i understand what you're saying, but this has nothing to do with jujitsu. Jujitsu relies on little strength. im weak, but using the technique i learn, i can beat a 200 lb (IN MUSCLE) guy, if he uses strength and not technique. hes in my class but i can easily do the judo throws and pressure points needed for the self defense techniques. also, you can completely control how much you want to hurt the person, and the sensei doesnt teach any killing moves at all. he teaches how to control the person using pressure points and joint manipulation, you can control a huge guy, and choose wether to let them up completely unhurt, or break an arm(if they present a danger to you). if someone attacks with a club or knife or gun, he teaches to slice an area that will not lead to a lethal blood loss, or to hit them with the club or gun. 3 reasons to take jujitsu:
1. Control the person no matter how big and strong they are.
2. Choose to hurt them or not to hurt them, we don't use punches or kicks.
3. The 10% minority might attack you someday, do you want to risk it?
Alright I dont want to turn this into a jujitsu promotion thread, lol. but its worth trying out, you will be impressed if you try it. the class fee where i go is $40/month, and the yearly fee for the national organization is only $20. much cheaper than other arts, even though it works much better.