Yeah, I'll be meeting Sonnon probably in a few weeks, and hopefully working out with him throughout the summer.
I had a few more insights on ROSS and Learning Strategies corp.
1. LSC focuses on allowing one to reclaim his natural ability to learn. ROSS teaches you to reclaim your natural movement, breathing, and fighting ability.
2. LSC and ROSS both take advantage of pre-conscious processing to allow for rapid processing of sensory inputs.
3. ROSS is not a style of martial arts with set movements or patterns. It is a SYSTEM based upon harnessing your natural instincts, insights, and inclinations. The PR Whole Mind System is about harnessing your natural ability to learn through a flexible SYSTEM. Nothing is set in either, you establish your methods through practice.
4. Enthusiasm and a positive attitude are important in both PR and ROSS. They say "it isn't ROSS if you're not laughing." It is much more playful than traditional MA.
5. A relaxed state of alertness is emphasized in both systems. PR and ROSS are two different applications of Flow State Performance.
6. Explore the materials and FIND YOUR OWN insights and connections between ROSS and PRWMS, THIS is what it is all about.
Keep in mind that I'm still a beginner in both systems, so forgive me if I am making some mistakes. My ability to recover from my mistakes is the ultimate determinant of my progress. Hey, another connection!!
Mtt, enjoy your new videos, I don't have IOUF, Shock-Ability or Arthrokinetics. So I hope you enjoy them.
I'm going to let Scott know about this thread. Maybe he'll weigh in. Be sure to check out his forum and read through the archives, it's a treasure trove of great info.
Mtt, send me an e-mail at and anyone else who is interested in ROSS products.
[This message has been edited by tylerhasselhoff (edited April 26, 2002).]