Hello Poise,
I, too, am a Holosyncer. I cannot give you feedback on your paraliminal question because I have just started with them, and it is too early to say.
However, I have just read the book called "The Big Leap" by Gay Hendricks, which was recommened by someone else on these threads. I believe you are experiencing an Upper Limit problem - see my own comments on this on the Abundance for Life forum.
Hitting an Upper Limit seems to be an evolutionary problem. We are wired for safety, fight or flight, living to fight another day etc. and our neural networks are geared to survival - picking up threats, subtle signals, watching our backs. We have far fewer pleasure centres. Yet in the current era, we no longer need to protect ourselves from others, from standing out, from beingg noticed. In fact it is what many of us desire.
Hendricks describes worry (e.g. worrying about that which we have no control over) as an Upper Limit mechanism. When we feel good and we are doing well, when we are just getting to higher levels of happiness, that worry UL kicks in to hammer us back down, lowering our happiness levels to a space we can handle because it is familiar.
When I read the book and his clear descriptions of common UL strategies I felt a bit numb and displaced. After a few days I started to spot how I indulge in Upper Limiting too. Shocking, but true. I am now in the process of dismantling ULs so I can enjoy and LIVE consistently at higher levels of bliss.
I am not trying to discourage you from PLs, just Upper Limiting is amazing to work with too.
Good luck and enjoy juggling successfully, but why limit yourself to glass balls, they can break!
French Claire