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We are looking at buying a home that is NW 2. However the front door is set back (west area is 'missing') and falls in the disaster star center area. Our plan is to build a porch/entryway and so move the front door into the NW area which has relationship/collaboration star and abundance star. Is there anything we can do before we move in to improve the feng shui and help along a smooth purchase and transition.
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You might consider Tubes of Light. But seriously, I would also consider (you probably have) if the front door corresponds to one or both of your best directions for the family's major bread winner? Does the stove face a best direction? As well, is the Element (earth, wood etc.) of your Personal energy number supported by the Earth Base star (or Time Star, the central big number) in your Flying Star chart in the Facing Palace? For instance, your base number for NW2 (period 8, is this a new house?) is 9-Purple-Fire at the Facing Palace which is great if your element is Wood and ok if your element is Fire. Otherwise, you would have to work further by adding counter-measures to the area. But that might be as simple as adding a fountain here to counter the fire element, and it would also support the six-white that is also in the Facing Palace, and your 6-8 combo suggests financial success. 9-Purple is not considered to be a good front door number to have, though with the 6 there, the destructive influence is lessened. With this chart I believe you'd have an illness combination in the East (6-9) most likely to effect the elderly, so best not to put Grandma's bedroom there.
You might also look at the actual date the house was built and make a chart for that. The year of construction has been the gold standard for determining a Flying Star chart, unless your renovations are so extensive as to bring it into the new period, which a porch I don't believe would be enough. Not sure how Marie arrives at the contract being the determining factor, though that is the case in purchasing land or a burial plot - so maybe it has something to do with that.
Another thing you might consider is the fact that the Grand Duke Jupiter is in the NW (though not the whole compass direction for the NW) this year and is not to be disturbed by renovations. Sorry to have to bring that up.
You might consider hiring a Professional Classical Feng Shui Practitioner to scope out your house. Timing is also to be considered as well as the general layout and where the period stars fall. With an investment such as this, I would consider those options. It's one thing to discover Feng Shui after you've purchased a home, but you're in such a better position to use Feng Shui to help determine the best place for you. There are some great resources in The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui 3rd edition that might help you find a real practitioner. That book is a gem by the way (title excluded!), very highly regarded (it also has the raw period charts from Period 1 to 8, MD's more explained charts only cover 7 and 8). The MD system kind of spoon feeds you information but doesn't go into any real depth as to what is the underlying factors, in my opinion. I think it's a great start, and good for someone who just wants to do as she says without learning that much - and I don't think a lot of people have the time to study more extensively, so her system is a great resource. I'm talking mostly about her Flying Star system, which doesn't really go into very much detail other than here's what to do - as she determines the star combinations effect for you, but also in some cases this conflicts with the individual's personal element. By the way, JoeyYap.com has a free Flying Star calculator to make charts. Also, a very no BS approach to Classical Feng Shui.
I wish Marie would explain the star combinations in her course, and name the stars (she does name the yearly stars), so that one could learn the relationship between them - but that doesn't seem to be the point or direction they chose to go in with the Diamond Feng Shui system.
That's my 2 cents for you. Maybe someone else will have some good suggestions or insights for you - I'm still learning, but I thought I'd share some of what I've learned a bit beyond DFS.
best of luck!
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Why don't you ask Marie about the star combinations?
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Since you're asking me, I assume you don't mean about the NW2 house, but my wanting more info about Flying Stars in general.
The Flying Star combinations are not really as simple as a list of what they mean because there are so many potential combinations. There are, it seems, some classic fortunate and unfortunate combinations - called conditional (1st tier) and unconditional (if a conditional doesn't exist). For instance, I have a 2 (Earth Base Star) / 7 (Facing Star) combination in the south that portends a good chance of fire occuring by natural causes - a 7/2 would be by human causes. That is one unconditional combination. FYI - on a Flying Star chart it is the Facing Star on the right (stronger than the Mountain star), the Mountain Star on the left, and below these 2 numbers is the Earth Base, also called the Time Star. Most combinations are not so cut and dry as a conditional or unconditional combination from what I've read. You have that first combination, and then you then take into account the Mountain Star, then there is the Yearly Star and Monthly and even Daily and Hourly if you care to take it that far - the reason one does this in the first place would be to pick the best day to move in, for instance. It becomes quite a blend, though there is a hierarchy. Certain stars are stronger than others and it is the combination of elements (a strong earth star with a weak water star and fire star, for instance - then in a particular room [bedroom, living room, office], with a particular person in it) that determines whether remedies or activations are needed to weaken or stregthen a particular star to tip the qi to a favorable quality. This is how I understand it so far.
Level 3 DFS is not so much a learning course on Fying Star (nor does it claim to be, honestly I'm not knocking DFS), but instructions for cures and activations for period 7 and 8 floor plans - and how best to implement them. Showing all the stars on each floor plan would probably have been just confusing to many. However, I'm sure Marie could put together a thorough explanation of the weakening, destructive, nourishing cycles and how to utilize and apply them to the Flying Stars - and offer insights into their unique characteristics. Perhaps that could be level 4 DFS. Being an energy 8, I feel I have to get to the bottom and understand how it all works. I presume it takes years of study and practice to get down, like any skill or profession.
A Correction - a NW2 wouldn't have the combo in the East that I mentioned (I incorrectly read the Mountain, not Facing Star, sorry), instead you would have a 9/8 unconditional combination at the front door which portends fame, so if you're in a field such as entertainment, this might be something to keep in mind. By the way, that info comes from Eva Wong's highly recommended book, "Feng-Shui." But this kind of proves a point - also what I was getting at in the first post. That with such an important investment, this kind of information is probably best left not to novices, but to a Classical Feng Shui Practitioner who has studied at a credible school and has been practicing for a few years. It isn't just the house, it is you in the house - that dynamic. The surrounding terrain is equally important. Marie Diamond would probably concur that hiring a professional is a sound idea.
I was looking at Marie's website, and if you attend the free conference for Diamond level DFS (where you learn to make hexagrams) this weekend, and stay on for the following 2 days you can become certified to be a DFS consultant. You have to also have taken her Diamond dowsing workshop and have completed the DFS course as well. I'm pretty sure I read that correctly, her website is down again when I went to check it. I'm not sure how that works - how much more can you learn in two short days to become a qualified Feng Shui practitioner? It could be that they send in the measurements and MD's staff does the calculations? But what about landform analysis, I just don't see how that could be taught so quickly. And what about learning the Four Pillars? I think this is why when seeking out a professional practitioner you have to be certain they really have the skills, JoeyYap.com has some good articles to this end on how to find a practitioner and what questions to ask. I'm sure I ticked some people off with that one, but I think it is just common sense to find the best person you can for any task. No offense to anyone out there practicing Feng Shui professionaly after a weekend workshop, that's just my opinion.
Mayflowers, you bring up Lillian Too quite a bit. I'm not sure if you're being ironic or not, but from what I've read she has been credited with two things - popularizing Feng Shui in the 90's and having a lot of inaccuracies in her books. And now I'll probably be asked to leave the Forum for good for my critical attitude. But someone should benefit from my hours and hours of online research!
Debra talked about the stacks of books and dvds she has on Feng Shui, and jumping from one system to another and how one should just stick with a particular system. I agree and I disagree. I think that by doing some research, one can hone in on what it is they are trying to learn, and find the teachings that support that goal. I think with Feng Shui, Classical is the only proven form - and there are a small number of books in English, and a few recommended schools (in the US), that teach it. Marie uses Classical Feng Shui with her additional color theory and LoA (ok, and then there's the dowsing), and with the inclusion of Chinese folk elements, such as money frogs and laughing buddahs, but the core is Classical Feng Shui. Not to be redundant, but level 3 doesn't really teach Flying Star but rather presents it - you get some, but not all of the process. To actually learn Flying Star, there is no other option but to seek out additional teachings within the Classical Feng Shui tradition. It's not like moving on to Black Sect or advanced space clearing/decluttering or some Westernized nonsense pretending to be (or associating itself with) Feng Shui, it's about uncovering more of a very ancient tradition.
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Levitateme, you seem extremely learned on feng shui. Are you doing any consulting? I understand what you're getting at as far as years of study involved in advanced feng shui. I bring up Lillian Too because she's the first and only feng shui expert and author I ever bought a feng shui book by. I didn't know of any other authors/experts/masters. I suspected that her methods were inaccurate as I applied a couple of them and nothing happened, so I kind of lost interest in feng shui for a time because of her... I couldn't find a course to learn and advance..that didn't require travel and a whole lot of money, which I can't do with 2 kids, until I saw Diamond feng shui and the home study course. I would like to go to her classes down the road...when my youngest turns 18 in a few years. Then I'll be free to travel!
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Thanks levitateme. I am not sure I understood all of it!
My husband and I both have KUA #7 so NW is very good direction. Stove faces NE - also good. First house we have found that isn't the traditional N/S direction which makes it hard for us west people! Garage door faces SW which we would use more than front door anyway. What are tubes of light? Unfortunately our bedroom would be in E with illness star but better than our current bedroom (disaster star!!). We both love the house and surrounds and consider that to be as important as the Feng shui although there is always some feng shui that can be done to help.
Thanks for input - think a lot of people are away at the training. Jenny
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Tubes of Light is a meditation to surround yourself with harmonious light energy that is recommended in level 1 or 2 of DFS to ward off negative energy. I had mentioned that this was a recommended cure-all, somewhat facetiously, at the offices of LSC in an earlier post. Actually, Paul has incoporated it into the Sonic Access paraliminals - which are really great I think. I've actually had some good experiences with visualizing being surrounded by different color fields - but I don't think it will help the Feng Shui of your building (though it might make one feel better). So that was a bit of a joke because it was suggested to me by a DFS coach at LSC to a question that was about a potential structural flaw in my front entrance, "hmm, did you try doing tubes of light?' I also called with another question and I think the idea was to open up to intuition using tubes of light, because that was their recommendation - which made me feel like they might not be particularly knowledgeable about Feng Shui. I'm sure they were trying to be helpful. But, also if the person is not on site to check it out, there's probably very little they can assess for you, which probably should have been their answer. I don't think Feng Shui can just be intuited unless you have a very solid knowledge base; it's more of a science in its structure, form and practice - with interpretive aspects, as well.
Also, I'm not so certain about the move-in-date theory that MD uses in DFS - I've actually switched to the period chart the house was constructed in at my place as that has been the rule in books written about Xaun Kong (Flying Star) that I've read, though as I said, she might be quite correct in using it. I think some of those Chinese folk traditions she's added make me wary. I submitted the move-in-date question for the next call in, and I'm very curious to hear the answer! Most of the programs that Paul and Peter have constructed at LSC have supplemental reading recommendations and also site sources. I wish DFS did the same.
I would consider making a pie shape, rather than the rectangles, in laying out the star chart over your floor plan. You might find that you can place your bed in either the SE (8/1 health and abundance) or NE (4/6 recognition, but also injuries to women) rather than your sickly causing financial loss 9/2 combo in the East - the combo is the mountain star/facing (or water) star. The pie chart concept is mentioned in this months Time DFS newsletter. Think of a pie with eight slices and a pretty small circle in the middle for the Central Palace. This obviously intersects rooms in a way that makes things a little less cut and dry as it fans out. If it splits your bedroom in half (well more like a % wedge probably), for instance, than you can place your bed in that good area. Marie say's to try and see what works best for you in the newsletter - it's also the way Master Joseph Yu lays out the chart. You can also place the whole chart over just one room and pick the best area in the room for your bed.
I think if you have a good feeling about this house in general, that is important. You might just need to tweak some Feng Shui elements later (which I wouldn't intuit unless you're very psychic or something!). And Feng Shui is only 1/3 your luck. It seems like this house has a lot of good Feng Shui aspects too, as you've pointed out. Hope it all goes well for you.
And Mayflowers - I do hope to be at the practitioner level one day. Even though I've been interested in metaphysics for years, I have never been attracted to learning about astrology or numerology or the like, but Feng Shui has really grabbed me. Those are, of course, primarily divination systems, though Feng Shui has a predictive aspect as well and uses Chinese astrology and divination systems. Maybe it has something to do with being a Kua 8 (as Marie might suggest) or even living in Sedona (the Vortex's you know) - not sure, but it really does fascinate me for some reason. I'm also kind of skeptical, as if you couldn't tell, and prone to doing a lot of research - so I'm trying to get to the purest knowledge that I can find. May we all find the answers we're seeking.
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Jennyherbs, I am also a KUA # 7 and Levitateme my son is a KUA 8 also! I've always loved metaphysics but I never got into figuring astrology charts. Probably the math stopped me . I do find feng shui fascinating as the Chinese astrology. I am a fire monkey with small metal. So I could be a black smith? I want to paint my house. Can I combine my fortune colors with my small metal colors? I wasn't too thrilled about the auspiscious occupations for me, rocket scientist? Cool, but I'm too old to go into that now. I'm a secretary. I wonder if that includes communication? I had a four pillars reading a couple of years ago and the person told me I should write, that I was a born writer...that's not on Marie's list of auspicious occupations... (?) I will be definately asking questions on May 8th!
Last edited by Mayflowers; 05/01/07 07:57 PM.
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I think you could paint your house with your favorite colors. White or grey are metal colors - I guess it depends on the house too - capes always look nice in white. I probably wouldn't recommend incorporating all 24 facets of the DFS diamond unless you live in a Victorian Queen Anne or something. I would go with a color you like - I'm not sure that the exterior color can effect the qi entering your home. If you think about it, no color would be perfect for all areas of your home because different areas have different elemental requirements, in theory. So, you might consider doing something special - like a fortune color for your doors and window casings, provided it fits with the overall color of your house. Your neighbors might be offended if you paint your house bright red, but yellow is pretty traditional for a fire color if you really want to keep within that framework, the enhancing colors might be acceptable too.
I think this is a perfect general question for the call in on 5/8. But if you didn't already realize it, you cannot ask questions yourself at the call in. You have to email your questions in advance, like now, to Shawn at Learning Strategies (ShawnG@LearningStrategies.com) in order to get them answered.
Whatever you decide, go with a quality paint!
You can analyze your 4 Pillars chart pretty easily using The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui 3rd Ed - they devote 5 chapters to the process. This book is GREAT, I cannot recommend it enough - everyone interested in Feng Shui should own it, the information contained is invaluable. I think they got the book deal through the Idiot's umbrella only as it's a very thorough presentation (in a easy to understand way, of course) of the methodology and history of Classical Feng Shui. One of the authors is Master Joseph Yu, who's quite brilliant. If I was stuck on a desert Island and had to keep just one Feng Shui resource (so I could build a more conducive hut I suppose), it would be this book.
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You can analyze your 4 Pillars chart pretty easily using The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui 3rd Ed - they devote 5 chapters to the process.
I would advise caution with regard to that. Reading four pillar charts is not as straightforward a matter as it may first appear. People still get it wrong after many years of practice.
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Point taken. As well, it's not a complete analysis - however, figuring out your day-master and observing what elements are and are not present in your chart is helpful to understanding where you're at. Then again, I'm a big believer in DIY. Will you be expert or able to make predictions? No, you will not. However, since you are reflecting on yourself, obvious patterns do emerge.
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Aloha jennyherbs, Good questions and opportunities for learning on all sides with this one. Quote:
We are looking at buying a home that is NW 2. However the front door is set back (west area is 'missing') and falls in the disaster star center area. Our plan is to build a porch/entryway and so move the front door into the NW area which has relationship/collaboration star and abundance star. Is there anything we can do before we move in to improve the feng shui and help along a smooth purchase and transition.
Front Door Building an enclosed porch to bring out the front door could bring it out of the center and into a pretty good location for your period 8 house.
Check out where the master bedroom lands in your Time Feng Shui chart, as well as other locations. Rememeber that you may not find a a home with perfect feng shui, but having a front door under a good star, facing a good direction, and having a good star in you master bedroom is a very good start. Marie also talks more about what to look for in buying a home in the Volume 1, Issue 2, Space Feng Shui Newsletter CD
Before Moving In Do the tubes of light meditation with your self and include the house. Add the card of the realtor and a picture of the house in your success direction.
On the pre-move in Take the house through the clearing exercises in Forgiveness Facet of Level One.
Painting (as you brought up somewhere later in this thread) Check out the "Painting with Space Feng Shui to Attract Abundance" section in your Space Feng Shui Newsleter Vol. 2, Issue 1.
Aloha Levetateme, A couple things of clarification:
The Dowsing class this weekend is a pre-requisit to Marie's consultant certification, as is her advance Diamond Feng Shui class which gets more into the background of the moving "flying stars." Marie has more in depth work available for those looking for it.
Sarcasm is a very distant cousin to humor.
Teaching a person to fish is more helpful in the long run than handing them a fish...unless the person is malnurished and needs the fish right now to survive. Keeping it as simple as possible and no simpler is a good starting point. Similar to Coach Wooden teaching his UCLA basketball players how to tie their shoes, build from the fundamentals.
There are quite a few systems of Feng Shui in (and out of) exsitance. Suggesting another system's mothod of dong something because one doesn't understand the rational behind Marie's system's perspective, only muddies up the water.
Much Love, Shawn
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My questions on the colors was more about clothes not so much painting my house. But as far as coloring anything whether it be clothes or a house or rooms, that goes I wanted to know if I could use both small metal and fire colors?? That was the question.
Also, have I received the Space Feng Shui Newsleter Vol. 2, Issue 1. with my Diamond Gold course? I do not recall it.
Last edited by Mayflowers; 05/04/07 07:54 PM.
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Thank you Shawn. The master bedroom would have an illness star on it (E) However, when I do the pie chart type divisions on it the bed would fall in the NE I think which has no star. The front door faces a good direction for both of us (we are both KUA#7) and door faces NW. I remember MD saying something about houses that have problem stars on teh front door can have problems in even buying them. We seem to be having that. Part of it is that we are offering a low price (in a very slow, buyers market) and the sellers are not ready to move on their price. Is there something we can do in our current house to move things along. There seem to be several areas of my life that I would like to have progress a little faster - including this one. Thank You, Jenny
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Aloha Jennyherbs,
Check out "Selling a house" special feature on the Energy Facets DVD.
My appologies Mayflowers, I looked up Jenny's info and she recieved the Space Feng Shui Newsleter Vol. 2, Issue 1. It looks like you purchaced your course right after that newsletter went out, so Your subscription would have started with the next issue.
As for colors for clothing, Marie suggest using you fortune element/color and the element that strengthens it in your wardrobe.
Much Love, Shawn
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Thanks Shawn. If I'm small metal, would I use metal colors in the home or can I mix my fortune colors that are fire, with the metal colors? In level one Marie says my fortune colors are "enhanced" by green and brown so are you referring to green and brown as colors that "strengthens"?
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If I'm small metal, would I use metal colors in the home or can I mix my fortune colors that are fire, with the metal colors?
Marie doesn't integrate your regular element (the metal), but your fortune element color and it's enhancing element color. Look at your fortune element as an accent color in your bedroom. You can look at the space feng shui for each area (and time feng shui cures if you have Level Three), as to what main colors to enphasize in the room falling into each sector.
Remember that ballance is important. Just because the room is in the south (fire), doesn't mean there should just be fire colors and no water colors.
In level one Marie says my fortune colors are "enhanced" by green and brown so are you referring to green and brown as colors that "strengthens"?
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Thanks Shawn. I just read in the level one that one should use their fortune colors in decorating the home...on page 51