, enjoying the surreal real meditation. A true soul massage.

* * *
Live on Stage
* * *
At The Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles
* * *
Saturday, May 6 and Sunday, May 7
* * *

Triple Fortune is a live event at one of the most magnificent and famous hotels in America: The Biltmore Hotel.

You will be there as Marie Diamond, Paul Scheele, and Chunyi Lin present their perspective on universal energy and how you can use it for abundance in your own life.

Each will lead you through priceless experiences that will capture your imagination and tantalize
your mind. Heaven Luck, Human Luck, and Earth Luck will flow through you to increase abundance in your relationships, health, spiritual growth,
and overall success. Triple Fortune could literally change your destiny.

Can you come? Will you get your ticket today? I'd really like you to be there with us.

For more information and to get your ticket, visit:

* * *
What if you already
have their courses
* * *

Paul, Chunyi, and Marie will teach on multiple levels -- that's why they are masters of what they do.

It doesn't matter whether you have not heard of any of them -- or whether you have studied with them for years -- you will reap tremendous benefit. If not, just ask for your money back. We guarantee your satisfaction. As a matter of fact, I think you will receive value worth at least ten times what you pay!

So get your ticket today (and bring a friend for half price). The Biltmore is breathtakingly luxurious and intimate, which means we will run out of space. So be the first!

See you in Los Angeles in May. Be sure to come up to me and say "hi!"


Pete Bissonette

P.S. - Ever wonder why prayers don't get

Some might say, "Well, it's not in the cards." And they might be right. But...

What if your answer is in the wisdom of Heaven Luck, Human Luck, and Earth Luck? No matter what you are doing to make your life better, you are probably missing the holistically balanced
approach of Triple Fortune. At least one of your lucks is out of kilter, and we're going to help you fix it in two short days.

We're going to help you take the "chance" out of your life. Instead of luck, you will be getting fortune.

You may have heard Paul say, "Life is too precious to leave personal growth to chance." How true! Get your Triple Fortune ticket today.

[This message has been edited by Alex K. Viefhaus (edited February 07, 2006).]

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Triple Fortune Q&A

I got a lot of email from folks about Triple Fortune. I thought you might like to see my responses. And, at the end I'll tell you how you can get two DVDs f,ree by getting your tickets right away.



* * *
How will working on my "Heaven Luck," "Human Luck," and "Earth Luck" actually impact my life?
* * *

Ultimately the goal is to influence or change your destiny. This will show up in your life in several ways:

* Life will be easier with less stress, less difficulty, less efforting. Stuff will still show up, but you will be able to handle it much more easily than you can now. I wish I could say that life will be perfect from now on, but then it wouldn't be life, would it?!

* You will be more successful in any endeavor you attempt.

* You will enjoy greater health and recover from issues quicker. The biggie, though, is that health issues will no longer drag you down spiritually and emotionally, even if you have chronic conditions. In other words, you
might not be healed of everything, but the quality of your life will improve considerably.

* Loving relationships will grow in your life so that they nurture and support you -- both professionally and personally. So, if you are struggling with relationships presently, the struggle will be less. If you need people in
your life, they will show up. If you have great relationships, they will get better. If you are single, you will either attract your perfect partner or you will find peace and contentment being single.

* Your connection with your God will be stronger and more present.

How specifically will changing your destiny show up for you? I can't speak to your case individually. If you think you will benefit from any of the above, then get to "Triple Fortune" and see how it will manifest for you. Life is too short to leave it to chance.

* * *
But how can this possibly have those effects?
* * *

I could spend an hour talking with you about this on the telephone, but let me try in a few paragraphs.

Let's begin from the ground up with Earth Luck.

You know that tremendous energy swirls around us on the planet. You only need to consider the Northern Lights, gravity, winds, the magnetic North Pole, and how much better you can feel when the sun shines.

This energy affects you in many ways. You can influence it by using Feng Shui. The result is that you use energy to support your life. I could take you into a room blind-folded, spin you around, and sit you down in various locations in the room. I would then ask you which position felt more comfortable and supportive for you, and you would answer pretty much the same way as everyone. This will prove to you the importance of Feng Shui, of managing Earth Luck, of tuning into the energy of the earth.

Human Luck has to do with what you do with yourself on this planet. Do you eat right? Exercise? Did you go to college? Do you apply yourself at work? Do you do self-study courses? Do you meditate? On and on.

In other words, what are you accomplishing for yourself and the world?

Here's the connection: the more you accomplish with balance, harmony, and purpose, the more energy flows in your body...without blocks. That's why they say success breeds success.

Work on your Earth Luck and Human Luck and your energy becomes purer and stronger, which flows into your Heaven Luck, which affects your destiny, which affects how abundance is able to flow fully into your life.

Some masters say that if you do energy work, such as with Spring Forest Qigong, you can influence your Heaven Luck directly. Some say this practice only strengthens your Earth Luck and Human Luck, which in turn affects your Heaven Luck. Either way, it ultimately gets you what you want.

Triple Fortune helps you open the energy in your life -- however it is done -- so that you experience more of your true potential.

* * *
How can moving furniture affect my Earth Luck?
* * *

Feng Shui is not just about moving furniture. Nor is it just about interior design. It is rooted in how energy responds to everything in
your environment.

Take a couch. Positioned wrong, a couch can hinder favorable energy from entering a room. If you then sit on that couch, the way the energy hits you can actually cause misfortune. So there is a double whammy.

Position the couch properly and positive energy can flow into the room. If you are sitting on that couch, the energy can then be absorbed by your body in a way that leads to good fortune. You can even get similar benefits while sleeping, depending on how you position your bed.

Dive deeper into Feng Shui and you begin clearing subconscious beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. It is all quite interesting.

You'll come to understand this a whole lot better at Triple Fortune. If you think it is hooey come to Triple Fortune anyway. Try it out. If you still think it is nonsense, ask for your money back, because your ticket comes with a money-back satisfaction guarantee.

* * *
How can Paul help me with my emotions in a couple of hours when they've stopped me all of my life?
* * *

I know you've had the experience where you were feeling down and suddenly something changed your attitude. Maybe it was a joke, a letter, a different thought, a person, your pup -- who knows. But your feelings changed instantly.

Paul Scheele has been studying this for over 30 years. There are a couple of ways that you can easily stop your emotions from blocking the flow of abundance in your life. And Paul will help you at Triple Fortune. That's part of the Human Luck.

* * *
I don't like this talk about "Luck." I want results, not just the chance of results.
* * *

I can't promise results, because I don't know all of the details about your life or what kind of "luck" you've been experiencing so far. But I can promise satisfaction. I can promise that you will be completely satisfied that Triple Fortune has you on track for a better life.

Paul, Marie, and Chunyi are not driven by money. They have personal missions to change the world. And they work tirelessly. They are doing their best -- even better than their best -- to create an event that will impact your life in the short term, mid term, and long term.

* * *
How will I know I will get long-lasting results?
* * *

If you've been to any of our events, you know we are not into that rah-rah, knock-them-dead, high energy stuff that permeate so many other events. Sure that will get you an emotional high, but when a roller coaster goes up, the roller coaster comes down.

We're creating a balanced and entertaining event so you can experience your potential during the weekend and take skills with you into your life.

* * *
I've never flown to a seminar before
* * *

It really is thrilling when you make a training a special event. Turn it into a mini-vacation. As a matter of fact, you will get more from Triple Fortune if you spend a few days relaxing after the weekend so that everything can naturally integrate through your systems.

The Getty Museum in LA is phenomenal. Take a day contemplating the magnificent artwork and look for the magnificence in yourself.

Be playful at Disneyland and let the childlike energy come out.

Meditate in the spectacular Crystal Cathedral.

Walk the beaches and feel the energy in the awesome force of the waves.

* * *
What about those two free DVDs?
* * *

BONUS #1: If you are one of the first 50 people to get tickets after I send out this email, you will receive both Paul Scheele's "Genius Mind" DVD and his new "Abundance" DVD coming out later this spring.

BONUS #2: If you order your ticket before February 15, you will get your choice of one or the other. (When checking out, write in the optional "comments" area which you want; otherwise we'll automatically send you "Genius Mind.")

"Genius Mind" helps you understand how to release the accelerated learning capacities of your mind. This DVD includes a one-hour main program and almost two hours of special features.

"Abundance" will be released this spring --we're doing the final editing right now. It will support everything you learn at Triple Fortune and so much more!

* * *
How much are hotel rooms?
* * *

We have a block of rooms reserved in the name of Learning Strategies for $155 per night. The Biltmore is downright gorgeous and is definitely worth splurging! Check out for cheaper alternatives in downtown LA.

* * *
How can I order my ticket?
* * *

Go to:

Your ticket is $480. You can bring a guest for half-price.

Share the ticket price and each ticket is only $360 -- that's $180 a day, which is a very reasonable price for transformational events
these days. It's about 1/3 the daily price of our Retreats.

* * *
Can I get a payment plan?
* * *

Yes. When you put your ticket in our shopping basket, click on "Check this box for three easy installments." It says that we don't offer payment plans for seminars, but we are making an exception for Triple Fortune. There is a $9 fee for this service.

So get your ticket...

* * *
Final thoughts
* * *

You get:

* Marie Diamond teaching you essential points of Diamond Feng Shui...

* Paul Scheele teaching you the key concepts of Abundance for Life...

* Chunyi Lin teaching you Spring Forest Qigong...

* A powerful group healing session by Chunyi Lin...

* A live discussion with Marie, Paul, and Chunyi that is moderated by Jack Canfield, co-creator of the 100-million-selling "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books...

* A live Paraliminal meditation done by Paul, Chunyi, and Marie...

And a personal transformation as you triple your fortune.

See you at The Biltmore!


Pete Bissonette
President &
Triple Fortune Ticket Holder

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