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We must give thanks to Coldrayne for gettin this party started!!!!


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Hey, enough with the flattery! Thanks for brightening my day though.

Everything I posted here (with the exception of a few opinions here and there) is on the 4 explaination cd's that come with the foundation set. I emailed them and called them a couple times too but there's nothing they said that wasn't on the CD's. Hearing someone explain it through their experience was cool though. I've listened to those 4 cds probably 10 times and each time I hear something I didn't hear before. I don't know why but I could listen to it again right now and be blown away by it. They are truely amazing.

I need to try Dreamscape after hearing all of you talk about it. I fall asleep everytime I listen to it and wake up here and there and hear strange music and talking. In the past 2 months I've only tried it about 20 times and each time I zonk out right after the relaxation part. I honestly don't even know what's on the cd. It's definately a cure for insomnia, for me anyway.

3DLifestyle:[Where were you three year ago when this new system of meditation was released? I sure could've used your explaination, understanding & insight on this magnificent meditation method back then. Could you imagine how far along I would be if someone could have explained it the way you have?]

I just got a flyer in the mail in December of 05 about the Handbook of the Navigator and I've been on every mailing list for self-development stuff (like Nightingale-Conant, Tony Robbins, Self-Realization Fellowship, Ken Roberts, Wayne Dyer,etc.) since 1990 and I just found out about this 3 months ago. I wish I would have found out about it sooner but when I think about it, I don't know if I would have been ready for it. They say everything happens for a reason and maybe I did stumble upon Higher Balance before but was just too busy to "see" it. At the end of last year I had pretty much given up on tons of stuff I had been working on and I was just ready to pop. I was dying for something new, something I had never seen before and then wham, something falls in my lap like this. There are thousands of guru's and programs and companies selling stuff. The odds of finding something like this at the same time that you have the extra money for it and are willing to give it a shot are not very good, if you think about it.

I've known about QiGong for years but never had the money till last year and LS ran a sale and I guess the time was just right. It was that course that got me to look at "the force" as a reality and not just some fairy tale in a movie. That brings me to this question: I think 3Dlifestyle said this

[Its obvious that a big part of your problem is the fact that you are "not a believer". While clearly you would like to be a believer, you just cant visualize what you dont believe to be true or even possible. I think your trying to overcome a life time of thinking <a certain way> all at once when maybe you should be taking baby steps. Maybe by concentrating on visualizing prana one day, then when you get comfortable with that work on bringing it in through the first chakra, then so on and work your way up to the goal so it isnt so overwhelming all at once. It seems like you are waiting for the Universe to "prove" something to you first, before you believe, but I think it needs to be the other way around: you need to believe certain things are possible before you are able to experience them. (??)]

Here is my take on "BELIEFS." This is only my opinion and it's based on everything that I know at this time. This could change as I learn more:

Beliefs don't really matter too much, but practically everyone who teaches any method of self-development talks about how they are either the be all end all, OR they are fairy tales for the lazy. The examples usually given are regarding religious beliefs. We've also been told that "if we believe we can or believe we can't, we're right." I say that beliefs don't really matter. What matters is WANTs. Here's what I mean: I believe that being an electrician is a great career choice that makes alot of money. I believe that buying houses and fixing them up and reselling them is a great way to make money. But I don't do either of those things. Why? Because I don't want to do it. So does believing in them or not believing in them even matter? No. What does matter? What matters is that I DO WHAT I WANT with my time. A want is a desire. A desire is really a form of what we would call "love." The emotion of love is the highest vibration of energy that exists. When you tone it down enough you filter it down to petty desires. The two are really related to each other. If you do what you want, you do what you love. If you believe something, you do it because you want to believe it. Your wants deturmine your beliefs but still then your beliefs don't really matter because most of them you ignore 99% of the time and what you spend your time with is the 1% that really matter to you and those are the one's relating to what you want to do with your time.

What do YOU want? I mean, why live? Really think about it. Why live? What's the point? I can't answer that but what I can say so far is I'm nothing like I was a year ago. When I look at pictures of myself from years ago I can't believe that I actually wasted my time doing what I was doing. In other words, I changed. And I recognize that I did and I like it and I want more of it, more change that is. I'm here in this body and I have to do certain things to survive but here's where the split happens between me and everyone else I know. I want less of "me" and more of something higher. I want to know more about what I don't know about. Some things fascinate me and I want to know more about them. So what do I do? The answer is, I explore what I want to know about. And as a result, "I" change to the point where I don't recognize myself from year to year and sometimes it's even month to month. This is the best I can do right now.

So for me, what do "beliefs" mean? I say who cares. So what? I believe everything. Why not? Since what I want out of life is to explore (Navigate) what fascinates me, beliefs really have no place, except to mark where I've been at any given time. That's all.

When I first started learning Photoreading, I wanted it to work because of the possibilities of it. Although I didn't get it to "work" right away, I WANTED it to work so bad that I couldn't get it out of my head. If I was a belief type person, I would have stopped right there and measured results, thought about it with my rational mind, shrugged my shoulders and just went on to something else. But I wanted it. Why? I guess you could say that because I wanted to learn everything I can about what fascinates me, I chose to believe it and then WHAM, it worked. I wanted something so I made a choice about what was real and what to believe in and as a result, I got what I wanted and it gave me more of other things I wanted.

People that are full of B.S. want to see everything as being a load of B.S. I figure that if the universe can make trillions times trillions times trillions times infinity and beyond times trillions of galaxies containing billions and billions of stars and solar systems which spawn billions upon billions of lifeforms working in perfect harmony with each other, then I can pretty much pull off anything I want also. I mean, why not? What else am I going to do? The only other alternative is to mope around like everyone else.

If everyone started using solar power for energy, would that make the sun run out of energy faster? No. Guy Finley once said that a tree throws off thousands if not millions of seeds every year. Out of all of them only two or three seeds actually become another tree. All the other seeds that don't grow become FOOD for those that do. That's nature. That's reality. I think about that whenever I take in LifeForce from the universe. If you think about it, all of this energy is mostly being "wasted" - not used. It's got to be dying to be used. I think it wants to be used. I seriously think that. Now if I want to use and it knows that I want to use it what do you think it's going to do?

These are the things I think about now that the Superbowl is over. Once the olympics is over, I wonder what else I'll think about, hehe.

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This is all jibing perfectly with what I have been getting from Abraham-Hicks.You WANT then you align with that feeling and feel as good as possible,being appreciative of where you are and what you already have.It is not believe,then you will get it.You want then mold your energy around that.I was introduced to Abraham-Hicks through this forum from Tore's posts(Thanks!)I have had results from this.This last year I got this Laptop and I spent 4 months in Thailand.I was resistant to ABE-Hicks initialy because its channeled material.I just couldnt by it.But this name kept turning up and decided to suspend judgement(a belief) and just give it a try.I have not looked back.I dont care anymore if Abraham is real or its just that Esther Hicks is very clever.It WORKS.I should be getting the foundation cds today or tomorrow.I am looking forward to it!.thanks again.

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I just got off the phone with HB because I wanted to buy "Manifestation" and the woman on the phone actually discouraged me from getting it yet. She said that I should get "Dissecting the Matrix" first because it deals with understanding reality. She said that reality is like a grey scale. On one side it's color is total black and on the other side the color is total white and all along in between it's a shade of grey. There is no "right" color or "wrong" color. There is no "real" color or "unreal" color. The Matrix is your frequency of reality at your present level of understanding. When you learn more and experience more you naturally raise your frequency of what you know and "reality" changes for you. What is a fantasy today to me is a reality tomorrow.

She also said that EVERYTHING is a contradiction. Since every color exists right here, right now but we only can think in opposites, then it seems as if both sides of every opposite is true and that's exactly right. Which is right, up or down? Which is right, you are an animal or you are a spirit? They both are, we are both at the same time. Which is right, we are going to die, or we are immortal? Both are right. Everything it true. There is no point in arguing that one this is true and another is untrue. Most religions tell you this but they don't really know how to communicate it in a way where people can understand. It seems as if they just lay out there beliefs and you either take them or you go away. We can't really blame them either, I can't communicate it that well either. We can't know about something that isn't real. If it weren't real, we just wouldn't know about it. Humans created the opposites of reality and fantasy because that's how organic thought works. It's a survival instinct. It's a function of the programming of the pineal gland. Everything is live or die to this "dragon" brain, this lizard brain. You either put the berry in your mouth or you don't. You either light the fire or you freeze to death. Things are right or wrong to this organism, but that's the animal world. If you move up the grey scale of reality you have to drop this way of thinking. Things aren't right or wrong, they're just either useful to you at this time or they aren't. If they aren't, drop them on the ground so someone else can use them, if that's where they're at.

Most philosophies and religions argue about what's real and not real, what's possible and not possible, what you should do and not do. Where I'm at on the grey scale, yes, there are things that are possible and not possible, real and not real. I can take a stand and define reality and be absolutely 100% correct. I can live in a city and a state and a country filled with people that all agree with me too. But what if I go up the grey scale, up a frequency of two? All of the sudden there are new things I didn't know before, different laws of physics and nature, different games etc.

Which one of these is real and not real? I say both. That is my belief. Everything is real.

[This message has been edited by Coldrayne (edited February 24, 2006).]

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Hello again to coldrayne, chrisp, 3Dlifestyle, & welcome baquai and welcome back to HB flowerchild.
I just finished listening to Higher Balance's (HB's) Reverse Engineering the Self. It is interesting, but might end your honeymoon with HB should you be having one.

3Dlifestyle, I thought (as a non expert) I would say this to your prana visualization-maybe it will help-maybe not: To envision silver, I think of silver as the color of water drops from a waterfall -sparkling, glistening, reflecting in the sunlight all the colors of a prism, dancing in motion, so alive. Then I imagine the air around me being charged with this type of particle-electric-vibrant-(and it really is if we could see it as we sometimes do when the conditions such as light, etc are just right). Sometimes I imagine this light as being tinged in the most beautiful colors of light blue. Then I imagine myself as being illuminated and becoming more illuminated by these particles (prana-Godforce) or another way of saying-think of yourself as a light bulb and instead of radiating light out, it is radiating in to you -all over your body. In a book I read, Jesus was quoted as saying, ye are Gods. You could think of this as a way of being aware of & honoring the God part of you-(I too have a protestant background -& I too have not found a particular church or doctrine that I believe in). Anyway, 3DLifestyle, you name says it all-I bet you can teach us how to visualize. Sometimes I visualize prana in a manner that chrisp mentioned in one of the previous posts. Make the visualization yours with your truth, make them powerful, awesome, spectacular, gentle, beautiful, or whatever you need them to be-then go into the mediation with no expectations-just let it be. I do not think you have to visualize to do the meditation, but I think it helps by the focus that others have mentioned in the posts. And if all that visualization talk is too much for you, just relax and take it as it comes. Sincerely, Khalah

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Here's the link for all of HB's expansion modules

Each one has a short description and can point you to any area of interest that you may have. The Foundation Set is the "foundation" you need for anything you may want to do. It's not an end in itself unless all you want is to master the art of meditation.

I only have a couple of these expansion modules so far but I plan on getting all of them. There's not one thing here that I don't want to know about. I've only been using HB materials for going on 3 months and they've been the most interesting 3 months of my life so far. If you think I know something that you don't know, I think you're mistaken. I think you're VERY mistaken. You just haven't learned what I have so far. I've been listening to audio programs for 16 years now and the only ones that have really helped me have been Learning Strategies courses, Guy Finley and Vernon Howards lectures and these Higher Balance modules. Everything else I've bought has been very dissappointing. If nothing else I hope that everyone here gets what they're looking for and doesn't waste any time or money on programs that don't help you. There are hundreds of companies and guru's and philosophies and IMO Higher Balance's have been very well worth it in going "Beyond Human."

I can't wait to hear about your furthure experiences. I know no one where I live that cares about this stuff. The internet is all I have to connect me to like minded people working on the same stuff. It's refreshing to know that I'm not the only one searching and working. I hope that you all will post here about your breakthroughs.

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I have been following this thread and have been convinced that I should purchase HB foundation course and the Navigator so I have just ordered them now.
I have been doing SFQ for 2 years and still have had problems with meditation and not getting to the stillness. Recently I have experienced a big eye looking at me when meditating and when I am awake I feel very aware and am seeing everything as though it is a cardboard cut out with a light blue edge round it .
Has anyone else had this sort of experience?
I hope that HB can get me on track or explain my experiences.
Love and light

[This message has been edited by Faune (edited February 27, 2006).]

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What's SFQ?

Have you ever noticed that one day you can get still without even trying and other days you can't get still no matter what you do?

My definition of what meditation is has change probably 200 times over tha past 15 years. One day I'm perfectly still and that's meditation. The other day I'm visualizing traveling around the universe and that's meditation. I hate it when people say they've tried this and that for years and have gotten nowhere because you aren't perfectly "still" or something. Believe me, if you've been at least TRYING something you've come along way. Most people won't do anything and don't care. So what if you aren't perfectly still. And how do you know anyway? Stillness is something you can only achieve for a few minutes anyway. If you've studied NLP or anything like that you'll know that the body naturally resets itself every 15 seconds anyway so if you can stay still for 15 seconds, you win.

I think that the Hindu way of meditation is so strict that most people can't even do it and for some reason everyone thinks they have to live up to this standard or they have gotten nowhere and there is no in between.

Let me tell you something. Stillness is moving at the speed of your surrounding environment. If you try to sit still on a boat out in the ocean where there are waves bouncing you around, you are RESISTING. But if you "go with the flow" and move with everything around you, you are becomming still. Stillness is not some rigid quality that you must have all the time no matter what is going on around you. Some days you wake up all jumpy and some days you wake up and you can't even get up and none of it's your fault and there's nothing you have to do to "correct" it, just go with it.

I remember this one football game I went to in Buffalo. It was years ago and the Bills were kicking the heck out of this other team and I just wasn't in the mood. I only went because my brothers wanted me to go and it was like my only day off work in a month and I just wanted to rest but I got dragged there. Since I was one of the only people not jumping up and down and screaming I felt this incredible resistance in me. I actually thought about how I was anchored in reality and they weren't and I was "still" and they weren't. But if I was still, why did I feel not still? So just for the heck of it I started jumping up and down and screaming like everyone else and all of my stuck feelings just went away. I started moving at the speed of my environment and guess what? I finally felt "still". I felt alright. The energy was finally moving through me instead of hitting me all over. This is probably not the best example of not resisting life but for me it's the most obvious.

[Recently I have experienced a big eye looking at me when meditating and when I am awake I feel very aware and am seeing everything as though it is a cardboard cut out with a light blue edge round it .
Has anyone else had this sort of experience?]

I think you're just seeing things 2 dimensionally temporarily and also seeing auras. The eye thing is a reflection of your own eye. During OBE's you project a probe of yourself (or a satelite) and in your case you've chosen the eye and I think you're just getting a glimpse of it.

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Hi Coldrayne,

Thanks for your helpful reply.
'What Is SFQ?'
SFQ is Spring Forest Qigong - Master Chunyi Lins version of medical Qigong from Learning Strategies.
It is an extremely good programme which really works on all levels and I cannot recommend it enough. I started it to get rid of pain which it did and I am progressing towards consciousness and hopefully enlightenment.
Love & light'

[This message has been edited by Faune (edited March 01, 2006).]

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In regards to "Reverse Engineering the Self":
What was it like and what prompted you to purchase that one...or is it the next logical step after the Foundation Set?
For what reason(s) do you dislike it?

I just finished reading Ask and it is Given.
LOVED it. I was wondering if you had read their latest book and how does it expand on the first.

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