I don't like 12-step programs because I see it as a "switch" rather than a "cure." I don't like relying on anything outside of myself.
I think the self-hate was the result of my trying to do an absolute detox. Normally, I take 150mg of venlafaxine. I skipped this for two days in a row and had a serious self-concept problem. Within two hours taking the venlafaxine, I was feeling much better.
I've used the Belief tape to change my attitudes towards altered states. While I kept the belief that an altered state is essential for the use of "paranormal" abilities, I installed the belief that the most productive altered states are self-directed, rather than chemically dependant.
I also used the Instantaneous Personal Magnetism tape to close the leaking of idiotic spending. It was difficult, because the role modle I always choose is a gormet with very expensive tastes. I tried to choose another model, but my brain eliminated all of them as being too full of leakages in other places, even if they do have good money-management skills. I then realized that the character I normally model has far more resources then he spends.