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Hi Jenny: You know, I really sense that if you're priorities are right (and from what I can see, you have a good handle on them), a way will be provided for you to get the type of certification training (if that is necessary where you live) that would make it quite viable for you to be paid for your Qigong healing, as well as your other healing services. As professionals in any healing arts, we need to understand that we are providing a service, that while it may not have a physical manifestation, such as sweeping a floor or flying a jet, still provides value to people. We still have bills to pay, families to feed, and need a place to live (and sometimes we need office space as well, and that is not given to us, in most instances, for free). Money is a medium of exchange of value - nothing more. You provide money - others provide value to you. Vice-versa as well. You also have what is termed a "hot-market" because of all the family members you have for whom you do Qigong healing. Perhaps you don't charge them, as family, however, if they are aware of the service you are providing for them, I'm sure each and every one of them would be pleased to spread the word about any and all of your healing services. So if your other healing services are in demand, and you are then able to build your healing practice, you will eventually have the funds to travel wherever it takes to acquire the full certification for the Qigong as well. I do not see impediments there, and would suggest you can also facilitate this for yourself by seeing that clear path ahead of you. Which leads me to offer an answer regards when you feel your clients have "turned off" the healing you have provided when they leave your office. Perhaps it would be permissible (and highly desirable), while doing the healing, for you to "suggest" to them that the emotional problem behind the chemical imbalance has also been released, and will stay released, because their mind will now find better ways to handle the situations that might be triggering any negative chemical reactions. Give a good listen to how Paul Scheele uses this kind of language on his paraliminals for guidance here. The best suggestion I can make is to keep all "suggestions" framed from the positive side - no negatives. It is a growing certainty that the healing professions who encourage their clients with positive suggestion do much more good than those who ignore that tool. Even a doctor prescribing a medication will have a much greater healing impact on his/her patient if they provide the suggestion of the benefit of the medication, along with the medication. This was not meant to lecture you, but to encourage you to move forward on this. I hope you will understand that. I think what you want to do is just wonderful, and I wish you every success in your endeavours, because of your honest and positive approach to your healing abilities and love in your heart for everyone. Cheers! Unis  [This message has been edited by Shawn_Grim (edited January 25, 2006).]
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Thank you everyone for your answers and ideas. I do feel so much better about my goals again. Most of my family don't know that I am treating them, some of them would think I had completely lost it or something, ahhh fear of the unknown. Four of them know and ring me often to treat this or that. (Most of them live 1000km from me). I am just so grateful to you all for your responses. It has been so hard all this time feeling like I had to keep everything a secret. I really do see and understand all that you have said to me. Thank you again Love and Smiles Jenny
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Hi, Siverstar, I am surprised you can already use SFQ for healing. It sounds so good. I order SFQ level 1 & 2 but hasn't arrived yet. I read the book "born a healer" and can feel the effect of sword finger in my palm. I am in very good general good health and I want to learn SFQ not only for myself. I always think it's good that I can help other people. I have got a very close friend and his Mum got cancel a few years ago. She has done operation but re-occured laterly. It is sort of in advance stage and doctor didn't recomend operation and other treatment. Bascially she is waiting to die. She got a stroke last month and can't walk now. I gave my friend an e-book of "Born a healer" and told him about this forum but he does not seem to be interested. His Mum is a lovely person and has helped me a lot before. She is in Hong Kong and me and my friend are in Australia. I really want to help her but not sure how can. I don't want to see her dies painfully. I saw my Mum died when I was a teenager and saw may mother-in-law died of cancer. I know how painful can it be. I am planning to visit Hong Kong at the end of this year. Do you think there is enough time for me to learn something to help her. I don't mean to cure her but just at least reduce her pain. I am in level 1 of Holosync for about 5 months now. I want to go to level 2 but I spend the money on SFQ and may need to wait for a while for next level Holosync. Do you think Holosync & SFQ can work hand-in-hand? Or should I spend all the resouces in SFQ? Hope you don't mind so many questions. I am just new and can't find other people to talk to about those things. Love, Littleboat
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Hi Little Boat, I think you should just concentrate on SFQ for now. Keep doing the level of the HS that you are up to, you won't have anymore issues to lift at that level but it will still keep you feeling balanced. You have a lot of blockages in your heart from your Mum and watching your friends Mum go through the same thing is reactivating those issues with a very strong energy. There's hardly anything in your other organs to do with your Mum's passing. I just lifted all the surface ones for you but there will be more come up over the next few days. I'll check you tomorrow. As for helping your friends Mum. As you say you aren't looking for a cure for her, and I'm not sure how to help without making her live longer, and then maybe prolong the agony. I don't know enough about Qigong yet but I know there is a point where the body has been too damaged to have recovery. Master Lin talks about an experience where a boy had died even though he had treated him. The body was too damaged. I can't remember off the top of my head whether the Qigong helped him have less pain and discomfort. Someone else may know the answer to that. My Mum's friend had parkinsons for quite a few years and so I treated her every day for about 2 months. She had to go to the specialist to start some medication and it was inbetween seeing the doctor and the specialist that I had treated her. Well the specialist asked her what she was doing there and she said, because I have parkinsons. He said, no you don't and sent her on her way. I stopped treating her and a few months later the symptoms started to return. I don't know if I was just holding off the inevitable but I hadn't tried Qigong on her. Anyway she is practising a form of Qigong herself and Mum said she hasn't looked that good in ages. Does anyone have any experiences where they treated people with Qigong who had a severe illness? Love and Smiles Jenny
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Aloha littleboat, Place your friend's "mum" in the weekly group healing list. You'll find the post named: 1/28/06 Group Healing. Aloha Gallen,
Artists getting paid for their work-what is the world coming to?  Aloha Jeanne,
Spring Forest Qigong is a non-touch form. A friend, Diane Miller, Attorney (and SFQ student), created and helped pass Minnesota Statute 146A: Complimentary and Alternative Health Care Freedom of Access Act. If anyone's state hasn't adopted similar legislation, this is really helpful for those looking for quality alternative health care, and those able to provide it. One can check out the bill at: http://www.minnesotanaturalhealth.org/index.htm Aloha SilverStar,
Good question. I don't know what your local laws will allow you to put out there, since you are not a certified Spring Forest Qigong Practitioner. Charging is just an exchange of energy, as Does it work to say there is a wonderful healing modality they can learn and use as followup/maintenance after working with you? Aloha All, The Guide program was set up to give practitioners a more thorough background into SFQ and the Level I and II work, so they can give "introduction" sessions to SFQ, or lead a group through the home study course. It was a wonderful class, and is currently being "honed" for future trainings. The Instructor Training course, which is currently in development, will take applications and be by invitation only. Level I-IV and Guide Program completion will be mandatory. This will be intensive work, as the level of healing ability, understanding of energy, the body, Spring Forest Qigong, and Qigong history, will need to be high for Master Lin to give SFQ's "stamp of authenticity." I'm not going to go into "How much meditation a serious student needs to do" here. One can do Spring Forest Qigong 24-hours a day and not have to be a monk, however geting to the Level expected in the Instructor Training, will require some diligence, time in meditation (I'm not talking Holosync), and purification of energy/spirit, which Master Lin can see. Chunyi talks about how people get so caught up in "technique." That's where certification becomes more of a challenge from his perspective -Spring Forest Qigong's work is from the heart. There are a lot of very good "Qigong Scholars" out there that can talk the talk, and walk you through a thousand exercises, but haven't really done the work to a be at an energetic, emotional, and spiritual place to truly "teach" the work. More than the wonderful exercises and mediations in the Level I -IV courses, and Born A Healer book- what's simply said throughout the Level I course and written at the end in "Discover the Beauty of Life," is where its at. Thank you all for the wonderful dialogue. Much Love, Shawn
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Shawn, thanks for the info! I have Level II but haven't started it yet. I do teach and practice Reiki, which can be either hands-on or hands-off, which is how I learned that in some states, to practice some of these hands-on types of energy work, you must have a license from a massage school.
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Siverstar, Thanks for your advice and checking on me. I normally have a walk by myslef for about half an hour after lucnh. Yesterday I was in tear while walking alone. I don't remember what was I thinking about and I am not sure was it related to what you did. I am not gernerally emotional and it is sort of quite for what happened yesterday. Please let me know if you find out more about me. Shawn, Regarding to group healing, I am not sure how my friend thinks about it. Can I just put his Mum's name in without letting him know? Or is it better to get him to agree first? Love, Heidi
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Aloha littleboat, First off, its an invitation, and on the soul level, everyone wants to heal. It has nothing to do with her son. Go ahead and put her in the list. If you don't think she'd be uncomfortable having her 1st name, location, and issue being listed in the "names list," then just invite her in when you participate in the group healing and visualize the people sitting in the chair. Everyone who's reading this will consciously or other-than-consciously remember her when they participate on Saturday, so she's actually already taken care of.  Much Love, Shawn
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Thanks,Shawn and everyone. I am sure she will get the benefit from your love. Love, Littleboat
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Hi Shawn, thank you for your advice and everyone else also. I have taken it all on board. Hi Little boat, sorry about the overflowing emotions, its just a part of releasing them. When I lift for people I always get them to take on what they can handle and I'll take on the rest. It use to wipe me out sometimes but it doesn't seem to affect me anymore. Only when I go into a crowd of people, but the more you lift for others the stronger you get. The other night I went to the pictures and I held my hands in that circle position that stops people taking your energy. It really worked. I felt fine after being in the crowd, first time in over a year. My husband has been doing the shopping because I get too wiped out.Does anyone know if there is another way? Would just imagining your hands like that work as well because you need your hands to shop. I haven't experimented because I haven't wanted to sacrifice my strength for the day. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge Love and Smiles Jenny