Hello again
I use dowsing as a tool to help me make decisions when I am torn between several options. So far it has worked a treat. For instance, when I first agreed to meet my feng shui buddy I suddenly became doubtful about the whole thing. When I dowsed I was assured that it was a good idea to meet with him and it is all working out perfectly.
As a family we had some fun in Pizza Hut once to find out which foods were good for us. We found that nothing my husband had ordered was doing him any good, but the rest was fine.
I have also used dowsing to find missing items, which is great when you cannot remember where you put things.
Although I still use my dowsing rods for finding stress lines, I find that they don't easily fit in the handbag. Instead I use a pendulum with equally great results. Either way I make sure I have done my Tubes of Light and that I focus on the top of my magical hat.
A neighbour has recently stated categorically that dowsing cannot be learnt and he has set me a challenge. His father used a dowser to find a well many years ago and soon I shall be walking the field with my rods in search of the underground feed to the well. That will be fun and when I have found it (and I trust that I will) I may be allowed to check the rest of the property and perhaps do some feng shui, too.
Best regards