Thanks for your reply.
I've been studying and reading the Bible for a long time. I've studied very carefully the things in the Bible. I possess starling archeological discoveries, historical evidence about Jesus Christ, AND SCIENTIFIC PROOF THAT THE BIBLE IS ACCURATE. If you'd like to get a hold of those things, please let me know. My email address is
You sound like a very intelligent person, so I will speak to you logically. You know there is a universe. Right? It must have been caused by something beyond itself. Right and why? Do you agree/accept the law of causality, which says that every limited thing is caused by something other than itself. Do you agree the universe is limited in that it had a beginning and that its beginning was caused by something beyond the universe. It can be stated this way: 1. The universe had a beginning. 2. Anything that has a beginning must have been caused by something else. 3. Therefore, the universe was caused by something else, and this cause was God. Please consider and think about that. Now let's move on. All designs imply a designer. Right? There is a great design in the universe. Of course, right? Therefore, there must be a Great designer of the universe.
Futhermore, since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly and being understood from what has been made. Creation proves not only that God exists, but that he has power. Only a God with incredible power could create and sustain the whole universe. His energy would have to be greater than all the energy that was ever available in the whole creation, for he not only caused all things, he holds them together and keeps them in existence and still sustains his own existence. That is more power than we can imagine.
Let me get to the main point.During all recorded human history, there has never been a substantiated case of a living thing being produced from anything other than another living thing.
As yet, Evolutionism has not produced a scientifically credible explanation for the origin of such immense complexities as DNA, the human brain, and many other complex elements of the cosmos.
It is highly premature for materialists to claim that all living things evolved into existence, when science has yet to discover how even one protein molecule could actually have come into existence by natural processes.
There is no scientific proof that life did (or ever could) evolve into existence from non-living matter. Further, there is substantial evidence that spontaneous generation is impossible. Only DNA is known to produce DNA. No chemical interaction of molecules has even come close to producing this ultra-complex code which is so essential to all known life.
Nevertheless, unless you see signs and wonders you probably will not believe. Jesus said, "No one can come to Me unless the Father(God) draws him." In other words, "no one can come to Jesus unless it has been granted to him by God."
Know this: While Christianity is often termed a religion by unbelievers or carnal people, it is better defined as a relationship. A true Christian is not one simply because he says he is, or because he attends a Christian church, or is part of a Christian denomination, or because he sings in a choir, or gives money to the church, or because he is an ordained elder, minister, or denominational leader.
A true Christian or true Christianity may be defined as an intimate, personal, obedient, love relationship with the Jesus Christ of the Bible, which is a result of understanding God’s Word through the work of the Holy Spirit. This results from an acknowledgement of sin, then true repentance toward God, humbling and denying oneself, becoming childlike toward God, His Word and correction, and through childlike-faith placing one’s trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and their only hope of salvation. The result of this is the new birth.
In closing, Jesus Christ died a horrible death so that you/all can have forgiveness of all your sins, no matter how bad they are. A person never needs to go to hell, if they receive, by faith, the forgiveness and love that God offers through Jesus Christ, His Son. This is an offer God gives you. So, if you are willing to repent (turn away) from all willful sin, then be willing to ask God for His help, to help you make that change. "After" we believe on Jesus Christ, "after" we have repented of our sins, we are commanded to be baptized by full immersion in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. It is written, HE THAT BELIEVETH AND IS BAPTIZED SHALL BE SAVED; BUT HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT SHALL BE DAMNED-Mk 16:16. Note, believing on Jesus comes "before" water baptism. Baptism prior to repenting and believing on Jesus has no meaning. You cannot be baptized into One whom you do not believe on. It is written, FOR AS MANY OF YOU AS HAVE BEEN BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST HAVE PUT ON CHRIST-Gal 3:27. Water baptism is by full immersion. As it is written, BURIED WITH HIM (with Jesus) IN BAPTISM (or buried in the water)-Col 2:12. WE ARE BURIED WITH HIM (with Jesus) BY BAPTISM (or buried by water)-Ro 6:4. Once we are "in Christ" the past is gone and be become a new person.
Love in Christ, (Have a wonderful day!)
Logan C. Edens
P.S. Please feel free to ask me questions and to go in greater detail.