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#49972 12/14/03 04:25 AM
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I was wondering if Qigong/Falun Dafa techniques can eliminate the darkness around the eyes...which are chronic and are either passed down or brought forth due to something from the past...

#49973 12/16/03 09:39 PM
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Thank you for asking this question. I also would like to know if there is a specific exercise of remedy for dark circles under my eyes. I am tired of people asking me if I have a black eye.

#49974 12/16/03 10:56 PM
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I don't know the effectiveness of Falun Dafa, but a daily practice involving oneself in a good qigong system can be very transformative. Whatever one's optimum potential is, whether physically or spiritually, a qigong system can help bring that into being. I have mentioned before, that people tend to come to something like this forum, or SFQ, with specific, isolated, manifested phyiscal issues. One should realize that you have to treat the whole you, not just the dark rings under your eyes. It doesn't work that way. You are composed of many connected parts, in different dimensions of self. You have a physical body, a multifaceted spirit, a soul, and experience emotions. A 'complete' qigong system can address you 'globally', and open up doors of self realization concerning your 'state of being', which is a sometimes used as a definition of qigong. You can look the best you can through qigong practice. You can maximize your potential. You can see your eyes,,,,what does your heart look like?

#49975 12/17/03 04:28 AM
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Falun Dafa will not help with your problem. I spent 3 1/2 years studying and practicing Falun Dafa and nothing else for that period of time. It has completely different goals. Go with more health-oriented styles of qigong such as SFQ.

According to TCM, dark circles around the eyes are due to kidney qi deficiency. Kidney qi is very important to cultivate in your qigong practice.

If you're not getting enough sleep, you should also consider going to bed earlier every night.

#49976 12/17/03 04:34 AM
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No, shr33m, it's not related to sleeping improperly. Thanks for bringing that cliche on the table though...

Regarding the kidney qi, I've heard of this before. I am very enlightened about the "treating the whole to treat the specific" philosophy and I have no doubt that it is anything but the whole truth, however, I'm going to seek Homeopathy first since I've heard they have cured this "specific" concern with great success. They'll probably go towards the kidney issue. I will begin to learn more about Qigong of course, but I've dedicated myself into learning Falun Dafa (Gong) first and then I will spread my wings.

#49977 12/17/03 06:33 AM
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Homeopathy is an energy modality that seeks to treat the whole person by correcting the imbalances that caused the undesirable condition. It is necessary to identify some substance that will cause the same symptoms and to create the homeopathic remedy by using extremely small amounts of that substance through succussion, or iterative shaking.

This is an energy modality because the resultant remedy has no measurable trace of the original substance. It has taken on the energy signature of the original substance. Since like is used to cure like, it is important to find a material that causes the exact same symptoms in your particular case. I've used devices that duplicate this energy signature electronically without the arduous process of succussion. The Eastern (India) parallel of this method is found in Sanjeevini healing based on yantras and mantras of creating remedies for treating specific conditions.

Of course, homeopathy is just one of many energy healing modalities and you may end up exploring some others.

[This message has been edited by shr33m (edited December 17, 2003).]

#49978 12/17/03 03:06 PM
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Hi Blackbox:
Please pardon my ignorance, but I have never heard of Falun Dafa, so cannot speak to its effectiveness. (For knowledge's sake, I will look it up and see what it is about.) What I can attest to is that SFQ has been in every way a transforming experience for me. I am so much more aware of myself as a "total" person. I now take much better care of my whole package -- body, mind, and spirit. I feel better, I think better, and just "am" better. I attribute it to my SFQ practice.
Love and peace.

#49979 12/18/03 06:23 AM
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Hi Starfish,
You are far from ignorant. Always feel totally comfortable with what you know, and are learning from SFQ. You are not missing out on anything, not knowing specifically about Falun Dafa. There are many different qigong systems out there. There is only one truth behind all this, and you are connecting to it through your practice of SFQ. Don't ever hesitate to contribute, you know more than most, as there are not many qigong systems that hold the possible accomplishment found in Spring Forest. Your example of humility and sharing of experience is refreshing.
It seems you came here with choices already made. I wish you success on your path. I hear you say you are 'highly enlightened' about the wholeness/connectness deal, so please excuse my rehashing here.. With a blockage, like darkness under the eyes, there is a pathway to where it came from,,,the cause or source. 'Usually', the source is not physical. The physical aspects though, lead one towards the source, and the source is easier realized, sitting in a healthy body, or having the experience of getting to a healthy body through a practice like qigong. TCM is a valuable resource in moving along this pathway. Your actual kidneys might not be the 'source', but they are involved. If TCM wisdom connects that manifestation to the kidneys, as shr33m offered, you should take that as useful information, regarding an approach,,,,not necessarily the whole answer, an approach, an element involved.. Kidney, in the TCM , or Five Element Theory, entails alot of information that might hold keys to insightful realizatons. Working on a physical level is one way, or starting point to getting somewhere. Sometimes you hear the analogy of peeling an onion, as far as ones selfwork or selfhealing goes. Perhaps you are looking for the source or answer first. This certainly seems ok to me, but you might as well take care of some of the top layers while you seek this specific answer. I have found, through doing healing work, that once a person is clear physically, holds that level, and pursues inactive qigong or meditation, answers come. The system works.
Again, blessing to you on your path.

#49980 12/17/03 09:57 PM
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You people never seem to fail to intrigue me with your insights. Salute.

I've been spending so much lately, getting the materials for the techniques and I would have already gotten SFQ, however the price is just way over my head currently, as I feel most LSC products are. I'll have to end up either choosing a Qigong alternative (book or video) or wait until I can afford to get the $200+ version of Spring Forest here. I'm sure quality is equivalent to the price.

I'm very sure I will be a Qigong practioner soon regardless. Would you guys like to give me any other sources (books or videos) which I could use to learn Qigong in the meanwhile to help remedy all of the above, and enlighten me to the methods of replenishing my Qi deficiencies.

I will be running for President of my student government at my University and I will be implementing University Clubs for these practices, including Photoreading, etc, and if I am successful, these practices will become second nature at post-secondary institutes. At my University, we have a half-million dollar budget to be used every year, so I will be seeking to buy mass-quantities of LSC products in the near future (god-willing).

Anyways, that said, I've seen so many things on the internet lately...some herbal products that will replenish the qi-deficiencies (very cautious about these things) and came across books and videos regarding Qigong, but there are so many things out there and I would like it very much if you all could direct me to the best place, book, video, etc...

Thank you.

#49981 12/18/03 06:07 AM
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Hehe, that's more like it, but anything for under 50? The only reason for this is because I'm visiting my family in Vancouver and I couldn't help but buy too much for my family (presents)...since learning all these things, I'm very sentimental and I just wanted to get them a lot of things since they always just give to others and never get back anything in return. I was a spoiled child, I didn't realize the precious things of life that I don't take for granted now.

Anyways, I've been charging everything to credit card and I'm not sure if I have enough credit left for 125 but I wanted to put it on anything...maybe I'll just go ahead and get that, but let me know if there are any other alternative methods.

(Thanks for your help btw, I wish I was in a better financial situation so I could buy the whole LSC package, but there's always tommorow )


#49982 12/18/03 12:24 PM
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BlackBox, you have made a decision to venture into something that may very well transform you body mind and soul. You could also consider that the work you do internally for yourself will be a gift to others for as you shift and grow you will affect those around you in a positive way. Through inspiration you may spark interest in them to pursue and commit on there own to a better well being through Qigong.

It sound to me that you have not fully committed to Falun Gung. If not then you may want to take this time to step back and revisit your goals. While Falun Dafa has its merits it is, within its exterior appearance of simplicity very complex and very internalized. The posture holds in Falun Dafa can be excruciatingly uncomfortable, this I have found is in total contrast to SFQ and most other systems for that matter. Falun Dafa is also a rigid system where you really need to focus 110% of your body mind and spirit.

I don’t want to give the impression of negativity to Falun Dafa I do have my own concerns and issues with system but like anything else there is something for everyone. I believe if one focused there intentions and time into the system that there would be some benefit as there would be for anyone focusing there time and energy into anything positive. The biggest thing that stands out about that system is the almost cult like secretive approach taken. It is understood that there are reasons for this as word of the government attempting to squash this system with persecution, torcher and violence continues. But unfortunately the extreme is taken within the system as to that system or method being the only way or path. There are many paths to be taken many opportunities and many options and definitely something for everyone. Variety is truly the spice of life.

I agree with Shr33m I don’t think that you will find what you are looking for within that system. In the long term possibly but definitely not immediately or short term by any means. The benefit I see with SFQ is that you take an “active” role with your health and well being. You are physically and mentally involved in moving energy within the postures in contrast to a more passive approach to empting the mind and holding uncomfortable postures. We have an amazing power within us that is tapped the moment we begin focusing our minds. Consider what happens when you have an empty mind and then focusing that to moving energy within yourself in order to remove, open and clear blockages. SFQ not only gives you an incredible tool and foundation towards well being but also one can grow from this and eventually help others as well. I don’t mean to but I am sounding like a sales man, my goal was to provide you with a broader picture to form your decision. Perhaps you can subtlety drop the hint of receiving the SFQ package as and Xmas gift to you, see if Santa’s list is completed yet. Who knows, even a partial contribution toward the gift is worth asking for, if anything this is the time to do it. Seize the moment if possible.

Whatever decision you make you will find that it is important to focus and stick with one system. Not so much because one system is better or worse than another but mostly because it is always better to focus ones energy on the one thing rather than many. Diverting ones energy ultimately can diminish the potential growth that can be gained in one direction. On the energetic side of the track the different Qigong systems have specific focuses and intentions for the flow of energy and between systems they may conflict. This is one of the reasons why it is important focus on one system.

I hope some of this was helpful, good luck with your decision and…

Wishing everyone a Happy and safe Holidays season.

#49983 12/18/03 01:46 PM
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Running for President of student government of the University implies you want to lead the student body.
Do step back and take a look at your own credit/charge and see whether you can afford the product before buying. Manage well on your own finance and then manage the student body's budget. Set a good example for other students to follow.
Taking care of your own health and not going into debt if at all possible are precious gifts higher than material matter. You can always save up and then buy it. All good is in the journey that you are taken.

Following is a link that give some example of SF Qigong. Have you try the sample exercises yet ?

[This message has been edited by Bluebird (edited December 18, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Bluebird (edited December 18, 2003).]

#49984 12/18/03 05:11 PM
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Hi Bluebird,
You bring up a good point.
Allow me add something else, and be a parent here a bit. Blackbox, I have two daughters about your age. They are soon graduating from undergrad school, and are planning to go further. They have spent four or five years so far, basically without money. Alot of birthday's and holidays have passed where they haven't been in a position, to really spend money on gifts. One daughter has always had an open heart, and given what she can through creating her own cards or handmade things. The other is open now, but for a number of years didn't have the want to give anything.
As a parent, one of the best things I got from the daughter that wouldn't make an effort to even make a card, was the satisfaction of seeing her change, and one day giving me something she made. My relief and happiness at seeing her generousity come forward was an incredible gift to me. She moved past the issues of adolesence, and realized she had a good life, family, and wanted to say thankyou, and I love you.
That is worth more than any amount of money she could have spent. When I as a parent, get something from my children that shows me they love me, and that they are growing up to be considerate and loving people, my heart melts, and I get a gift of experience that money can't buy. Perhaps, if you haven't expressed the feelings and perspective you now have about yourself with your family, you have not yet tapped the ultimate gift you can give them, and it doesn't cost a cent. Putting some meaningful time into making a simple card, and giving them that message , is an incredible gift to receive. You are coming to a good place in your self awareness. Be careful with the credit card. Going forward, think of things you can do within your means. Give them gift certificates involving things you will do for them, little jobs, etc... Don't think money and things. Give them back some love and thanks. Let them see you are a mature and loving person, and they will know that you will be ok, and they did well raising you.

#49985 12/18/03 05:17 PM
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Aloha Blackbox,

I don't remember the question regarding the eyes being brought up at a class or seminar I've been at with Master Lin. I'll ask it the next time I see him.

One thing that some of our clients do is get together a group that wants to lets say learn Spring Forest Qigong together and purchase the package. They then go through the lecture tapes, share and clarify and then meet regularly to do the exercises and meditations as a group -which increases the understanding, connectedness, the energy, and reduces the cost for the group.

Much Love, Shawn

#49986 12/19/03 06:24 AM
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Thank you so much for the link to the SFQ practice session. I'll be trying this out, maybe before or after my workout session in the morning and right before I go to bed.

Shawna, if you could please ask Master Lin, that would be most appreciated.

Regarding the price of the Level 1 course, I'm going to try to allocate the money somehow and purchase the $125 directed package. I'm brainstorming ideas on how I can allow this package to work for a University club also, maybe buy 10 courses and allow them to be shared within club members...

Anyways, I've been researching which companies to go with and SFQ by LSC seems to be the best and most supportive community to bring the students towards.

I'll stay tuned, thank you so much for your insights regarding my post. You all make a very warm presence.

#49987 12/18/03 07:32 PM
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Originally posted by BlackBox:
I will begin to learn more about Qigong of course, but I've dedicated myself into learning Falun Dafa (Gong) first and then I will spread my wings.

Sounds like you haven't started to really get into Falun Dafa yet. It has very strict requirements for its practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners are not allowed to practice other forms of qigong or even read other qigong books, including other religions or sects. Falun Dafa followers are discouraged from seeking conventional medical treatment. Health benefits are a secondary issue, If you have major health problems, you should not get involved with Falun Dafa, as it would only distract you from the primary goals of practice.

Falun Dafa is a Buddhist sect with heavy doses of Taoism based on the teachings of Li Hongzhi. It was the most popular qigong movement in China which drew the ire of the Chinese Communist Party. With as much as a hundred million followers, it was viewed as a threat to the state ideology. Other popular qigong systems were also soon targeted for termination.

Li Hongzhi migrated to the US before these events as he knew what was going to happen. The Chinese government tried to get him extradited to face certain death but the US government refused.

Buddhists believe that there are a countless number of buddhas at various levels including arhat, bodhisattva, tathagata and a few of them have incarnated on earth and are deified such as Quan Yin (bodhisattva) as well as the more famous Gautama Buddha. It is also believed that anyone can attain buddhahood by fulfilling certain conditions. Li Hongzhi's followers believe that he has attained such a level.

Falun Dafa is a not a cult group in the sense that one can leave it anytime without any fear of retribution from other practitioners.
It is definitely not for everyone. As Ascending1 points out, you must be dedicated and committed to this path. You would be wise to explore other paths first.

#49988 12/18/03 08:53 PM
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You are very correct Shr33m. I've made a mistake on presenting my desire for learning Falun Dafa. I wish to be an activist of it and not a practioner. I will seek towards becoming a Qigong practioner however, since it feels like I've been looking for something for a while now and before I found Qigong, I found Falun Dafa. I ordered 2 books of Falun Dafa and will read both of them to learn of it's concepts, but I will never be a practioner (for your reasons above most importantly).

The only thing I'm working on now is photoreading, image streaming, and finding a way to get a quality SFQ product (allocating the finances for it). But make no mistake, you all have very much affirmed my intentions, so thank you for that.

Regarding Falun Dafa though, I wish to state I am following study of it because of the purifications of character it provides...(jealousy, greed, pride..) <-- I need to get rid of these feelings so that I can be of help to everyone around me.

#49989 12/19/03 11:57 AM
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Blackbox, you have already taken the steps toward the goals you are looking for. Any and all systems or path will lead you there. It all originates from desire, awareness of one self and intentions toward a positive well being, all of which you have. The positive attributes you are looking for are already there it only takes you to recognize it and continue to nourish your hearts desire. The SFQ will only be a catalyst to help you with something you already have or are capable of. Throw it out to the universe and look around you for the signs of where to flow next. Once initiated (awakened/open mindedness etc) it becomes apparent that all, which is around you is here for your benefit for learning and growth mentally physically and spiritually. Keep the open mind and enjoy the adventure the rest will happen naturally.

The issues you claim you want to get rid of are/were there to enlighten you and teach you. Don’t look at them as anything bad or negative in nature look at them as positive lessons learned. These lessons learned are completed, as indicated by your desire and awareness. Now affirm that they no longer serve you, let them pass or fall off as you move forward and continue what you are doing, all will eventually fall into place.

Also heed Bluebirds comments on the issues of credit cards. It is potentially an endless trap that can cause needless frustrations for eons to come. In setting the example for yourself as Bluebird mentions you will be able to help others avoid further financial frustrations and may develop some insights on how to get around the lure of the credit trap. Good luck and let us know how you make out

[This message has been edited by Ascending1 (edited December 19, 2003).]

#49990 12/19/03 08:24 PM
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"The issues you claim you want to get rid of are/were there to enlighten you and teach you. Don’t look at them as anything bad or negative in nature look at them as positive lessons learned. These lessons learned are completed, as indicated by your desire and awareness. Now affirm that they no longer serve you, let them pass or fall off as you move forward and continue what you are doing, all will eventually fall into place."

Interesting, I've heard of this before. Suggesting the darkness around my eyes are in-place as to lead me to the answers I'm destined to reach. Well, maybe I'm misinterpreting, but it's easier to say they no longer need to have a presence and actually have them dissapear

I will definately be getting a Qigong system (either of the two of the SFQ you have recommended) however I will be taking the advice of a friend of mine first by going to the Homeopathy for a few sessions. What are your views upon this...any experiences with Homeopathy? Just because also I wish to diminish the appearance of them for my upcoming election (wish to look my's a factor in elections).

#49991 12/22/03 04:46 AM
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I was arranging to meet with a homeopathy practioner regarding this (advised by a friend) or do you guys/girls think that I should see a TCM practioner instead?

Just wondering upon your input since you have all kindly given me so much perspective with everything else thus far.

#49992 12/22/03 11:26 AM
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While I can not speak for either systems or modalities, (no personal experience) I suspect that ultimately if you feel guided to experience it then no harm no foul. You may want to take some quiet time and meditate on what direction is best; it is all good and positive. Consider focusing on the one “thing”, as to many “things” will fragment your focus and possibly diminish the potential end result. To much to think about can become over whelming and lead to needless frustration.

It looks like you have (somewhat) made up your mind on the homeopathy. This sounds like you are doing this more so to honor the advice of your friend. Do you have any reservations (in your gut) about this? This can be brought into your meditation for clarity focus and direction. No one can make the decision for you as there may be unforeseen reasons why one “thing” would be better for you than another. Let go of any frustration or uncertainty of what direction to choose as it is all good and beneficial to your well being. If you can let go of that (any worries and concerns) then you will be able to be a little clearer and neutral in your meditations.

Have trust in whatever decision you make and give it your full attention letting go of doubt through the knowledge of all is good for you on your current path. It is all posisitive lessons to be learned toward a posistive transformation of body, mind and spirit.

[This message has been edited by Ascending1 (edited December 22, 2003).]

#49993 12/22/03 02:25 PM
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...thanks for keeping it from going off SFQ topic Ascending1

Much Love, Shawn(a?)

#49994 12/22/03 04:39 PM
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Thank you Ascending1.

#49995 12/30/03 11:07 PM
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Going back to the original question for a second - I also have dark circles under my eyes. I also suffer from dry-eyes, and as I'm 22, apparently this isn't very common. I'm just wondering if the other people here with dark circles under their eyes had dry eyes as well. I would like to know this because I'm wondering whether there is a link between the two...? Ta.


#49996 12/31/03 04:19 PM
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Yes, I have had dark circles under my eyes most of my life, and my eyes get tired and dry easily. I am on vacation and have been making time for extra practice(SFQ1). (2) 1-hour meditation sessions with the cd. (1) active exercise session with the video. I have noticed a dramatic increase in energy level. It is too soon to tell if the circles will go away, but I think this may be the answer I have been searching for. I think the circles are just sysmptoms of energy blockages that I have been harboring most of my life and SFQ is the answer. I have always been very athletic and bright, but I have had bouts with depression and fatigue. I am really excited about SFQ. I plan on buying level 2, I read a post that mentioned a level 3, have they made a third level?
Wishes of peace and health to all in 2004. Happy New Year.

#49997 01/02/04 08:06 PM
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As one who has studied nutritional healing and natural/alternative medicine for over 20 years, as a general rule, dark circles around the eyes typically mean that the kidneys are not operating at optimal levels. If you don't already, begin supplimenting potassium (preferably a banana twice a day) and increase your fluid intake (preferably 'good' water). You have been designed to function well if you will only put in what your body needs.

#49998 01/02/04 09:46 PM
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Hi j,
thanks for your input, although the central theme here is Spring Forest Qigong. Qigong is not in need of a fix. It is quite effective and complete. Diet and nutrition are certainly important, as are other aspects of self health, but, as a bottomline means of addressing self healing, qigong is the bottom line here, and it is quite adequate in addressing the seen and unseen aspects to this condition, which most likely involve more than a couple body parts, one system within the body, or just the physical aspect of self.

#49999 01/04/04 11:39 AM
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Well, I have two bananas a day and two potatoes every other day so I reckon I must be having enough potassium in my diet. What do you think?

#50000 01/04/04 11:39 PM
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Boomy, I guess I've found actual other people who share this condition! Dry eyes...I know it well, and it's very true that mysery loves company

You have had the proper supplement of postassium and you still have this condition? I dont think I have the right amount of potassium (how much should I have a day...what foods are abudant in it..guess I can research that for myself) but I definately have learnt to drink my proper intake of water.

#50001 01/05/04 02:38 PM
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Greetings and Happy New Year !
Blackbox, boomyboomy and ctaylor5072:
I recently read a brief article from the latest issue of the Yoga Journal magazine regarding dark circles, puffiness and crow's feet around the eyes that I wanted to share with you.

Below are the excerpts regarding dark circles:
"Ayurvedic practitioners believe that poor eating habits are reflected in the face, especially in the undereye area. Eating too quickly, consuming a lot of caffeine and cold drinks, and skipping breakfast can stress the digestive system, making it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients. Dark circles can also be caused by anemia and lack of sleep."

"Internal solution: Consume warm foods and beverages, and eat at least one tablespoon of ghee or olive oil every day to aid digestion. Eating, exercising and going to sleep at the same time each day will help regulate bodily functions and improve general health."

"External solution: Put slices of raw potatoes or apples on the area for 15 minutes every other day. The starch in potatoes and the potassium, B and C vitamins, and tannin in apples all help fade dark circles."

I think the practice of SFQ dovetails with the overall suggestion about the value of a well functioning digestive system, along with the other suggestions of eating, exercising and sleeping well.

As far as the external solutions, I am not one who normally puts pieces of fruit or vegetables on my face, but I did try the apples twice so far and they really did seem to lighten the area underneath my eyes. It also felt very refreshing.

Hope you find this helpful.

#50002 01/06/04 05:25 AM
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Thanks Starfish, I'll try to implement what you have brought forth. Maybe the teaspoon of olive oil a day immediately...

Regarding the rest, I'll wait for Boomy to be the test-piggy and I know whatever results he attains, I will also

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