Hello Everyone
I have just finished reading "Happy for No Reason". Such an inspriational and practical book I have never come across, even though I have read quite a number of personal development books.
I live in Coffs Harbour, Austrlia, and would dearly love to be part of a support group. My friends and relatives are not interested. I am sure that those of us on quest to be Happy for No Reason could be very supportive towards each other.
I will be dowloading the H4NR workbook tomorrow and would be very grateful to know if anone has only just started on the workbok. It seems to me that quite a few of you may be further along the road than I am at this stage.
A telephone support group may prove qa little difficult for me, due to the time differences, unless any members of this online forum are from Australia.
I will contribute more to this forum after I have got the workbook and started on it.