Ding-a-link-ling...The phone is ringing.
I answer .....Hello?
Caller: May I speak to Ms Jasmine?
Me : This is she.
Caller: Good Morning Ms Jasmine..I am calling from the
wire transfer department of ScotiaBank.
Me: Wire Trasfer?
Caller: Yes, are you expeting a wire transfer?
Me: Why Yes I am!
Caller: Can you confirm the amount of funds you are expecting?
Me: One Million Dollars?
Caller: That is correct. Can you confirm the Sender's Name?
Me: The Universe.
Caller: That is correct. The money is being posted to your account as we speak. The funds will be available to you later today.
Me: Thank you very much.
Caller: My Pleasure. Good day now, and have a nice day.
Me: Same to you. Good Day.
And that's how I made my first Million!