, you are very correct about Win. I could tell just by listening to his voice that he is a kind and generous man. So, i too feel badly about mentioning it. I really did so in order to hopefully influence LS in the future.
No actors and Paul's voice. Why not use Dana's voice. We all know and like his voice.
I agree w/ you that the imagery Win used was not workable for me--i substituted smells and feelings i am familiar w/ as he spoke.
Unfortunately, in those situations, it's practically hypnogogic, so I don't realize it until it's over.
How very interesting b/c i am the same way. From the time i purchased my micro tape recorder till even now, i am too deep. I sound like i'm half asleep and yawning all the time. Maybe i need to count up some when i get like that. Not all the way but up to 3.
I'm more used to image streaming from walking the dogs and talking to myself. I can image stream very nicely when i just walk along talking to myself out loud.
You know we can image stream for problems w/o going into all that imagery. Just start talking and let your mind go where it will w/ detailed description. When it's over, just get a feel for different areas that hit you.
L. Day's book, Practical Intuition calls for lots of image streaming. I have a whole setup for her stuff that works well for me. I now include the tape recorder. If you want to take your IS to another level, use her book. It definitely will support IM as it is taught in GC.
good luck