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#5936 05/06/03 12:53 PM
Joined: May 2003
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ColinM Offline OP
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Hi there,
I am interested to know how people have used the Natural Brilliance course to benefit their lives. I would be interested to know if people have seen dramatic changes.

How do you start? Do you list all your goals and decide on which ones you want to achieve first?


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Here is a great old question from the archives. I am surprised that there was no response to this. Maybe it was too new back then? Anyway, I would be interested answers to this as well. I have "dusted off" my Natural Brilliance course and am using it again right now. I have read other similar threads in the archives and they help, but I would like a more direct response to this post.

Part of my problem, with ADHD and OCD, I have trouble even focusing on which goal is "priority". Right now, I am trying to focus on taking better control of my time and schedule (same problem applies there, as applies to deciding on what to work on with Natural Brilliance! Every day!).

I am enjoying this second pass on Natural Brilliance. It has been a few years.


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It was with hindsight that I realised how much Natural Brilliance impacted my life at the time. It triggered me to go to the US and become a PhotoReading instructor. Something my old self would never have done given the circumstances I was in at the time. Then to travel to the first retreat that gave me more leverage and the Abundance For Life course covers the material I learned there.

Funny thing about the Natural Brilliance course. Even though I did it and followed the course for two weeks initially listening to each Paraliminal in sequence and then the generator morning and night for a week. I didn't see any change in me. It's like I was my old familiar self. Like the comfortable clothes I wore were as comfortable as ever. It's only looking back to find when I changed because others were telling me I had that I found it.

That happens to me often when I use a Paraliminal. I'm now 100% certain I benefit every time. Although it may not appear that way at the time. As it doesn't always play out the way I expect it or the other people seemed to have changed and I didn't have to play the role. Maybe they sensed a change in me and changed?

So now when I listen to Paraliminals I am curious to see what the gift holds. As with many gifts they don't always create enthusiastic feelings when you first see them yet in hindsight they turn out practical.


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Again, thank you Alex for sharing your personal experience and this very helpful post about your experience with NB and Paraliminals. I believe you and I am finding something very similar in my recent "dusting off" and using both the NB course and my trusty old Paralminals.

IN a recent session, I shared with my therapist the NB course, a very experienced Doctor of Psychology who specializes in ADHD (and has it himself, as do I. However, I like to refer to it as ASO, "Attention Surplus Order"! grin More of a superpower that takes some focusing, then a "disorder ) and his really liked it and thought it was perfect for me and some of my challenges.

I started out with working with my issues with time, both being on time, as well as how I use and prioritize my time. And I am finding some real progress using the 4 steps of RNRW, Natural Brilliance approach.
So now when I listen to Paraliminals I am curious to see what the gift holds. As with many gifts they don't always create enthusiastic feelings when you first see them yet in hindsight they turn out practical.

Very well said, and right on the money! Thanks again for your response to my response to this very old yet still valuable topic.



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