Now you have to consider I don't believe we have the same values about money. I never sort to be wealthy in the sense of having riches and things like playing the stock market never interested me. I do like to get paid for services rendered and yet my value system is such that if someone refuses to pay I prefer to write off the loss and walk away. (After the Sedona Tapes.) I valued my peace more and I even had the opportunity to sue for $40,000aud and would have won by default. This would have force the closing down of a club. Now I didn't want to have the hatred of the members even though what they did was wrong. I have no bad feeling toward them. They still owe me money for having saved the club from closeure by the government so some of them feel bad about the whole scene anyway.
Apparently not, but we are not as different as it appears at first glance. I do have the wish to have riches and "playing the stock market" (in quotes because I'm not studying for the stock market but for the commodity futures market althought I could buy stocks in the future; also, by saying "to play" I understand to do a game, thing which I'm going to avoid. It is something different to just play and to do actual business knowing what I'm doing), but I'd prefer to remain in peace with everyone instead of getting enemies. So things like suing are out of my toolbox.
The reason I tell that story is so that you can see my value system toward money and understand that for me to say one tape is better than the other is pretty hard to do because I did one after the other. As the Sedona Method is mostly about releasing it really comes to stepping back to your core values.
Well, I can say that what I learnt during my childhood and after would be a core value system of dismissing money too, but I know that money is not inherently evil and I wish for a more comfortable life for continuing my personal growth. Also, in my dreams, as well as in my goals now, there is a place for helping the needy. If I have a big stream of income, I'll be able to help more people. It is this idea that have led me to think that in a sense not wishing to be wealthy could be somehow egotistical as well as having and not giving. So maybe we are not as different as it seems to be at first glance. I intend to change those limiting core beliefs about money when I reach the Belief paraliminal section in the Ideal Mindset course.
Since you are committed to taking the course you could do it along side the photoreading course.
As for now, I'm avoiding just so. Doing too much at the same time could have been what kept me from completing courses in the past. But I have been doing good changes in the last month, so maybe I'll be able to do photoreading and practical freedom together, but I have to be cautious. When the time comes, I'll decide. Yet, the main encouragement I have now could be the online journal, in which case, I might successfully take both of them at the same time if I keep another online journal. I'll think on this.
Judging by the way you describe the tapes, I suspect they are not boring to me. I'd be able to listen to them many times, building on them each time I'd listen to any of them. Of course, I'd focus on Wealth Builder first because that's my current goal.
Thanks for your comments, they are very helpful.