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#4275 05/01/02 10:49 PM
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I can´t believe it. I have been looking for exactly this topic for 2 years now. When I heard about some studies concerning polyphasic sleep (in summer 2000) by a doctor who unfortunately couldn´t remember title, author, journal of the article. So I was looking for such a long time for well-documented articles how to get in sleep by "command" and waken up to shorten sleep time.
(sorry, guys, for my bad English, my last English lesson was in 1993 :-)). By the way, I am a medical student from Germany having a big state exam in 3 weeks!!!).

Now, I am so happy to have entered this forum. Please could someone explain how to geht in Theta sleep..... by using mind machines??? long does it take to learn going into Theta???
I would be very glad if someone could give me some answers.
Hope you all had a nice day. NOw it is past midnight in Europe but I think you have 6 more hours :-))

Greetings from Germany,


#4276 05/02/02 06:34 AM
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Your options are many. Mind machines, Training like PhotoReading and Silva Method... are handy if you want to do it yourself without tools. Using the paraliminals enhance deeper states. Number of cd's like voyager quest, holosync work well... learning meditation, deep breathing work too. Some cost others don't ... there are plenty of books on the subject too. Hey in germany check out the Audiostrobe cd... new age meditation even more fun with one of the LS machines german invention it seems. There is also the bwgen site... follow the dream site on the links page... theres a german download there for it.


#4277 05/03/02 01:28 PM
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Thank you Alex,

I will explore that webside. I think I will try a mind machine. Meditation is also fine, I meditate regularly, but I can´t get into Theta.
Have a nice day!

#4278 05/10/02 06:10 PM
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hi,sleep reduction is cool thing, I was a starcraft gamer about 2 years, wich made me not sleep often more than 2 days strait... it wasnt hard, the only thing wich was a bit bothering was the muscle *heavy feel* the next day after a sleepless night. Later I checked some websites about hypnosis etc. Hitting on Brain wave gen. I used default preset Learning Aid for stud.(6 hz Theta) about 3-4 hours a day after i came from school, while playing Starcraft broodwar, or learning (I am from Poland and most of the notes are only for memorized material, no thinking needed ,) I was used to memorize over 30 pages of history with dates after reading it once.
and the sleeping time dropped to about 4 hours, i didnt need to set my watch up, I was waking naturally, no problem.

Then I had holydays. I didnt use Bwgen at all. Now iam in Swizzerland (on exchange year), I had some spare time to read this forum, Saw some of Brians posts. And it started again:
With some paraliminals i discovered once that you can in a deep state take over the control of what u want to do, Brian once wrote smth like this "how powerfull image streaming would be in delta state" and he was right, first image streem is not a problem or difficultie of any kind in delta state, u just have it, second the images are just so vivid and bizzare wow really impressive! i strongly recommend to try... second:
ive made myself a cd with 9 mp3 paraliminals and what is pretty clear for me now, but wasnt some time ago if u listen to a paraliminal and at the end take control of it not leaving the state with the countdown just not hearing Pauls words and then start to hear next para. u will get a really deep state of mind. It is really powerfull, then i put ?togheter? down part of deep relaxion, down part of MemorySC. and middle of personal genious (few times) +midd of MSC +my own words recorded to two channells (in cool edit with brain wave synchronizer funktion -4hz and pink noise at 25% of volume )I made it for a Mathematiks test, my words were all about my subcousc. mind creating a BIG BIG BIG link with my cousc. and flooding ideas of how to do an exercise over this link. Ive heard it the mp3 before going on the test and i didnt spent a single second thinking about how to do this ? I just had the ideas in my Head.
after all 2 hours later I wasnt able to say what questions i had on the test (7 exercises.. )
Well i get 5 (1-6 grades 6 highest) beacuse of some mistakes, but all Ideas were good, most of the time it was writing error. Wich I think are happening because of focusing problems -->delta meditation instead of sleep
I used my home made paraliminal with changed rate to 1,5 hz. I was sleeping 3 hours from 22 to 1 and then i used paraliminal one hour before going to school
2 weeks long then (no problems with health) i changed my sleeping cycle back to normal because i was feeling a bit "slower" at sports and since i was training for local bike DS champs. I turned well normal again

If u live long let say on Delta The coolest thing is to go outside ! I will be able to notice so so so many things u didnt, the world will be like a new one, i will not do
unusefull thinking at all just enjoying the natur and things around you )) i LOve it...

Try using Brian new posted method u will love it, he wrote about projects, well I wasnt heaving any for some time and i used the Nap sleep cycle just so at night walking around in the city heaving fun breathing fresh air ) and i alsaw talked a lot with my colleague. It is fun I will soon start over a new 2 hour sleep cycle )
And ive got a question ..
Using paraliminals we can influence our brain to work in some way, would it be possible to use a some kind of advanced paraliminal to make the brain make more neuronal connections, or maybe growing the number of synapses to the maximum a Neuron can handle (i think it is 6 or 7 but iam not sure) it will be a way to hmm change hardware of your brain in software way ---> meaning OVerclocing ) °° It is able to influence the body functions so why not in a such direct way ?

Ok sorry for a Long post and thx for your feedback if I ll get any,
feel free to mail me about ur ideas ! it will be fun discuss with you
and one more thing
maybe we could make a live discussion over inet, using IRC or some sort of CHAT it wiil be fun !!
And hey Learning Strategies could put a chat on their site so we can share our knowlage and thinking more dynamicly --> well how was it called ? socratic method ?


#4279 10/28/02 04:39 AM
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What could possibly go wrong if I lived my entire life using this technique? (in theory)

Also, i used the idea of having a 4.5 hour sleep during the night, and 3 x 30 minute naps during the day, this gives me 6 hours of sleep a day, and eventually, I'll give my self 4 x 30 minute naps, and only 2.5 hours of core sleep, and so on...

Another neat strategy like this one, is one my dad used. He arranges his days into 28 hour days. Sleep for 8 hours, and stay awake for 20 hours, it was a neat idea, but I'm liking this other one alot better.

[This message has been edited by Cheevz (edited October 27, 2002).]

#4280 10/31/02 03:47 AM
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#4281 12/03/02 03:04 AM
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It's been awhile since anyone has posted here. Anyone successfully converted over to the Uberman sleep schedule?

Probing the links posted earlier, it seems not many people have long lasting success. One blog I came across ( ) was the only one who has been able to maintain it to date.

Has anyone had success with replacing the naps with a session of Deep Relaxation paraliminal, binaural beats, or even both?

Hopefully, I'll try it soon, but I've got a dentist appointment tomorrow, so maybe I'd better hold off. Don't want to fall asleep while getting a filling.

#4282 12/29/02 04:40 AM
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I've been lurking for awhile now and stumbled into this topic. Coincidentally, it's one I have recently begun to wonder about and seek more information on. I'd also be curious to know of any changes people have made, their comments and observations.

I've ordered the book "Why We Nap" by Claudio Stampi and am looking forward to reading it. I am thinking that I will implement some variation of this for myself.


#4283 01/01/03 05:02 PM
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Hi all,
In an ideal setting where you have extensive control of your time, I'm sure the 'true' Polyphasic sleep cycle can be utilized and maintained. I have tried and failed to maintain this cycle. But, not being one to throw in the towel, I have experimented with different sleep cycles during this time. The issue is the flexiblity of your own time to allocate the necessary 'nap' time during business hours is difficult.
I have adopted a sleep cycle that I have made to work for me.
Starting at 12 to 12:30 midnight, I sleep 3 1/2 to 4 hours. At 'bout 12:30 noon I take a 20 minute nap. Between 3:30 and 4:00 I take a 15 to 20 minute nap. Occasionally, if I feel a need for it, I take a 20 to 30 minute nap at 8:00 to 8:30 pm.
Total time between 4 to 5 hours of sleep a day. I found it EXTREMELY important to have things that I find VERY important to do during those time the rest of the household is asleep. YOU can be your worst adversary in adopting these sleep cycle changes....

#4284 01/03/03 09:15 AM
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I read the discussion on this topic a couple of months ago and decided to try the polyphasic sleep schedule.

At first I was taking the bulk 5-6 hour sleep and 2 naps and it was working out great for me. The usual affects: increased creativity and energy. Until trying the polyphasic sleep schedule, it had been some time since I've felt fuly rested after sleeping. I always had black bags under my eyes - no matter if I got 9 hours, 12 hours, or any amount of sleep. Then after 4 to 6 days of taking just two 20 minute naps and reducing my bulk sleep time from 8-9 hours to 5-6, the bags almost entirely disappeared.

The problem started when I got a bad cold. I couldn't continue the sleep schedule without getting a longer bulk sleep time. I tried three and four 20 minute naps with the 5-6 hour bulk sleep, but to no avail. So I took a couple days in a row of 8-9 bulk hour sleep on top of two 20 minute naps. That worked. I had to do that every 3 to 4 days while this really bad cold lasted two weeks.

I'm sure the sleep schedule had nothing to do with my difficulty of getting over the cold as many other people in my office had the cold and had a problem getting over it.

The problem with getting my sleep down again is forcing myself to get up after 5-6 hours. If I don't make sure to get up and get the muscles awake then I will go back to sleep and mess up my schedule.

I plan on reducing my bulk sleep to 1.5 to 2.5 at the most and taking three or four 20 minute naps at unevenly spaced out nap times (i.e. 7a.m., 10a.m., 2p.m., around 9p.m., and bulk sleep around 1a.m.). You have to make a conscious willed choice to get up. I had three alarms going at one time but sometimes wouldn't get up for 5 minutes after they started going off (particularly after my 5-6 bulk sleep time). That is, if I got up at all. When I made a conscious choice to get up 90% of the time I did get up.

Until I got sick my schedule was great and I was going to reduce my bulk sleep time. To address why it seems nobody has been successful on this board may be because of the times we allow ourselves to fail and hit the snooze or sleep right threw the alarm.

I'm sorry if this long post is a bit lengthy for some, but I just didn't want to see everybody get discouraged on the polyphasic sleep schedule because of a personal failure with it or others failures with it (like how I failed). Hey, I'm sure it wasn't even easy for all the great men in the past to stick to the schedule. I'm sure they were busy or occasionally weak willed and failed the schedule every once in a while. How much you want to bet they pushed themselves to stick to the schedule though.

[This message has been edited by jackassking (edited April 11, 2003).]

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