Hi Everyone, I would like to share my first spontaneous activation experience that I have been waiting for months...
First of all. I am from Hong Kong (cantonese) and I have been a PRer for nearly 1 years, I have PR more than 100 and less than 200 books in this years (most of them without activating at all), so my activation skill are not too good =.=!.
My first spontaneous activation experience is on 2008-10-12 7.30pm GMT, so 1 day ago depend on when you read this post.
Before you continual reading below, do not expect like pete's one in youtube, much simpler.... and PR the page first! haha but don't super read and dip, read EVERYTHING......@.@!
I am now studying in UK uni and I learn japanese at an open unit, so like always I PR book that I study before starting, and I decide to put japanese on to test with PR, result was,
I remember and understand much faster the symbol and the grammer of japanese.
1 day ago, I PR the japanese book as usual (Both right and upside down, because I can read during photofocus)( about 8 times already) and I have PR the dict and other relate Japanese books as well, so I start studying... and 2 hours later (1 hours between where I have dinner), I start studying again.
Then I was day dreaming...., I imagine the teacher ask me what time is it, and myself should be answering just the time ( I am a beginner), but something suddenly come out into mind and I imagine myself saying it: then I realise that instead of answering just the time, I actually said the complete sentence out---- so answering just "time" becames "The time now is ....." which I shouldn't be knowing how to say at all. But I was too into thinking about the experience, I don't have further activation.
But for me, spontaneous activation is not like those one like "Arr ha" thing, more like kind off remember something, like I remember your name and so and so, but you just have to notice that you are having the experience. So for PRer that want to have spontaneous activation, I would actually say that most of you have many spontaneous activation experience already, but you just don't notice because it is too mild or you just expect too much. And by the way, everytime I PR something I always confirm my affirmation with "I want spontaneous activation" and "I must remember what I read in the book afterward".
ONE more thing I want to share is that 1 month ago, there's a person interest in PR and he contact me through my youtube account, I explain every single detail about PR including how do the brain work, why do PR work very well using your brain capacity and many thing about the sub-consicous more than what you got from the book and he add my MSN and he brought the Personal L course Deluxe, he learn for a week and it was fine, he understand that you need to use the system more inorder to get better. But Guess what, 1 month later which is 3 days ago, he said PR was totally rubbish and I fool him into buying it and I think he block me in MSN as well which is a shame, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it, it is his choice, I did all I can to help him and wonder do he come to this website for help at all????( I did tell him to come to the website if there is a problem and there are instructor and many people to give help.)
Last edited by Vincent_Tso; 10/13/08 05:36 PM.