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But, i have found that people do not have realistic expectations w/ that product. Bill Harris has to foot some of the blame for that in his type of advertisement.
I has noted that Bill uses the phrase "quantum leap" very often. I'm not very well verse in English, but I understand that that phrase means "big change" or something like that. I have never seen any such events, so I recently was wondering if I was wrong on the meaning of that phrase (maybe meaning "tiny change").

But, between the advertisement and the cost, the timid people will steer clear of it. That is best; they may not be able to handle what kind of traffic comes down the pike. Here we are imagining ourselves driving down the road at 80mph thinking it's clear sailing and suddenly there is a mac truck heading straight for us. Let me ask you this: How many people can change their inner image of clear sailing to MAC truck in the needed time to respond?
I'm afraid I don't understand your question. I guess you mean "fast response" to one of our "inner monsters". I have heard about such events, but I haven't experienced any of this in my whole AP and now in my A1. Maybe I'm expecting monsters so terrifying that any of what has presented has not been up to my expectations and so I haven't recognized them. Almost all of my upheavals have been presented as anxiety, very few times as fear, and none at all as panic. Once, I almost fainted; before learning on how to manage any of the unresolved material that gets to the surface. Maybe I has been fortunate, but I has a long way in front of me. Like you, I paid for the full program in advance (I agree that "Inner Circle" is ridiculous ), so maybe there is something really nasty awating to reveal itself. I don't think that many of us are really prepared for such fast changes. As I have seen it, humankind cannot manage abrupt changes very well.

My life has changed all for the better, but do you know any kid who doesn't experience growing pains? Like me, you just make that decision as to the side affects.
I've been perfectly aware about the pains that comes with h/s. But I wasn't aware about side effects. Holosync made you dislexic, maybe there have been some other different side effects for some others. The side effects still concern me, but I think that the benefits of the program far outweights the adverse effects. So I will continue through it.

[This message has been edited by Betsemes (edited May 13, 2002).]

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Please know that having extreme reactions to holosync is only due to our resistances in life, i.e., our unresolved emotional luggage. Maybe you just don't have lots of emotional hangups to resolve. That's a blessing, accept it and be happy.

Marc once said to me that he has a difficult time convincing people that side effects don't mean that the holosync is working better than if there are no side effects.

Right now i have a terrible cold and i'm fairly certain it is overwhelm being released from this P.1.1. My unresolved stuff has seemed to always manifest physically for me. And, i do have some understanding where it's coming from. I can tell this from my dreams and side-thoughts.

You are seeing benefits...that's all that counts. If you are worried about side effects, then that can perhaps mean that you do have something there that is painful and that you are afraid to resolve. I listen for ONLY the alloted time and am perfectly willing to release my stuff little by little.

holosync results are similar to paraliminal results they are cumulative and best seen over a period of time

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Crying is another possible 'side-effect'. Or is that a direct effect?

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Originally posted by Margaret:
Please know that having extreme reactions to holosync is only due to our resistances in life, i.e., our unresolved emotional luggage. Maybe you just don't have lots of emotional hangups to resolve. That's a blessing, accept it and be happy.
As I understand it, holosync causes the system (our ego) to "unroot". The system is being destroyed and our unconscious self wrongly thinks that we are being destroyed. We cry "STOOOOPPPPP!!!!!!!!, I'm beinnnnng destroyyyeeeedddddd!!!!!!!!!! and resistance is done by us. I have read it being compared to a map. Our personality is like a map, it is not ourselves, but a map that we have charted about ourselves. Unconciously we wrongly think that that map is ourselves, so our reaction to change it is resistance. That resistance is what we feel while we have unpleasant reactions to h/s, it is not the unresolved material that gets to the surface. Since our unconcious mind resists the changes, the trick is stay conscious (really conscious) so resistance is not done and we allow holosync to do its job peacefully. The system gets chaotic and eventually breaks down, reorganizing itself into a higher level. That's the way I have understood the workings of holosync, at least the explanation that Centerpointe have given.

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I don't really know how to respond to your last post here. That is not my understanding at all. It also is not the understanding that CRI has in their literature from what i've read.

But, if it works for you, then that's all that counts.

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The Support Follow-Up Letter #2 says:
When I interact with program participants and they tell me they are experiencing discomfort or upheaval as they use the program, and how hard it is for them, I know they are going through this process. Holosync has stirred things up for them, the old system that makes up their map of reality is falling apart to make way for a more evolved, more functional map, and a part of them is holding on to it tooth and nail. This can result in anger, depression, anxiety, headaches, stiff necks, boredom while listening , and a thousand other unpleasant symptoms.

This letter can be found at . Letter #4 says:
Your experience can range from euphoria to peace to deep trance to discomfort to boredom. Whatever your experience, it is the manifestation of changes happening beneath the surface as your nervous system comes to a point where it cannot exist in the old way, temporarily breaks down, and then re-forms itself at a higher level of awareness one that takes into account more of the interconnections that make up the reality of your universe.

This letter can be found at . Yes it works for me. But I don't think that I misunderstood what I read.

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As I understand it, holosync causes the system (our ego) to "unroot". The system is being destroyed and our unconscious self wrongly thinks that we are being destroyed.
There is nothing being destroyed....especially the ego. The ego is the organizing center of the personality. If you notice in what you posted your nervous system comes to a point where it cannot exist in the old way, temporarily breaks down, and then re-forms itself at a higher level of awareness Now you may feel like some part of you is being destroyed, but that's basically your resistance. Please notice how Bill said the nervous system (not ego) and also that he used the word temporarily not destroyed.

Since our unconcious mind resists the changes, the trick is stay conscious (really conscious) so resistance is not done and we allow holosync to do its job peacefully.
Our unconscious is not part of the mind. The term is used alone, i.e., the unconscious. There is a personal unconscious and a collective unconscious. What is happening is that all the repressed material that happened when we were being raised is just that... It is pushed out of our consciousness. Unresolved material like that will return to us in unplesant situations, actions, interpersonal relationships, etc. Mostly that unresolved material returns to us via projections into other people, places and things.

What happens is that holosync entrains the brain waves. Research has shown us that our early years from 4-8 match our brain waves which happen to be THETA. Since we live most of our lives at BETA and some ALPHA, we rarely reach the theta bw level where this stuff is stored. BUT, when our brains are entrained at this level---stuff is then able to resurface. If at this point, we fight this material that resurfaces, overwhelm and resistance occurs causing us discomfort. If, on the other hand, we surrender and release our resistance to it, we then resolve this, what i call, emotional luggage. Many people refuse to release it and it ends up causing endless problems. Then, unfortunately, they blame holosync.

To me the whole concept of what Bill Harris is doing is based on Prigogine's (sp?) research. It's this: By interjecting a small amount of chaos into the brain, the brain will then reorganize to a higher threshold thereby enabling the brain to perform at a higher level.

All people who are what we call survivors are those who have experienced this. Any time we are pushed beyond our comfort zone, our brain must reorganize to a higher level of tolerance, threshold, patience, understanding, love, effort, etc.. Just read the life of Victor Frankel.

It's just a matter of semantics. To me some of your terms were misleading.

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As you well said it is a matter of semantics. You grossly misunderstood my post, now I can see the "why" of your response. First I want to apologize for unprecise writing. At the time I was referring to a map, what forms our personality; I was not referring to the ego as what you described. As holosync participants we want to change that map to something better. This is a rather complex subject so explaining it is somehow difficult and finding the right wording is even more. Bill explained it to us in over seven support letters and he included a booklet on this subject with the Awakening 1 soundtracks for higher level participants. So explaining this in full is well beyong the scope of a bulletin board. If I post something now, it is prone to misunderstanding again. But I want to clarify a bit thing that I think is the one most misunderstood.
If you notice in what you posted your nervous system comes to a point where it cannot exist in the old way, temporarily breaks down, and then re-forms itself at a higher level of awareness

Now this is what I actually posted.
The system gets chaotic and eventually breaks down, reorganizing itself into a higher level.

I didn't say "nervous system", but system (the map again). Now see the quote from the support letters that I posted.
Holosync has stirred things up for them, the old system that makes up their map of reality is falling apart to make way for a more evolved, more functional map, and a part of them is holding on to it tooth and nail.

This system that Biil mentions is what I was referring to.

Indeed, nothing of what you told is new to me. All this is due to misunderstanding. But one of your comments in a previous post says:

Please know that having extreme reactions to holosync is only due to our resistances in life, i.e., our unresolved emotional luggage.
Once I had such belief. I believed that what I was feeling was the unresolved material getting to the surface, but the response from the support department said that it was not that, but my resistance to the process. But again, I may be misunderstanding what you said again. As Vera Birkenbihl points out in the course "Memory Optimizer" a teacher gets in the wrong idea that his/her memory is the perfect way to transmit his/her knowledge; but not two people have the same material in their memories (memory web, to use the term that she uses in the course). Misunderstanding is prone to happen, I guess that our memory webs (yours and mine) are made up of very different material. So I just want to leave this subject here.

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Oh well.
I now see were you took my "comment" from. This comment is this:
If you notice in what you posted your nervous system comes to a point where it cannot exist in the old way, temporarily breaks down, and then re-forms itself at a higher level of awareness
So that's what is wrong in my post? That is not a quote of mine, but it was taken (copy/pasted) from a Centerpointe's support letter. When I realized this I just laughed. So you are saying that Bill is wrong in what he wrote? This is the complete paragraph from where I took it.
IMPORTANT!: Remember not to judge the experience you are having during meditation against what you think it "should" be. Your experience can range from euphoria to peace to deep trance to discomfort to boredom. Whatever your experience, it is the manifestation of changes happening beneath the surface as your nervous system comes to a point where it cannot exist in the old way, temporarily breaks down, and then re-forms itself at a higher level of awareness one that takes into account more of the interconnections that make up the reality of your universe. Your individual experience is always the manifestation of what needs to happen in your unconscious mind in order to make the quantum leap to the next level of awareness. The means by which this happens is often mysterious, and a seemingly mundane or even unpleasant experience on the surface may be part of a profound shift internally, one that you may not see or understand the results of until some later time. Whatever happens, stay with your daily practice it will bear fruit!
Well, that's just something that I wanted to clarify. Again, all this was because of misunderstanding. Note that that quote is from a support letter. I never, never, NEVER said or implied that the nervous system was being destroyed (well, destroyed was not an accurate word, I used it to imply "changes"). The phrase "nervous system" was in the quote that I copy/pasted, not in my own wording. Regretfully that led to further misunderstanding.

[This message has been edited by Betsemes (edited May 15, 2002).]

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About that dyslexia, did you contact the Centerpointe support for advise on it? I asked a support representative and he/she told me that Holosync does not produce dyslexia. That may mean that they have not heard any such cases, or has denied it, or just plainly are lying. I prefer to believe the first choice, but the two following them are also possible. I remember that the support letters recommended giving the nervous system a rest whenever we feel overwhelm and it seem to not wane away. I don't know whether or not it is your case, but if I were you, I would go deeper into this. Just a suggestion. This is the response I got (I contacted them via email):

Holosync does not produce dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning
disability which can be cured or improved in most people with
reconditioning of the way the brain perceives and assimilates
visual information.

Although we provide clear instructions on usage, you can probably
imagine that over the years we've had a number of people totally
disregard the instructions and listen to Holosync in ways we would
never recommend. While some of these people do experience a
range of uncomfortable overwhelm symptoms (headache, sleep
disruptions, emotional sensitivity, mental fatigue, etc.) these
symptoms are temporary and are certainly quite different than a
learning disability.

Holosync is a very powerful, but also very safe technology.

>I knew about a person claiming that Holosync made her dislexic.
Did you know about bad side effects that comes from Holosync?
Why may bad side effects appear? and There is a way to avoid
them? May that dislexia be attributed to not giving rests to the
nervous system and continue with unstop listening? This is
something that concerns me. Thanks for your response.

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