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I am a newbie to the world of Feng Shui and I would like some help to steer me in the right direction. I recently received MD's Feng Shui promotional letter in the mail and went through the material and so far I am impressed at what I have read. Also from going through some of the posts in this forum on this topic seems to be very promosing. I am inclined to purchase MD's Gold course but I want to ask some question that I hope some of you may help enlighten me.
I just started reading Lillian Too's Feng Shui books and was about to apply what I read until I came across MD's course. I want to ask if there are anyone here who has used the tips in her books and MD's? If so, what are the differences or similarities between the two? I am very impressed with the fact that MD can see the energy and this to me is credibility however how can MD help me with a course when I personally cannot see the energy? Will the course teach me how to see the energy? If I can't see the energy then wouldn't MD's course be just like any other Feng Shui courses/books out there?
Does MD's course provide cures/enhancers to bad/good energy? I see Lillian Too has a lot of products she sells on her sites for this..looks great but wonder if they really work or is it merely commercialism at its best?
Will I need a compass for MD's course? If so, what is the best type of compass to use for this course? A normal compass or Lao Pan etc?
Any feedback/advise would be appreciated as I don't want to waste time or money heading in the wrong direction. I just want to know what really works.
Thanks in advance
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Hello Marc,
The Diamond FS course has the compass as a part of the package. The course also tells us the cures for all the stars(good and bad ) and also according to the personal energy numbers.
I do not think the course tells how to see energy or anything but with proper education and experience you will be able to think like Chi and see if it flowing or stagnant and do the proper remedies. .
Best of luck
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Aloha Marc, Marie has studied with Lilian Too, so you'll find similarities between them. Each have their own strengths and unique qualities to share. As for seeing energy, the course does not train you see actually see energy. As withlove mentioned above, it will show you how to see how Qi flows in and through a house. What's helpful with Marie's ability to see the energy, is that she can see the shift that an object makes (or doesn't) in a room when place/moved. This is helpful to you by weeding out some cures or rules proposed by systems that don't actually have the effect they claim. A compass comes with the Diamond Edition of the course. Check out the three editions (Silver, Gold, and Diamond) on the Diamond Feng Shui page here: http://www.learningstrategies.com/FengShui/Home.asp The compass shows in 2-degree increments. This is important when you get into time feng shui (Level Three/Diamond edition). Much Love, Shawn
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Thank you for the feedback withlove and Shawn. It is very helpful. One more thing - the Personal Energy Number mentioned, is this the same as a KUA number? Will this course show me how to get my energy number and from here be able to determine what my best directions are like a KUA number? Shawn - once I go through MD's course, do you think using cures/enhancers from Lillian Too's site will work or does MD has her own cures/enhancers that will work better? Also the compass you mentioned that comes with the course - it's only with Level 3, I am getting the Gold level at the moment and upgrading later. So in the mean time, what compass do you suggest I use? I went to Suunto site to check out their compass's. Which model does MD recommend? I may get it from here first instead as I will need a compass - might as well get a good one. Thanks.
Last edited by Marc; 03/19/07 08:21 PM.
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Aloha Marc,
The Suunto M2 is included in the diamond edition of the course.
Yes, "Personal Energy Number" is the same as a "KUA" number, and the Essentials part in your course will walk you through that and more.
As for Lilian's cures/enhancments, they'll support each other in the Level One and Two activations, and mostly in the Level Three course as well. Once you recieve the coursework, take it step by step, rather than ordering a bunch of cures for here or there.
Much Love, Shawn
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I just left the bulk of this post for another query, but it seems applicable here as well. Hope it helps you. I've been working with the Diamond level, and very seriously so, for almost a year. My results have been mixed. It's interesting that you mention Lillian Too, go on Amazon and read some reviews of her books. There is a market for selling all kinds of cures and activations that Too is obviously a part of, and Marie Diamond as well - who sells packages of cures and activations for the new year on her website (it's the subject of a post above this one). There are a few Feng Shui emporiums that give out this year's Flying Star chart, and links to the many, many cures and activations for each star. Take shawn's advice here. Also, I have sought out advice from the Learning Strategies coach - who seems to have one answer for everything, "perform the tubes of light." Guess what, "tubes of light" is not a traditional Feng Shui technique. Feng Shui is considered a science, it is not a form of spirituality. I've recently been investigating more authoritative texts (check out www.qi-whiz.com for a list of recommended Feng Shui books) on Classical Feng Shui, where Flying Star Feng Shui originates (and the basis of level 3) and none of this kind of talisman approach has any relevance with traditional Feng Shui. Yes, water features and best directions and where to spend more time, but nothing about all of the tailsman items - like money frogs, dbl happiness pics, wealth ships, etc. Read some of the articles on JoeyYap.com for a sensible idea concerning Classical Feng Shui. Also, there is a huge art theft problem at the moment where criminals steal sculptures from public spaces, and people's property, for the copper and bronze - and it's all being shipped to China as scrap - as reported on NPR and the local paper here in Sedona, where one artist in his 70's had 9 larger than life size bronze pieces taken from his property. I'd hate to find out that my pair of bronze dragon horses were once part of a Henry Moore. Many of the stolen works are huge pieces requiring a crane for their removal. I'm not saying that this is where all the brass is going - but check out some of these stores, they offer a ton of brass objects. Now, some of these things may work in a law of attraction kind of way - as symbols or reminders - seeing your wealthship might remind you of your abundance, or your expectation of it, but I'm not certain that it has any real Feng Shui purpose. I think a lot of it seems more like wishful thinking. Marie say's that Feng Shui works whether you believe or not, but what is true Feng Shui and what is not? Things that have worked, or that I can feel a change in my environment by doing, has been curing Poison Arrows (sharp corners of walls for the most part) and putting reflective surfaces (framed pictures and mirrors) along a narrow hallway to move the Qi energy down the hall. Honestly, empirically, that's all that has really worked for me - though that may have something to do with being on or close to an empty line, my front door that is. And that is, of course, Feng Shui knowledge - more helpful knowing before you move to a new space. Marie always encourages you to do the best with the space you have - though occasionally she suggests you just move. But back to your question, I think Marie does a great job of introducing a lot of the themes and practices of real Feng Shui - which many people in the West associate with the popular Black Hat/Sect (Move your stuff, Change your life), which is generally not well regarded in the larger Feng Shui community. The 1st level has a lot of information, as you would imagine - the 2nd is more of a continuation of the 1st level in my opinion, so I think stopping at the first level, which includes the important Essentials course, is ok to do. Of course, the third level has the Flying Star portion and that is considered the most potent form of Feng Shui. Marie presents the information in an easy to understand manner and in audio format, but you might do as well with one of the Classical Feng Shui books by Eva Wong or the highly rated Idiot's Guide by Elizabeth Moran. I've enjoyed the course a lot and refer to the manual often. But I think there is more information to be uncovered for sure. For instance, in level 1 Marie say's she will go into more detail of empty and Temple lines in level 3, but if she does, I can't find them. I guess what I'm saying is that for a more conclusive grasp of this subject you will have to dig deeper than just this one course. Good Luck to you!
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"For instance, in level 1 Marie say's she will go into more detail of empty and Temple lines in level 3, but if she does, I can't find them. "
Levitateme, why don't you email or call and ask MD why it's not found and if you can get the information? For that cost I would...
I just ordered the Gold course. I too had only experience with Lillian Too and I used some of her recommendations that worked very well. For instance I removed the mirror from my bedroom and I sleep so much better now. It's difficult, some masters say hang a wind chime in your house, another master says NO! Wind chimes never go in the house, it's bad feng shui. They should only go on the outside of the house! You don't know who to believe! One said to hang a pa kuar mirror outside of the house facing the road to repel the poison arrows and demons.. so I did and I had more bad luck than you can shake a stick at! I took it down and my luck improved within days! That's why I was leery to get the Diamond Course. I just hope it works.
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"For instance, in level 1 Marie say's she will go into more detail of empty and Temple lines in level 3, but if she does, I can't find them. "
Levitateme, why don't you email or call and ask MD why it's not found and if you can get the information? For that cost I would...
I just ordered the Gold course. I too had only experience with Lillian Too and I used some of her recommendations that worked very well. For instance I removed the mirror from my bedroom and I sleep so much better now. It's difficult, some masters say hang a wind chime in your house, another master says NO! Wind chimes never go in the house, it's bad feng shui. They should only go on the outside of the house! You don't know who to believe! One said to hang a pa kuar mirror outside of the house facing the road to repel the poison arrows and demons.. so I did and I had more bad luck than you can shake a stick at! I took it down and my luck improved within days! That's why I was leery to get the Diamond Course. I just hope it works.
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Levitateme, why don't you email or call and ask MD why it's not found and if you can get the information? For that cost I would...
I was checking out her web site, and I think Diamond Dowsing would be her answer. Looking at the tools you can purchase - I think you dowse for the correct spot and stick a copper rod into the ground to "ground" the energy or something like that? Seems that's implied from the menu options to have one of her consultants come to your house to cure it of one of many potential maladies - including wandering spirits in the Master bedroom? I think that's more of a European kind of thing - isn't that Celtic? Dowsing, I mean. Wandering spirits in the Master bedroom are just par for the course in any culture I suppose!
I might email her about it, but I think it would be an appropriate question for the DFS group conference calls that take place periodically - that way other people could be informed as well.
Something (else) that I think is kind of ridiculous is MD's suggestion that certain forms of music are base level and equate with the vibratory level of your environment and also yourself (as a musician, I was offended by that); hard rock music is base (which she likens to drug addiction - living in CA as she does, medicinal marijuana is probably exempt), jazz maybe in your alpha range (a little red wine might be allowed), while classical is getting on to delta! You raise your frequency above these base forms, like as you raise your vibration your tastes change (are you and your environment theta, alpha, beta or delta?) - this is a kind of provincial cultural snobbery (or new age purity), in my opinion. Being that you're from New Jersey I'm sure you might appreciate listening to Bruce Springsteen's Born to Run or even My Chemical Romance (long live the Black Parade!) - personally, I prefer to Nordic Track to Bowie's Alladin Sane than Bocelli's Romanza. There's a time and place for everything for sure, but silly judgements about one's personal tastes as it relates to Feng Shui are just that - judgements. ok that's a judgement, but forgive me, I'm trying to make a point. I think if you have a White Star 8 in your living room, you're not going to ruin it by putting on the Beatles White Album, or the White Stripes for that matter.
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I thought I should chime in on this discussion on a number of points. FYI, I worked on creating the Diamond Feng Shui course, am the editor of Marie's newsletters, and have been studying with her quite intensely for the past 2-1/2 years.
Let's start with the reference to Black Hat feng shui. Marie's course is not black hat. The similarity is that both use the Space Feng Shui bagua which includes the meanings for each compass direction like Family for East and Fatherhood for Northwest. In Black Hat no compass is used and the bagua is simply placed over the house or room according to the front door. In Marie's system a compass is always used to determine where these energies are located, and they are arranged according to the ancient systems. There are other differences as well but that is the most defining.
Regarding Temple and Empty Lines: on page 66 of the manual it does say "The worst directions are Temple Lines and the Empty Lines between the 24 Feng Shui Mountains (you will explore this further in Level Three)." The reference to Level Three is not about the Lines but rather to the mention of the 24 Mountains. Thanks for bringing this up. We will clarify the text in the next printing.
On the science and spirituality of Diamond Feng Shui: Marie's inclusion of spiritual energies in her feng shui system is one of the reasons she is a Master. To become one you must add to the information currently available, taking it to another level in some way. Marie does this in a variety of ways including enhancing your personal energy field with the Tubes of Light meditation (very, very powerful - I do this myself two times daily and expand it to include the other individuals in my family, our family as a whole, and our home and property). Other enhancements are her color energies for the 24 facets of life and her system for using hexagrams.
Regarding "fear level energy" and music: The manual says "This level is associated with thrillers, hard rock, soft pornography, and images of violence." I think it would work as well if the reference to hard rock was removed. "Hard rock" can mean something different to everyone. The main idea is that soft porn and violence typify the level, so any music incorporating these things would qualify. Remember that she does not say you cannot expose youself to these things (watching television would be quite difficult to do if that was the case) but that if these are the majority of your exposure on a daily basis then "fear level" is where you're at. Notice that in the "opening level" she says you appreciate a variety of music.
As a side note to the music thing, for myself, the chi level of the environment makes a big difference in the energy level of music I can tolerate. A hot, sunny Minnesota summer day is perfect for cranking Van Halen or the Dead (I'm giving away my age here - LOL) but I definitely cannot tolerate that music in the cold, close winter.
And last but not least, as Marie herself told me quite some time ago on the question of "who to believe," you just have to choose. Educate yourself, try things and see if they work (as Marie herself continues to do to this day), and then go with the system that works for you. Trying to pick and choose little pieces or strategies from different masters and systems will only confuse and frustrate you. Trust me, I know, because I was the same way. I have stacks of books and DVDs on Feng Shui and much of the information is conflicting. I have chosen to work only with Marie's system, including Dowsing and Inner Diamond, and it has been wonderfully beneficial in all areas of my life. If I had to give up every book and access to information I have and could only be left with one I would keep my Diamond Feng Shui learnings.
Let me know if you have any questions.