Well, a few points.
And I am willing to again go over the same ground like as if we had never discussed it.
The PhotoReading Course is both direct and clear. A wonderful summary can be found in Alex K. Viefhaus recent thread,
'PhotoReading How to'.
Found here:
http://www.learningstrategies.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=69035#Post69035And again, the first post of this thread relates a second method for those not inclined to manual activation.
And third, all short-cuts require being comfortable following ones own light or 'intuition'.
Since you seem so keen on this, then I would pay some attention to it. The good news is you are young and whatever you greatly desire you will grow into. So hang in there!!
Now some potent points as to being LOST or wanting to be 'told' what to do. Or bemoaning being 'wrong'. This will not well engender success, especially as regards learning trusting your own intuition to know a thing.
This power is not taught, given or conferred. YOU use or you don't. Not time or lack of it will avail its arrival.
There is a attitude to this, often summarized by a telling story.
I will make one up:
Go forth young one, blind-folded and made dizzy by spinning around and head for that very high cliff over yonder; JUMP when you know for sure you are really at the edge. That is what it is like following your own intuition, trusting it is the 'truth'.