If photoreading is based on fact like man landing on the moon, that's not very convincving because the moon landing was fake. Space scientists didn't land man on the moon, so if you knew what they knew, you'd know that man hasn't reached that goal yet. That moon landing hoax was just a scare tactic for the cold war.
Funny thing is convincing each other of anything is NOT compared to the wisdom that can up-well from each their own Heart.
I well think we have put men and women on both Mars and the this Moon. And that the conspiracy runs the other way from 'faking' a landing.
So what?!
I Photoread daily and you can't get it.
Go figure, after three long torturous years of failure you wallow like stuck pig.
What gives?
If you do not take responsibility for your own fate, then pray tell who gets the privilege?
Pass the plate, for this I do take large and larger 'donations'.
Because like drugs; each time back, you will need a yet bigger 'kick' to get around the same old bush.