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Hello - Hi I was wondering if anyone here has heard of Subliminal Dynamics & Brain Management by Richard Welch. I hear that Paul Scheele, and Pete Bissonette have taken his course and derived the photoreading techniques from Welch's course. Thank you very much.
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Please advise. I am only able to find one referense to this and its in German. Nothing found on amazon.com. Where could I find a copy of that book? BlkWolf
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Regarding Richard Welch. He is definitely one of the innovators of "mentally photographing" printed materials, the idea has been around for over a century. But, he is absolutely not the inventor of it nor is he the inventor of PhotoReading. I mention this because we have learned he has promoted his seminar as the "PhotoReading" seminar in Australia. The input process of the two systems where you "mentally photograph" the printed page are very similar. The differences lie in 1) methods of teaching people to use and integrate the system, and 2) "Activation" techniques. These activate information into the conscious mind so that you can more readily use the information. Their course relies on spontaneous activation--"Keep at it and eventually it will happen." Unfortunately, that is not practical in today's information-based world. PhotoReading goes further by giving you tools to access and utilize the information, so you can get the comprehension you need in the time you have to work with. PhotoReading is a practical, systematic way to increasing your reading speed, comprehension, retention significantly. There is a satisfaction guarantee and free coaching support for assistance along the way as you develop your skill. Every aspect of PhotoReading is detailed in our easy-to-read book "The PhotoReading Whole Mind System." There are no "secrets." Most people find PhotoReading more thorough and more practical.
[This message has been edited by Dana Hanson (edited July 17, 2001).]
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I have looked at both courses, and will most probably give photoreading a shot. The thing that persuaded me not to go for the course available at subdyn.com though, was the fact that they are trying to put down Paul Scheele and LSC on their website. It's like, "oh Paul Scheele, he did our course, he didn't develop this, we taught him,his course is no good, we know some people who think it's no good, our course is really good, at least compared to his **** course, his course is just a really plain course on study techniques, really, that's what I've heard, we've heard nasty things about his friends too, his company is reaaaaalllly uncool.... .... ..... ....... ...." Well, it goes a bit like that, anyway. Subliminal Dynamics might have a great course. But with that they blew the chances of having yours truly as a customer. It's marketing for dickheads, maybe they should photoread, sorry, mentally photograph a few books on proper marketing techniques. If they already have, well, that's another good reason not to buy their course.
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quote: Originally posted by Johnson Brasil: I have looked at both courses, and will most probably give photoreading a shot. The thing that persuaded me not to go for the course available at subdyn.com though, was the fact that they are trying to put down Paul Scheele and LSC on their website. It's like, "oh Paul Scheele, he did our course, he didn't develop this, we taught him,his course is no good, we know some people who think it's no good, our course is really good, at least compared to his **** course, his course is just a really plain course on study techniques, really, that's what I've heard, we've heard nasty things about his friends too, his company is reaaaaalllly uncool.... .... ..... ....... ...." Well, it goes a bit like that, anyway. Subliminal Dynamics might have a great course. But with that they blew the chances of having yours truly as a customer. It's marketing for dickheads, maybe they should photoread, sorry, mentally photograph a few books on proper marketing techniques. If they already have, well, that's another good reason not to buy their course.
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I looked at their (SUbDynamic) site for a while and didn't see anything about a guarantee and I emailed them about it because a friend of mine (who read the PR book) wanted to try it but they didn't get back to me about the guarantee and that probably means they ain't got one. What does that tell you? I also emailed LearningStrategies about it and Paul emailed me back explaining the differences in the courses while not saying anything negative about Subliminal Dynamics which was cool. Plus if you want to learn PR thru a book at first you have that option. SubDyn only has that $400 course. I would never have plunked down the $$$ for the PR course without reading about it first. I also want to add that SUbDyn is claiming on their site that they have students comming up with 100% comprehension! Paul doesn't even claim to have that kind of comprehension. [This message has been edited by Andy030 (edited September 26, 2001).]
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so i guess this subliminal thing is hogus bogus, cause honestly when i called the lady over the phone, she said "100% comprehension, 100% retention". but i guess if they just rely on spontaneous activation, then it doesnt really work (or rahter, it's not really new per se and much different than PR (since it seems like the PR step is wat they're doin).. aite, coo' hey andy, mind forwarding me that reply from Paul? ahdy2000@hotmail.com thx ahdy
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p.s they do have a refund, but it's something like 25% less for "restocking" and even that sounded sketchy
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I emailed it to you and I'll post it here for everyone. I emailed LearnStrat and told them a friend of mine was going to buy the "other" course and I wanted him to get PR instead and basically asked "if you know, what are the differences in the courses?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Andy, Thanks for your note. Here is what I tell people about the comparison between PhotoReading and Subliminal Dynamics. At one time I promoted Richard Welch and the Subliminal Dynamics program to several classes full of my clients. My hat is tipped to him in my PhotoReading book for suggesting the concept of subliminal perception as a tool for reading. In truth, he now uses my name without permission in an attempt to bring credibility to a system of his that I do not feel delivers the promised result. I cannot endorse nor recommend in any way that you invest in the Subliminal Dynamics home study course. My work diverges from his in three major ways. 1) The key is not subliminal perception. The key is the brain's capacity for preconscious processing. I've spent my years developing a protocol to capture this capacity and put it reliably in the hands of our clients. (Reference the work of N.F. Dixon from England, and P. Lewicki at Tulsa University, Oklahoma). 2) Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the basis for our techniques of putting folks in contact with the resources of the nonconscious data storage systems of the brain for activation and recall. 3) Accelerative, brain-based teaching and learning are essential in the design and delivery of our programs, including the design of the book. If you are interested in a home study course, the PhotoReading Personal Learning Course is an excellent addition and support to the live PhotoReading course. If you attended a course from a Learning Strategies Corporation certified PhotoReading instructor, you will be eligible for a discount on the purchase of the home study course. Also the new 3rd edition of the PhotoReading book contains a number of additions to the Activation chapter that you might find valuable. Andy, your friend should feel free to call us here and ask any questions he wants. We guarantee his satisfaction with our course. -- Sincerely,
Paul R. Scheele Chairman
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Here is a reply from a person who tried subliminal dynamics and photoreading. SDStudent ___________________________________________ To All, I am currently going through the Richard Welch Subliminal Dynamics and Brain Management study course. It cost $417.00 so I split the cost with a friend. I find it better than Photoreading and I can see where Paul Scheele got a lot of his techniques from. On day 4 of the course they have you Mentally Photograph (their term) upside down and backwards the book The Pearl by John Steinbeck 3 times in a row. I have never "read" the book. After photographing the book you then immediately, no 24 hour delay, take a comprehension test. There are 3 sections on this test: True/False, Multiple Choice, and Fill-In the Blank. Statistically speaking you will get 40% correct on T/F, 20% correct on MC, and 0% correct on Fill-In if you have never read the book before. These numbers come from the National Testing Institute. There are 33 T/F, 10 MC, and 7 Fill-In the Blank. My score on this test was 60%. I got a total of 30 questions correct out of a possible 50. Here is a breakdown of my individual scores: out 33 T/F I got 20 correct (60%), out of 10 for the MC I got 5 correct(50%), out of 7 for the Fill-In I got 5 correct(72%). In all 3 areas I scored higher than the average. Of the ones I did get wrong half of those were due not to a wrong answer but to my conscious mind discounting what my subconscious told me to write down. My actual score if I had listened to my subconscious would be 80% or higher. After reading the Photoreading Whole Mind System book and going through only day 4 of the course so far (3 days left) I find it superior to Photoreading. You are suppose to retake the test after you do some activation techniques. I expect after this my comprehension will be above 90%. The Welch system is very simple. There are exercises you must do on a day-to-day basis. After 30 days the system is locked in. It also gives the Einstein Distraction Index drill and I am curious as to what my focus and concetration time limit are. Einstein's was 42 minutes at a time. Using the Welch method Image Streaming becomes an activation method. So not only do you get an increase of IQ by 10 points for every 11 hours of Image Streaming but you get fantastic recall and comprehension. Also one of the exercises they have you do is a peripheral eye exercise drill. This increases it to 220 degrees. You are awareness becomes phenomenal of things going on around you. After you go through day 4 the recommend you photograph and activate about 10 books a day including a daily dictionary drill. The recommend using Positive Motivational Books. They also give techniques for reprogramming the subconscious, entering the Alpha State, using beta, alpha, theta, and delta together, and a manifestation technique that is supposed to manifest your wants in 48 hours. I have 24 hours left. It takes a couple of times to get it right though. But once you learn it alleges that your wants you program for will manifest themselves. I'll wait and see on that. If anyone else has taken the course please let me know. Chris Thomas Now to the main point of this. Has anyone else out there taken the Richard Welch Subliminal Dynamics Course? I have completed the course and I am beginning my 30 days of wiring it in. If anyone else has taken it what were the results of it? The mixing of the relaxation technique with Image Streaming is producing some unusual results. First you photograph books on the subject you wish to know and then you Image Stream to bring the knowledge of the subject to conscious awareness. After a while your Image Sream gets ahead of your words. The images begin to hit you faster and stronger than normal. My Image Stream has primarily become a problem solving tool. I am keeping records of this for the entire 30-day period and will post them when I am done. The areas that I will be keeping records in are the following: Increased Awareness, Difference in Perception, Increased & Detailed Peripheral Vision, Intuition (Premonitions), More Confidence, Higher Intensity of Colors, More Detailed Visual Clarity, Higher Energy Levels, Decreased Stress Levels, Better Organization, Sleep Cycles, Image Streaming Records, Alpha Level Programming Results, Problem Solving Abilities, Language Acquisition and Ability, and Comprehension of New Science Material. My goal for the next 3 months is to learn Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Mathematics to the 400+ level (I am now at the 200 and 300 levels), learn Hebrew, Koine Greek, Spanish, Swedish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, and Quechua (Incan Language), Wing Tsun, ZuiJuiQuan, Uechi Ryu, and Kempo. They claim others have been able to master such a variety of subjects in a similar period of time. We will see. To give everyone an idea of what the Richard Welch course does can best be describe by calling it the wetware version of the loader program in the movie The Matrix. Chris