There are various energy channels in the body including two main ones: one that runs in the front of the torso and another in the back of the torso.
These two channels automatically connect each day following a regular cycle (11-1 at noon and 11-1 at midnight).
Practicing Qigong can help these channels connect any time during the day.
All of the other body's energy channels run through these channels making them vital for health and well-being. When the channels are connected, energy flows more freely.
The Spring Forest Qigong Personal Learning Course gets into this in more detail (and with elegance).
The body has two forms of energy: Yin and Yang. Problems occur when they are out of balance. Qigong helps to bring these energies into balance.
I forget which is which--and I am at home so I cannot look it up--but boiled water is one form and spring water is the other form. Drinking this highly balanced water helps balance the energies in your body.