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Hello.I callede the Learning Strategies office and spoke to someone to help me find testimonials. Not the ones on the CD,s where people spent time with Chunyi Lin but from people like the ones on the Forum who are practicing with the home courses,Level 1,2 and so on. The woman on the phone used the key word "success". There were 42 or so testimonials. It would "appear" that these were successes, however as long as the word"success" was in the body of the message it fell under"success". In other words " I am having no success, or Isuggest this for success, or I have yet to have any success etc. automatically listed this under the 42 searches for success stories even though there was hardly any successes in ANY of these, but mostly requests for help or being confused, or asking if they were doing something correctly. So, WHERE ARE THE REAL SUCCESS STORIES within the Forum because the testimonials on the CD.s al these people spent time with Chunyi LIn yet every time I go back to the Forum9which is not often, almost everything is about peoples doubts or having trouble or can SFQ help this or can SFQ help this or I need help etc. Even the moderators rarely( and I cannot remember when)talk about anything even close to healing stories like the ones on the promotional CD,s.Just look at all of the posts.No one is ever writing to say anything remarkable happening as a result of their practicing SFQ.I have purchased the Level 1 and have practiced some but hearing some good positive stories on this Forum would help with the motivation to practice more. Clean this site up a little because people are recommending other stuff not SFQ related and of course I am still asking the Question"where are any stories of self practicing people who have gotten off oxygen, whos breast tumors dissappeared, whos heart problems cleared, whose bleeding on the brain stem went away.Now there is a new healing DVD( by the way I would love to purchase this too) with remarkable stories FROM THE RETREAT.I just would like to know , Where is it from all those practicing SFQ? and is this where I should spend my time and money? I know someone is going to berate me as if I am just being a detractor.Quite the opposite.I am asking for some good feedback.

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Joined: Mar 2005
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Personally, I highly recomend sfq. I am starting my third year at it.

I was in very good health when I started sfq otherwise being
plagued for most of my life by severe heartburn. I got into sfq
to keep myself healthy and to learn how to help others.

It never crossed my mind that sfq would cure my heartburn.
My heartburn was actually esophagus spasms. When you get
this it feels like a knife driving into your chest. Nothing I took
really helped much. I just took it for granted I had to put up
with it for the rest of my life. After a month of doing sfq it
was gone. This alone was worth tenfold of the price to me.

So now I have nothing to complain about. It also makes me
feel very good to be able to help others, and I have helped
quite a few.

To name a few, I have helped heal people of arthritis, sciatic
nerve pain, high blood pressure, diabetes and injuries. One
guy had injured his knee. It was very bad and the x-rays
showed that he would need an operation to repair the
damage. They told him that he would have to be in a leg
cast for three months.

I did qigong on him and when he went back for his doctor
appointment two weeks later, before the operation, the
swelling and bruising was gone, so they x-rayed again and
most of the damage was gone so he only needed day surgery
to clear out scar tissue. Did I help? I don't know, I can't prove
I helped, but that guy was convinced that I did. His doctor was
dumbfounded. When he told his doctor about the energy
healing that was done on him, the doctor said he has heard of
it and seen how it has helped other people, but they are not
supposed to talk about it.

As for members not giving testimonials, I will let someone with
more experience answer that. I might guess that many of them
are quite personal. Just a guess. Sorry I could not be of more help.

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Strategist, I've read most of the post on this forum and success is not a word you will find used very often. It's too much like right and wrong and less like the good-better-best mentality of SFQ. If you search for words like improvement, better, less, and more you'll find more stories.

This forum has always been a place when people can come share their thoughts, questions, opinions and experiences. It's not a sales site here to convince visitors that SFQ is the best thing since slice bread. It may very well not be the best choice for many people. Ten years ago, I don't would have embraced the material with the correct mindset. Maybe I would have, maybe not. I do know that my beliefs had changed significantly just before finding SFQ. I also know that I still look around and compare and learn from many other teachings. Right now I'm reading three different books, that have been gifted to me. Now of them are even qigong oriented, but all of them deal with reality from a perspective different than the one I spent most of my life with.

I think that SFQ, is different from many of the self-improvement products you'll find out there (and I have many from LSC). I find that the more I do the SFQ system the more at peace I am with everything. I have learned much from the simple teachings of SFQ and expect to learn much more.

I'm pleased to say that I have never had a truly serious health condition, that needed to be healed. I have had persistent aches and pains that people in their fifth decade sometimes have. I also know that when my SFQ practice was regular and better that these disappeared (another word to search for). Then when my stopped doing SFQ regularly they returned. These were slow changes I only noticed some time after the fact; where I expect to have pain but noticed it wasn't there and hadn't been there in a long time, or there was pain when I hadn't had any for a long time.

Most people in self-improvement are looking for the quick and easy pop-a-pill and everything is better solution. Most people don't find it. SFQ is not that kind of proposition. I'll say that I believe it exist, and that I believe it is in you but will you take the red or blue? Will you want to change your mind afterwards? Will you think you are special and need and extra-strenght blue?

You'll also hear that only you can know where to spend you time and money. In fact, you shouldn't listen to anyone else's answer to that question. I would recommend that if you pursue SFQ that you see it as SPENDING you time and money. See it as directing you energy with a chosen purpose.

You are perfection,

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I agree with the individuals who have initiated and responded thus far. I have a suggestion that maybe a SFQ subset forum could be created just for people's stories of positive experiences after practicing SFQ. I agree that it certainly would help in motivating those who are quickly discouraged.

Here is my story: As I approach sixty, I can feel my body going thru changes. I had achey pains in both my shoulders and at the apex of both hips. I had achey & sometimes sharp pain traveling thru the muscle in my forearms. I was having great difficulty in getting comfortable in bed because of these pains. Now, because of my schedule, I only had time to do the active exercise mostly on Sat & Sun mornings. Gradually, in a matter of weeks, I noticed the pain in my hips and shoulders left. Then because I got a couple of days off from work, I was able to practice for 5 mornings in a row. The pain in the muscle of my forearms is gone. Before SPQ, I developed a bone spur in my right heel AND a minor bunion in the same foot. Since those 5 mornings, I've noticed a difference concerning the heel spur and I'm convinced it will be gone shortly. Then I'll concentrate on the bunion. If you'd like, Strategist, I'll keep you up-to-date...

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I think there is a tendency for us to take positive changes for granted to some extent and move on to the next challenge, the next area we would like to have relief in. So I might ask for help on this forum with the foot that is still bothering me but I don't tell you that it is much better when I do SFQ regularly. And I don't tell you about the shoulder pain and stiffness in my neck I used to have which i now haven't seen for a long time. I don't tell you that I just feel so much more present and alive when I do SFQ regularly, that my sinuses are better, that some mornings after sfq I feel so much lighter. There are things I've forgotten. I recovered a lot more quickly from an operation than I suspect I would have but I can't 'prove' it of course.

If you read my post about helping my son with eczema you will know that I was seeking help with the areas that I'm not confident in, you will aslo know how helpful I found the replies I had. If you look you willl find a success story in there too. Was it a miracle cure? No, but it made a lot of difference to my son that he slept the whole night through (and that happened for the next three nights as well).

What I didn't tell you about was my work with a friend's mother when she came to stay with her at Christmas. She's 80 and had a nasty large ulcer on her leg - that leg was noticeably much colder to the touch (I'm not talking about the 'energy' feel here). Her doctor had told her to seek out a doctor during her stay with my friend becasue he had fears about deep vein thrombosis. I worked with her every day for about 5 days with less 'skills' than I now have but I really wanted to help. The first time I worked with her as I removed a blockage in her back she began to cry and this continued until 'something' had released - she didn't know what it was but felt a lot better. When I turned my attention to her leg, she, and I, felt blockages moving and she became increasingly mobile and happy as the healing work progressed. When she returned home and saw her own doctor he felt that there was now no danger and that she had made remarkable progress. Can I be certain that this change was due to the work that I did with her? No, but she and I certainly beleive it was the case.

So none of these are in the same 'league' as some of the official testimonials but are very significant in terms of the people I mention. Master Lin is a highly accomplished healer and on a day to day basis I guess our healing would not compare to his. However, he emphasises the power of love, kindness and forgiveneess over technique and I am fairly clear that in situations where the need was great and I was able to muster those qualities (I still find forgiveness a challenge!) I would be able to 'punch above my weight' (a poor metaphor for healing!) Which reminds me that you have another recent success story in the post about animal healing. And I recall another about a dog in the past - these success stories are in the forum.

Like you I welcome hearing of other positive stories, and hope we will hear more in this thread, because it lifts us all.



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Joined: May 2001
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Hi all,
I have helped more than one person facing life threatening physical issues. One aspect that goes hand in hand with serious illness's, is that there are almost always multiple things going on, on the helping side. They usually are receiving a doctor's care, medication, and often too, might be engaged with a few alternative healing choices/systems. Very rarely,do I find a singular focus on qigong, by the person, for instance, who has something like a cancer. I did have one situation, where this man had prostate cancer, and refused medical treatment. Even then, along with me helping him via SFQ technique, he also changed his diet dramatically, and saw on rarer occassions, a few other alternative healers. This person no longer has cancer and is fine. He views my help as primary and critical, but I don't ,as much as I view his attitude was critical. He was the perfect person to work with. He had 'no' doubts what so ever, that he could clear himself. He healed himself. I didn't heal him. And, who knows what came into play, and from where... I do feel that my part helped, and was important. More so,,,,he got it. He was positive, focused, and did it. He would make any decent healer look good! He just needed some good effective technique and support. I feel absolutely no urge to claim qigong healed his cancer. I believe that qigong was 'the' most effective ingredient, and I don't care what anyone else believes. It is not my role or desire to spend energy in that direction. The work itself is enough.
I have seen a number of situations where someone very ill, gets well .
The final "you're okay", comes from the doctor, not usually from the alternative healer. The process tends to base in the allowance to engage in qigong from the doctor, and also, the final pronouncement of being healed. There are also many legalities to avoid, while in process, that gets into specific words, and what you claim or say. Excuse me, but I don't want anything to do with that conversation. Again, I am glad there are medical qigong masters like Master Lin, transforming that,,,,,and,,,,that is a specific calling I didn't get! I am interested in helping people as I can find time to do so, but it is not my interest to sell it, market it, or convince anyone of anything. Time is too short, there is plenty of work to do without having to go there.
When success happens, it is often inside a jumble of other efforts going on. Making a statement accrediting qigong to someone's healing success is often not that clear. It is the nature of the way it is, especially with more serious illness's, that almost always involve other 'things'.
I would also say that most people don't share small success's, perhaps feeling their lack of impressiveness.
I read a definition of qigong once, speaking of it as a process, that returns one to our original perfection. I like that definition, and goal. Although a primary focus of SFQ is relative to medical qigong, there is much more to the practice, and more to qigong as both a concept and lifestyle. It is such a broad term, that 'could' be viewed as including ' every other practice or view point', as it goes beyond the practice, the specifics, to just being who we really are. You are looking for specific, more dramatic results about a piece of the practice(not that, that piece isn't important), and perhaps assuming everyone as having the same practice and involvement with SFQ.
I have never really read any of the success stories that come up. The proof for me is in the doing.

Joined: Oct 2004
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Joined: Oct 2004
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All of the above and my 'success' story.
I have been practicing SFQ I & II from the videos for 3 years now and have found it has rid my body of pain.
I had been diagnosed with diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, trigeminal neuralgia and was on 19 medications a day mainly for pain and ended up taking early retirement from my employment some years ago. I still have diabetes but now only take 2 tablets a day. The arthritis was in hands, feet, knees and hips and bad enough for me to have had surgery to remove joints, but now I move easily and have NO pain. The trigeminal neuralgia - an extremely painful condition has gone completely. I now only take 4 medications and no painkillers whatsoever. My BP still fluctuates but is substantially lower.

Also a few weeks ago I chopped a chunk off the end of my ring finger it was over 1/4" deep and 3/8" wide and bled copiously. I cleaned it , dropped on some Tea Tree oil
and put on a dry gauze dressing then commenced sending qi whilst stating my intention of having no infection , no scar and for the end of my finger to be round,pink and healthy. It took 10 days of giving qi - when I remembered and I have a perfect finger again - the nerves are fine . I had no infection (always a risk if you are diabetic) and the flesh and skin grew again. I have very small patch of skin which is still slightly paler but is getting smaller.

As someone else said not quite in the same league of tumours dissolving etc but significant enough to make a huge change to my quality of life.
Thanks to SFQ and Master Lin,

Love and light,

Joined: Jun 2004
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Joined: Jun 2004
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Well for me there have been many success in SFQ. I originally started to help pull myself back together when going through stuff I encountered doing Holosync. This was a really big discovery for me. Having done some Qigong in the past, everything else paled to what Master Lin offered in SFQ.

What is offered in Level 1 and Level 2 could take many years of reading and going through many teachers to arrive at what he offers in those two courses.
Most would never give out that much information in such a condensed form that can be used right away.

I also go through mental arguments with myself regarding SFQ but then I have something happen as an example:

The other day I went to my wife's 2nd grade class to talk to her, one of her students had a bloody nose. This is a little guy and it happens to him all the time. My wife ran out to me to get my help. So following Master Lin's instructions I had him hold up the arm, above his head, on the opposite side of the bloody nostril. The bleeding stopped in about 15 seconds when the energy channel opened up. I then had him cup the inside of each arm, part of the closing exercises of level one, and instructed him on how to take care of this in the future. He went home with a big smile.

Do I know of anyone else who could have done that, or given me the information on how to do that? No, I do not. Argument over.

You should know that SFQ is a commitment and should become part of your lifestyle if you want to reap the gains.

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When I tell my friends what happened to my husband In January 2005, out of respect they remain silent but I can tell they are thinking I am nuts, He had had a pump placed inside his abdomen to send chemotherapy directly to his liver, The chemo was so harsh that it caused biliary duct strictures and he was diagnosed with "sclerosing cholangitis" at one of the nation´s most outstanding medical facilities. This means that once the ducts start shrinking, they will continue to do so, eventually killing the patient. This was even worse than his cancer. The doctors tried placing an internal stent to keep a duct open but the stricture was so narrow that they had to place the stent from the outside and leave a bag attached to his abdomen in order to drain the bile which they claimed would be in place for the remainder of his life. Soon after my husband left the hospital, I asked Master Lin to see him and for one week he treated my husband. Upon returning home, we continued SFQG and kept asking the doctors to internalize the stent so the external bag could be removed, which they always refused, stating that if they did it would become clogged quite often requiring many overnight stays at the hospital. Well, when things are to happen!! One night as he got up to go to the bathroom, the tubing got tangled in the doorknob and was accidentally pulled out. We rushed to the hospital where the doctor said he would try to internalize it but gave us little hope of being successful....and it was successful!! Not only that, my husband was due for more surgery and was asked to have the stent changed as a precaution. To my surprise, the procedure took much much longer than expected and I was a nervous wreck by the time the doctors came to talk to me, and here is their story: ¨We have searched all over and the stent is no longer in place, it has obviously been expelled, and what amazes us is that there is no need for another stent.¨ And to this date, my husband has had no further problems in this respect. Last week, my husband developed blood clots in his right lung and his breathing became very difficult. Master Lin applied long distance healing and his breathing improved dramatically by the following day. He now has developed marked swelling due to a circulatory blockage and again Master Lin has just started applying long distance healing. Hope that what follows from here on will be another ¨success story¨. My HEARTFELT THANKS to Master Lin and SFQG!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Joined: Mar 2005
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Hello all.

After reading Faunes post I thought
I would add a little more.

Recently I have been adding a friend of
mine to the group healing. She has ovarian
and intestinal cancer.The doctors told her
she did not have long.

She could not use the bathroom because
of the size of her tumours. A few days after
the group healing she had bowel movement
on her own.

The doctors said she would need an operation
to survive but the swelling would have to go down
a lot more.

She had chemo twice since but they did not
expect good results.

I put her in the group a few more times. To make
a long story short she went from not much hope to
good hope.

I was talking to her husband the other day and she
is having her operation in early December. The doctor
said he was amazed how the swelling went down.

We can't say for sure that we helped but it is nice to
think that we can make a difference. If we didn't then
I suppose we wouldn't try every Saturday. She and her
husband said to tell you all that they are very grateful
for your help.


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