Ok...but mind probing questions is an activation technique that doesnt explain it self correctly.
How can you say that mind probing questions is an activation technique that doesn't explain itself correctly?????
Why do we ask mind probing question what is the point of asking mind probing questions?
How are we ever going to get anything from a book if we do not ask questions?
We use mind probing question as a tool to get the information out of the book so we can accomplish our purpose.
If a man or a woman decides that he or she wants to learn to become a electrical engineer that person would have to obtain a understanding of mathematics and science to design and work on electronic and electrical equiptment.
So the mind probing questions while they are not a purpose are a tool to help the photoreader get what he or she needs from the book to accomplish his or her purpose.
You should look at it from the perspective that there is something in this book that will enlighten you bring you to a higher level that you could grow or benefit from the information in the book and the start of that journey to obtaining information to bring yourself to a higher level starts with using mind probing questions to get answers that will help you do your purpose.