I don't consider balderdash or crux to be million dollar words. I value them at around 50 cents, max. Disestablishmentarianism or the like is closer to a million dollar word. More syllables, see? And, hey, at least I don't use french. Notice that I didn't once use vis-a-vis or jouissance. It could be worse.
I don't know how sincere you will think me when I say that these are the words that first come to mind as I am typing. I do admit that I find it amusing that it annoys you. I don't find stuff like that annoying. As a writer and fan of George Carlin, I do feel that it would be appropritate to criticize me for using "actual truth" when "truth" would suffice.
I know I said I'd shut up, and I didn't. I feel a little bit guilty about that, but then someone came along and made a response, to which I felt oblidged to respond.
If what Bill Harris says makes sense to you, then we differ in both reasoning and opinions. Not much more a person can say regarding those facts.
Why did I consider alternatives to traditional meditation? Curiosity.
Did I say "screw this" to traditional meditation? Yes. Several times. Why? Well, zazen can be pretty freaking painful. Physically and psychologically. Full lotus, sitting absolutely straight (luckily we weren't hit by sticks), and trying desperately to count ten complete breaths without a stray thought ... painful. Add to that the inner craziness that can happen during meditation, and you got the perfect activity for any willing masochist. It's been described as having a huge ball of molten metal in your throat that you can neither swallow nor spit up. TM is a lot easier, but there were times I just got lazy and decided to say to hell with it. Currently, I meditate sporatically. I don't use holosync because I think (here it comes) it's balderdash.
I have heard the same thing from different sources about the benefits of meditation having little to do with the actual experiences of it. That you shouldn't strive for a special feeling, or what have you. Go with it, whatever it is is the message. I agree with that. About effort, it does feel better to me when I feel that I am participating in the process and not having it done to me by a tape or another person. It feels more personal and more valid. However, that is personal and has nothing to do with the efficacy or lack of efficacy of a process. That's just personal taste.
As to these discussions being pointless ... well, depends on your point of view. I find it very entertaining. Anyway, in a thousand years, maybe more maybe less, from now ... everything the human race has done can be considered pointless.
[This message has been edited by babayada (edited July 06, 2003).]
[This message has been edited by babayada (edited July 06, 2003).]