Fistly you don't 'have to' link it to the anchorman list. You can create ABC list by chunking the subjects. R will always be 18 T will always represent 20. Do use the anchorman list if you have to remember things in order there the letter from the anchorman list A = 1 and what you connect to it can start with any other letter you just need to make a good visual connection.
If you group them categories for multiple lists you could do it this way.
Parts of a car ... under the bonnet
A= Alternator,
B= Belts
C= Carbie
D= Distributor
In the boot
A= Air (when it's empty)
B= Bottles of water
C= carpet
D= Daypack
Car passenger interior
A= Ashtray (too small for the 2 lollie wrappers)
A= could also equal automatic windows (you just turn the handle and the window goes up or down automatically)
B= Back seat
C= Console (hummm I could put that under J for junkbox)
D= Doors (4 of them)
I could probably make a list of 26 items for the exterior too, I can be Xtremely Kreative and only have to remember when I used an artisic license but then you always remember when you broke the rules
. So that's four list relating to my car and instead of linking them to the anchorman list I divided aspects of my car into various subheads. Makes them easier to manage and recall.
By taking a moment to consider the grouping of your subject you can probably make it more manageable.
When it comes to remembering a sequence of numbers I still use the letter substitution method although using the anchorman list or first letter keywords you could probably create a memorable story. For remembering things in an order say up to 50 Items you use the anchorman list and a secondary list (by creating a second master list it could be an animal list since once you create a list of animals you just need to play with your recall of them in piggy bank time and you can then have 52 items to connect your ordered list to.