Perhaps I should be posting a new topic.....but have tried both Hemi-Sync and Holo-Sync and a third one that you might not have heard of- from Yes three binaural courses. I've also tried the Sedona Method. I played a non-verbal monroe cd on one Cd player and the sedona method on another at the same time to increase effectiveness. I've also undergone hypnoanalysis (psychananalysis through hypnosis)-8 week process-cause and effect theory.
I've studied it,parts therapy and have heard of Emotional Freedom Therapy and may sign up for NLP master practitioner course.
I've done alot over the last few years as you me see.
I am/was looking into Learning Strategies Corp products but as they have not answered my email queries, am sceptical of them, much like holosync.
Hemi-sync have always answered my emails. Their products are pleasant but I never experienced OBE's or anything like that.
The Sedona Method,I tried only a few times. So I don't know about it. I'd say its okay.But I like quick results. I'm weary of companies that send alot of marketing material. In this regard, one product has been affordable and efficient and has an absense of marketing material- and because it is has multiple frequencies-reflecting the multi-frequency state nature of the brain through the day have found it effective from day one, and refreshing.
I think they have more than one level from playing it in mediaplayer but like that the don't promote this fact.
they're at and their CD contains alpha-delta-alpha tracks for something like €39 approx. They send the product out pretty fast too. Since listening to their cd i am not inclined to go any further with hollo-sync although i like the centerpoint bell and flute sounds. In short their levels are too-expensive and offer-kill on marketing material.If they were half their current price then I'd probably continue for another level, but having listened to my insight cd from awakened minds have decided not to go further with hollo-sync.
On Monroe Institute, I have 6 of their waves and many of their human-plus cds.But these cds have not brought me the results that insight cd and a cd's from I bought 2 weeks ago from Her cd's have binaural sound on some tracks which are beautifully masked with music.I find her voice and presentation, appealing and superb and find that when the DVDs I purchased not working this week, they unreservedly offered to post me duplicates or VHS version-whichever I wished. In addition I bought a weight loss course from them just at the time they were updating it to include binaural sound and as they were not sure my course was the new version, they sent me the binaural cds as soon as i replied to their newsletter which made me aware of this.Her cds incorporate hypnosis,nlp and parts therapy(secondary gain resolution process therapy).
very long reply...hope it is of value to you all!