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#51279 10/12/04 11:03 AM
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bigboy Offline OP
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A friend of mine has been diagnosed as having fibermyalgia. He is low since the doctor has told him that as of now there is no cure for that condition and also its cause is not known. I would like to know whether any participants have knowledge about this condition and if they have helped their friends come out of this condition. Many thanks for the feedback.

#51280 10/12/04 03:32 PM
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I have had fibromyalgia for about 10 years now and I can say that the active Qigong exercises have helped alleviate my pain more than than chiropractic adjustments, trigger point massage, physical therapy, or yoga.

However, I do highly recommend taking nutritional supplements -- like a good multivitamin and magnesium glycinate with malic acid. People with fibromyalgia tend to be deficient in magnesium -- and magnesium helps muscles to relax. So, much of the muscle pain can be relieved through magnesium supplementation.

A good website devoted to people with fibromyalgia is "" (they have a very informative newsletter that is called "To Your Health" and they also sell good quality supplements.)

Hope this helps your friend!

#51281 10/13/04 05:18 AM
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I have had Fibro, CFS/ME and all the other illness' that come with these types of diseases. The energy healing have been the most beneficial to my recovery. I only need medications on certain days which is usually only a couple out of the month, and those are very mild considering I was on some extremely strong meds. I would be bed ridden for months at a time and then couch bound after that. Believe me when I say this is very helpful and with the SFQ system it is even easier to obtain. I had a bad experience with another style and almost didn't continue, but realized the benefits. After being introduced to SFQ I have not doubts whatsoever this is a crucial step towards healing the self and a vehical(?) to help others. It is too special and helpful not to share this amazing healing we all have and to not allow others to suffer what you know, if you have had these illness' is like a living, excuse my language, but a living hell.
Yes supplements do help, but I have also found the Pro-Biotics to work much better than the otheres. I have also realized I can get most of these in natural foods just as well. I must say though my husband still pushes the vitamins and minerals at me and I will take them when and if my body feels it is in need. I am no doctor, that is for sure, but just an experienced FMS sufferer.

The Small Universe meditation and breathing techniques are extremely beneficial for me. I am finding even more than the active, but I still do the active along with the meditations. I just never realized how powerful and yet challenging and perceptive the meditations and breathing techniques are.

Good luck with your friend and please feel free to ask any questions regarding these illness' to my personal email if you would like. If your friend would like to chat I would be more than happy to talk with her also.


#51282 10/13/04 07:56 AM
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I wouldn't be too concerned about a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. It is the opinion of some doctors that fibromyalgia is a catch-all phrase and a subject associated with much quackery.

This is not to discourage practicing whatever you find benefits your health or trying new things, but to be upset about being diagnosed with fibromyalgia is pretty much the same as being upset at someone telling you that you have oogiemaschmoogietosis or something just as silly.

I had a massage therapist who diagnosed me as having fibromyalgia. She did Swedish and deep-tissue massage, and while she was a good massage therapist, she wasn't a medical doctor. She said that the pain I experienced at various points in the massage was due to the fact that I suffered from fibromyalgia. Maybe. But it's just as likely that she was massaging pretty hard. I didn't complain, because, you know, sometimes it's painful until the muscles adjust. She just noticed me wincing, I guess. Or maybe she took me too seriously the time I joked about knowing without a doubt that I would never be able to handle torture as a political prisoner after experiencing her deep tissue massage?

Anyway, tell your friend not to worry and to do a little research on the net about the condition, from sources both pro and con, skeptical and believing.

Thinking back on it, I kinda miss the massage. It was better than the chiropratic treatments. With her massage, she could gently turn my neck and my spine would crack and adjust. My god that was a good feeling!

There was this other time, too, that this man did this adjustment without any cracking. He just went right in with his fingers and adjusted each of my vertebra. Talk about bliss. I laid there on the floor with a completely still mind. I thought, in that moment, if I died right now, it would be a very happy death. I wanted to stay like that forever.

#51283 10/13/04 03:28 PM
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Babayada I am amazed she was able to massage you if you have fibro. It is extremely painful to touch any part of me. I have a very severe case and would never tell anyone it is only a catch-all-phase, it is real and very serious! To belittle it to a catch all phrase is demeaning to those of us who suffer severely.
The illness is put into this category do to the compatmentalizing of our medical field. Fibro and those like it are not one thing, it is a combination that involves the whole body and mainly the nervous systems. Yet it is different in everyone, we must remember that doctors only treat symptoms.

#51284 10/13/04 04:15 PM
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I agree. Fibromyalgia pain is very real, although it definitely has an emotional component to it.

Nobody knows for sure what causes Fibromyalgia. However, there are several known triggers. Nutritional deficiences are one. As I said before, taking Magnesium Glycinate with Malic Acid will help to relax painful muscles.

Secondly, lack of good quality sleep is another. During sleep, your muscles rejuvenate. If you are constantly tossing and turning at night and do not get a good night's sleep you will wake up feeling groggy, foggy, and achy. Valerian, a safe herbal supplement, can help reduce mind-clutter and allow you to get a good night's sleep. It also has muscle-relaxing properties in it.

Stress and emotional upset -- or being a "perfectionist" can also worsen symptoms. Stress depletes your body of B-vitamins and Magnesium. So, once again, supplementation is essential.

For lack of energy, I recommend once again Magnesium with Malic acid and also CoEnzyme Q-10. Both are essential for the production of ATP which fuels your muscles.

Good luck. Hope all goes well!


#51285 10/14/04 10:06 PM
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Perhaps, then, like ADD and ADHD it is being too commonly misdiagnosed and that is what causes certain doctors to dismiss it as a subject of quackery.

I am sorry to hear that you experience chronic pain and do not want to belittle the struggle you go through on your path toward full health.

There were some areas of my body that were rather sensitive and it was very painful to have them massaged. Maybe it was slight fibromyalgia, maybe something else. I don't know.

I am glad to hear that each of you have discovered what affects the feeling and ability of various parts of your body in positive ways.

My intention wasn't to belittle, rather to offer some support to a person who was given a label and started to freak out. The label doesn't necessarily mean what a person thinks it means. Like you said, everyone is different.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 14, 2004).]

#51286 10/17/04 08:03 AM
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bigboy Offline OP
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Catasana, Seedling, Babayada, thanks a lot for the valuable feedback.

I realize that it is a pretty complicated ailment. I also happened to look at the Level I manual. This condition is not listed under the subject Health Benefits of Qigong. The feedback gave me an insight of fibromyalgia and with my friends’ consent, I intend to help him after some more thought and feedback on the subject.

Meanwhile, I continue to look forward to the experience of participants in healing this condition, if anyone had done so.

#51287 10/19/04 08:39 PM
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Hi Bigboy,

I have a friend who suffered from fibromyalgia and cronic fatigue for about 12 years. She had terrible pains and slept for 18 to 20 hours a day. I got her started on Immunocal which is an FDA pattented whey protien suplament and after about 3 months time her symptoms are nearly gone. No pains and only 8 to 10 hours sleep per night and she is off all of her meds. One time she got very upset about a long standing problem and she did have a relapse but once in 2 years is pretty amazing.

Livermore, CA

#51288 10/20/04 01:31 PM
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My wife had chronic migraine and body pain before she found Spring Forest Qigong. Her specialists were throwing around Fibromyalgia to her too. Here is the cliff notes version as found on the Spring Forest Qigong website and his Born a Healer book.

Much Love, Shawn

“I am virtually pain free through the practice of the active exercises and meditation. I have a very deep belief that Spring Forest Qigong works and have witnessed the healing of others that I’ve worked with.”

Darcie Gustine, Former Elementary School Teacher
Stillwater, MN
Migraine Headaches, Chronic, and Debilitating Pain

In October of 1993 I began seeing doctors about my constant migraine
headache. I was tested for brain tumors and other serious ailments. Nothing was found. I was given pain medication. Nothing helped. I did biofeedback. I knew how to relax. I went to physical therapy with minimal results. Over one year later, I still had not experienced even a moment’s relief from the constant pain of a migraine headache.

I went to yet another doctor of many who specialized in chronic pain. He examined me and wrote a five-page document explaining the immense pain it was evident that I incessantly lived with. He recommended that I be placed on permanent disability and that I should not be expected to work to support myself. The state would need to financially assist me the remainder of my life. I was thirty years old at the time.

When the neurologist said that there was nothing left that the medical community could do to help me, other than prescribe drugs to try and manage my pain, I was forced to find my way into the world of alternative health care. I tried many things. Not covered by insurance at that time, and thousands of dollars later, I finally found something called network chiropractic.

I worked with Carol Jillian four times a week for four years. My headaches were gone and the rest of my muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems were healing. My quality of life was slowly improving, but I was in constant pain and absolutely racked with it if I missed an appointment. I could also never sleep through the night because of muscle spasms that would never release on their own.

I needed something more. I needed to learn how to make my pain go away myself. I needed strategies. I longed for a more powerful healing modality that I could do by myself for myself. In August of 1997, I found it when I found Master Lin, the funny Chinese guy teaching at Anoka Ramsey Community College here in Minnesota.

During the first minutes of class, I knew I was in the right place. The philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the concept of energy channels, the need for balancing our body’s energy and how we did that naturally when we slept, all made sense to me. Then, Master Lin gave me strategies; ways that I could keep this energy flowing through all of my body. These active exercises were simple, yet powerful tools that I could utilize myself to remove my own pain and heal my body.

The next evening, I had the opportunity to try what I had learned. I woke at 3:00 a.m., as I usually did, writhing in pain. My back had spasmed and would not release. I talked myself into sitting up on the edge of my bed to do one of the simple exercises that Chunyi had taught the night before. I did it seven times. I didn’t think that was giving it a fair shake, so I dedicated myself to fifteen minutes. I began to feel the tingling sensation I had experienced in class, so I decided to continue the exercise for another fifteen minutes. After a half an hour of doing a simple qigong movement, half my pain had disappeared! I became very excited and continued until I had completed this one simple active exercise for a total of an hour, and ALL my pain had completely disappeared. I lied back down in bed and fell soundly asleep. I woke the next morning feeling euphorically refreshed. I hadn’t slept that well in over four years. I was a believer. Spring Forest Qigong worked.

I went on to Spring Forest Qigong, Level Two. At this time of my life, my mom was experiencing a health crisis. I told her I had learned some strategies to help heal others in this class. If she were agreeable, I would work with her. She was willing to receive a healing, and I was willing to help. The results were fantastic. Her pain vanished. She began learning Spring Forest Qigong techniques for herself and became my greatest advocate for continuing my Spring Forest Qigong education.

I wanted to truly understand Spring Forest Qigong, and I was in such need of the healings Chunyi gave in class. I repeated these two classes over and over again until I was ready for Level Three. I had barely completed Level Three when again; I had the opportunity to put to use what I had just learned. I received a heart-broken phone call from my distraught mom. Her brother had just been diagnosed with tumors on his adrenal glands. He had to have surgery, but it would be a dangerous one to perform. The doctors were worried about nicking the glands and poisoning his body. They were also worried that the tumors were not contained and cancer could be spreading throughout his body.

My mom was terrified. She had lost both her parents to ugly battles of cancer. My response was to tell her that she didn’t need to react to the news in that way. There was a much more beneficial thing to do. I told her about long distance healing. I told her she could empower herself and the situation rather than submit to despair. I encouraged her to visualize a healing for her brother, and I would do one as well.

When we said goodbye, I began my meditation. It was amazing. Words, actually, commands came into my mind. I told my uncle’s body exactly what it needed to do. I told the tumors to encase themselves in a thin skin so the doctors would not be concerned about them spreading. I then asked for the tumors to be attached to the adrenal glands with fatty tissue so the doctors could remove them easily. And finally, I asked that my uncle take his medical ordeal as an omen and quit his job that was causing such severe stress in his life and making him miserable. It was a powerful meditation. I was in awe of how commanding my thoughts were. I knew I had done what could be done for him, felt really positive about it, and gave up all concern. I literally went on vacation.

Two weeks later, my mom called and updated me on my uncle’s condition. She said the surgery went very well, but that the doctors had considered it extremely strange. First, the tumors were encased in a skin-like ball so they weren’t at all concerned about the spreading of a disease. Next, these tumor-balls were each attached to their corresponding adrenal gland with a string of fatty tissue, so it was easy to remove the tumors without accidental injury to the adrenal glands. And you’ll never guess, my mom went on, my uncle had decided to take his experience as an omen and he quit his job.

Amazing, I know. All I did was apply what I had learned. Who am I to facilitate these healings? I am you. I am people you know. We all can heal. We all can help others heal. It’s knowledge and strategies that Chunyi Lin has learned from part of his culture’s healing community, and he is willing to teach this to all who wish to learn. His desire is to have a healer in every family and a world without pain.

I have joined Chunyi in this vision. I have been studying with him intensely since my first class in 1997. I continually repeat all of his classes over and over again. I have never left a class without learning something new. I love what I know. I love feeling so empowered about my own health, and I love helping others.

[This message has been edited by Shawn_Grim (edited October 20, 2004).]

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