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My thoughts on fighting:

Out of coincidence, I did spar with a gymnast (who was in far superior conditiong than I was) and I got him in both locks you mentioned (arm bar and choke) as well as an ankle lock.

I don't believe in just grappling, however. There are three divisions of fighting:

Grappling or ground fighting
Takedowns or "shootfighting"

In order to beat someone in a fight, you need to be better at two of those divisions than your opponent is. For example, if you fight someone who is INSANELY good at grappling, but you're far superior to him at takedowns and striking, you WILL win, because your experience with takedowns and shootfighting leaves him unable to get you to the ground. Ever try to takedown an experienced greco-roman style wrestler? It's friggen' impossible.

Let's say you're better at striking and grappling, but the wrestler is better at takedowns. Well, once you get to the ground he's yours, plus if you strike while on the ground, he'll be even more powerless.

Being better at takedowns and grappling while the other is good at only striking has an outcome easily noticed in the early UFC fights.

That said, I firmly, firmly believe that size DOES matter. If you have infinitely better skill than the opponent, then yes, you'll beat him, but compare the struggle if your opponent is either a 90 pound weakling and a 200 pound body builder. There's a big difference.

Also, if you get in a real fight, you're going to get hit, unless you're a character out of a Steven Seagal movie. Taking a punch from a 190 pound guy (even if he throws some garbagey "haymaker" at you) with a bareknuckle between your nose and your upper lip would floor Hercules on every possible steroid imaginable. Punches hurt, and punches from bigger people hurt even more.

I've done it all fighting wise, and lemme say that if an intermediate grappler goes up against Mike Tyson, my money's on Iron Mike.

Mark, strength matters, I agree strongly. I also firmly believe in stabalizing muscle strength against what you called lab strength. Check out for some great ways to build this kind of strength.

But I will easily say that locks work. If you "lock" an armbar, the arm is as good as broken. I will concede however, that contrary to what many people think, people can still fight with a broken arm, ESPECIALLY in a real fight, where adrenaline flows through your body like a firehose. Consider that in medieval times, there are countless stories of soldiers continuing to fight and kill people despite having a leg chopped off. Locks work, but getting a lock doesn't mean you definately won. It means you "won" the lock.

I agree with your MA philosophy, which is being able to beat 90 percent of all living people is probably enough. It's a reason why I'm not as into MA as I used to be. I teach "streetfighting" which involves the application and defense of groin strikes, biting, headbutts, and a heavy regimen of learning to spot and use nearby weapons. There's such a thing as a fair "match", but there's NO such thing as a fair "fight".

I say this to point out that while I can safely say my fighting ability is above par, I go absolutely NOWHERE without pepper spray on my belt. All that martial arts stuff is like a back up of a backup; I am religious about pepper spray, however.

Pepper spray is better than a stun gun because you can use it from farther away. Contrary to popular believe, pepper spray works on the mentally deranged as well as people on pain killers. Pepper spray is non-lethal, and pepper spray leaves a nice UV dye so cops can spot the guy if they catch him.

I've seen people, men and women take a tazer full blast and keep advancing to the victim. I've never seen someone withstand a GOOD pepper spray.

Great pepper spray site:

Plus pepper spray is small, fits in a pocket. It's a "win a fight for free" card.

And THAT said, fleeing is always the best response. That and giving in. If a guy pulls out a knife and asks for my wallet, there's a good chance I could kill him. But I wouldn't. I'd give him my wallet. In one class, a student asked me what to in a situation like "this" and he pulled one of our sparring knives and said, "Gimme the keys to your car."

I said, "You aim your arm down towards yor pocket and give him the keys." The car isn't worth losing a life, whether it's yours OR someone else's, even if that person is a scumbag.

Sorry for the rant, but I just felt like ranting. I also apologize for digressing.

We now return to how stupid "Reading Genius" is.


[This message has been edited by razordu30 (edited September 09, 2002).]

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Ramon, luved your rant and the way you think.

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What you discribed seems alot like the style of Jui-Jitsu that I study, "Can-Ryu". We are taught that this is not a sport... but a self defense MA. Groin strikes, biting, using car keys or anything else we can find is perfectly ok. The name of the game is to live, unharmed while at the same time causing only enough (damage, or pain) on our attacker as necessary.

Where I disagree with you is on size.I am 6' about 210 lbs, my daughter is about 5'6 and half my size, but she can throw me, use a lock on me and when I get on top of her, she can can very effectively remove me

Technique is the key.

PS. We are taught to never hit someone with a fist, the human head is 40 times stronger than a brick and all you will do is hurt your hand or get your attacker angrier. Open open strikes...rattle his head like jello in a bucket, palm strike him in is nose, finger strikes to his eyes,slap his ears causing the ear drum to rupture, jugular notch take down, or other pressure points.

But you are right...this has nothing to do with the topic

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Thank you Ramon, for your thoughts and the links.

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Originally posted by MarkP4:
I'd love to but I already read faster than Iron Maiden Eddy. That's one of the reasons I returned it.

RG routinely goes for over $150 on ebay and all he has to do is say that he doesn't think it works and it will still sell.

I sold some Kenpo Karate tapes a couple years ago that I almost got full price out of and I even said I flat out don't believe in Kenpo Karate as a self defense method but that's just my opinion and people wanted them anyway.

I also sold a Pandora Box Guitar Processor and I said I think the sound sucks and it's too digital and I still had 6 bids.

MegaSpeedreading is on there for $10, now that is a scam.

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I don't think Howard's program is a scam even though it promises a whole lot more than it actually delivers. I have actually attended Howard Berg's seminar at the Learning Annex in New York. Needless to say it was a "live" infomercial to sell his program. He got ****ed off when someone questioned his claims and I was taken aback by this because the guy claims to be a teacher. Nevertheless I find Howard's speed reading techniques recycled from Evelyn Wood and nicely packaged up and claimed as his own. I did like Howard's Mega-Math program though - it is full of calculation techniques that you can wow your friends with and facilitate calculations in your head

All in all It was amusing to hear him say Photoreading was a scam because all the claims he said photoreading made are infact claims made by him.



Originally posted by MarkP4:
I'd love to but I already read faster than Iron Maiden Eddy. That's one of the reasons I returned it.

RG routinely goes for over $150 on ebay and all he has to do is say that he doesn't think it works and it will still sell.

I sold some Kenpo Karate tapes a couple years ago that I almost got full price out of and I even said I flat out don't believe in Kenpo Karate as a self defense method but that's just my opinion and people wanted them anyway.

I also sold a Pandora Box Guitar Processor and I said I think the sound sucks and it's too digital and I still had 6 bids.

MegaSpeedreading is on there for $10, now that is a scam.

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Is there anything from Reading Genius that can be incorporated for PR? There must be something useful? Something that might help....

About self-defence...My goal in self-defence situations is survival, ideally by escape. Real fights are ugly, brutal and short.

There's so many variables in real fights, ie armed plural assailants, hard surfaces etc.

I have to go to court again next week to find out my punishment for 4 offences. I pleaded guilty almost two weeks ago and the court is seriously considering a prison sentence for me. I dunno for how long. Maximum I've been told would be 1 whole year. It really sucks. Just when I'm due to start first year at university this monday coming. Man, I've been feeling really stressed out for the last few months. My family doesn't even know about this. I don't even know if I'll get through this. Right now I'm living with fear and hope. I just want to get the court hearing over with. I'm hoping they'll give me a lenient punishment, like community servise instead.

Fighting really sucks.....I'll rather spar full-contact during training or compete for MMA.

For self-defence, do only enough so that I'll get any good oppurtinity for a likely escape..

The most practical martial art IMO would be a martial art which will enable one to improvise and innovate during conflicts (create techniques when you need them). No 'if opponent(s) attacks with X, you must use technique Y)' kinda methodology. Use principles and concepts instead to create techniques. This will take a lot of exploration and training, but it'll be worth it in the long run. You'll be more adaptable.

Currently I'm only teaching myself from videos. I've found that from , they've got good videos. Currently I have FLOW-FIGHTING, FLOW STATE PERFORMANCE SPIRAL, SHOCK-ABILITY, FISTICUFFS, LEG FENCING, IOUF, ARTHROKINETICS, GROUND SURIVAL and GRAPPLERS' TOOLBOX, when combined all good for self-defence, that's if you're willing to explore the material and use a lot of thought work as well as consistent traing.

I used to do a bit of Boxing and BJJ in the past and I rate these highly as well.

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I don't know anything about Reading Genius.

As far as fighting goes, I also recommend watching the Hostile Control Systems tapes found at Jerry Peterson is a bit of a psycho and the stuff he shows is just plain grisly (and I mean GRISLY as in watching someone's head get run over by a car), it's all hardcore and you'd probably go straight to jail for even trying anything he says to do but if you want to know how to fight you can do a lot worse than HCS.

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Crazy Eddy never had anything with RG. Sorry, but PR just doesn't need anything from RG. Anything added MAY make it better in some cases, but still - the system the way it is now is the most practical way it could be presented I've seen.

And Mtt - I would tell your friends and family. It ought to be worse should they find out when it happens. Perhaps they could even help you.


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I'm very familiar with Matt Furey as well as a bunch of other non-mainstream stuff. I feel the same way about pepperspray. I saw someone hold off a room full of people with it once.

I'm not into MA that much anymore either. It's an ungodly huge business and everyone fights about who's the best and even if you win the UFC, you gotta fight again and again and again. There are still people challenging Helio Gracie, I mean when is enough enough? What is the point where you've proved you're good/better/best? There is no point. Wait a minute, there is but they keep moving it out of your reach so you constantly have to fight or train or buy tapes.

Even those that sell good tapes milk you to death and only give you a little bit in exchange for $70 or more and then they come out with more and more and more and more. It's endless, it's stupid and it's almost more cost effective to just hand over your wallet and car everytime the muggers want it because it will either (in the end) cost the same or less money than what you'll pay in terms of time and money doing MA.

Here's where people jump in with, "What about defending your family?" Here's where the rule of 90% comes in. If an ex navy seal with a black belt in BJJ wants to kill me and everyone I know, what am I going to do? I'll use the Blanka shock attack or throw a "Aboomsh*t" fireball at him?

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