Tony---Don't use their web address, b/c they are very unresponsive. I don't think they much like the web actually. Go to for their site. Here is the phone stuff:
Phone: (956) 722-6391, Fax (956) 722-7532
Toll Free: 1-800-545-6463
I also like these books: The little blue one that is by Jose Silva--The Silva Method of Mind Control...& Silva Method for the 90's. His little booklet on Goals is excellent as is You the Healer. When you buy them from Laredo, they are pretty cheap. I even think they would send stuff world-wide very cheaply. I'm serious. They are NOT in it for the $$$$.
All this modern stuff finds roots in Silva. The thing about Silva is the 1-2-3 & 5-10-15. This is major stuff here w/ his concept of good--very good--excellent. Noone could copy this b/c it's so major to Jose Silva. But, beyond this, it is the one MOST helpful practice to implement in our lives.
Tracy, well, i hope you are not someone from that old CRI df
One of the reasons i stopped commenting there was b/c they actually had the nerve to complain & ridicule me for doing all the stuff i do. Hey, guess what...there is a very old saying: You want something done---give it to a busy person. 
I lead a very busy life for someone my age. I have a job that requires me to work approx.9 hrs a day & now i'm working every other weekend for 2nd quarter. I have a large house to take care of...mowing, leaves, painting. I was on the roof checking the special gutter guards i had installed, had to dig out the trench, get the generator working & then go to work.
I lead a very busy life, but i still made time to go to Germany in April and will be going off to India in July.
I am now studying Robert Moss and his shamanistic practices b/c this is also intuition. I am very much into intuition at this stage and being guided so to speak. Conscious dreaming is also intuition.
So what's my secret? The actual techniques i do are the secret. My intent is my secret. I can shift my energy when i need to. I already know via experience that time/space is more ideational than quantitative. I go to level 3 times a day to check out stuff and rearrange stuff as the need arises. I can PhR and get what i need from books quickly. I can maintain an alpha bw when needed via trigger techniques that i anchor.
I do holosync usually around 1-3a.m. I get up around 11pm. It's really very satisfying and exciting to meet challenges. Trust me when i say---i spent most of my life running away from challenges and a full life out of fear. I have learned the hard long way. But i use this to help others. LS, CRI and Silva have changed all that.
I hope to add one more thing to my mix and that is working w/ high school students as a consultant in accelerated learning techniques. I have a certain amount of resistance to knocking on doors. I like my privacy too darn much. Any time i go public, people just won't leave me alone. I have to learn to be more giving of myself. 
I am not neurotically busy though. I was neurotically busy at one point in my life, so i know the difference. Things are just falling into place. I cover a lot of territory during my dreaming, which many people don't take advantage of. So that also saves does holosync.
And i forgot to add that eventually i will add Spring Forrest Qigong. I did it for awhile and liked it very much. But it was too much for me. I tried doing it in the morning and before doing holosync & it just didn't fit in. I hope some day to meet Chunyi Lin.
[This message has been edited by Margaret (edited May 29, 2002).]