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You're somebody whether you photoread or not, whether you read or not, whether you have money or not, whether you're smart or not.
The post you just made shows that you do understand that the mind has more potential than most people give credit for, and that it is capable of doing many things for us, such as forming hypotheses of events which will most likely occur like you most likely had, based off of information taken in without your interest, or even knowledge of.
That is all photoreading, or even mental photography is doing. It's taking in information that same way, as proven by studies that there IS a direct link between non conscious areas of the brain and the senses, and then putting it into conscious awareness and allowing you to make neural connections from conscious knowledge to non conscious knowledge related to it, as it seems like this is a "psychic" experience too, though more like a hypothesis.

I hope that wasn't too boring to read, haha.

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I think this topic should be closed.

I don't know what is PR doing. Maybe it even does build some neural connection, but really... has that anything to do with "Photoreading". I mean: When you are shooting a photo, you push the button and the picture is there. You see it and every detail.
With this system the photography looks like this: We start to look at the picture we want to shoot(preview) and decide whether it is good(ok that part is ok), than we take a snapshot(PR) by getting into some right states. Then we wait...

And then comes the funny part: rather than seeing the whole picture, we take some coloured pencils and try to draw it by ourselves(activation)

This system works. I mean really - it does, but to call it Photoreading is like calling a whale a "dinosaur". That was a LSC marketing move, i think.

Last edited by AndriDem; 07/02/09 07:30 AM.
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This is my final entry on the topic" Is PR really for me". I promise.

For many decades, no one broke the 4 minute barrier in the mile until Roger Bannister eclipsed the mark in 1962.

Once that happened, it opened up an entirely new Paradigm, a belief for many that it can now be done-- it was demonstrated: subsequently, so many shattered that previous barrier that today a sub 4 minute mile no longer constitutes a competitive time in international track.

Going back to Yukala's assertion that the longstanding educational paradigm of standardized sub-vocalization being "the brick" which ladens us into the 330 wpm trap, I see the same possiblity here for creating a New Paradigm as did Roger Bannister for the track world..

Not only can we forge beyond the 330 wpm hurdle of sub-vocalization but we can radically alter our mindset of Separation which bogs down Humanity and leads to war and general antipathy. We must demonstrate PR to as many as possible-- that will shatter the old paradigm. But I guess I'm getting a little too out there for most people to digest. Anyway... he who has ears...

In many Mystical Traditions there is a spiritual discipline known as service. In Hinduism for instance, it is known as Karma Yoga. This along with meditation have been my primary practices for nearly 35 years and has led me to working in the prisons with people who most consider monsters.

I do this not simply for their sake-- but for my sake, for my spiritual enrichment.In moments of Grace, It has led me to seeing our Common Humanity- it has allowed me to at least somewhat dismantle the illusion of Separation. It is through demonstration that I do it. This is my mode of Genius.

Yukala-- there is something truly rewarding to be around those who don't get it... and then see when they do.When there's no separation, there's no personal sovereignty with which to interfere. It's truly magnificent... but certainly it's not everyone's karma or passion, or path.

But I do ask anyone out there who does feel the pull of Service within them to Demonstrate PR for the rest of the world. Help shatter the Old Paradigm. Be our Roger Bannister.

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Actually without knowing it, I did perform this same psychic ability just recently. This execution wasn't a positive experience at all because I predicted some people's sins. Another interesting thing that I have is the ability to sneak by people without them noticing that I’m moving to another location(It happens unconsciously). What someone said is:

"What the hell weren't you just standing here like a second ago? Now you're standing all the way back there?"

It seems like I just teleported from one spot to another in their eyes, but in my eyes I was just moving and not doing anything special.

It seems like whenever I go to an area with a lot of people, people start to talk about spiritual people and how they are cool. Just recently someone said:

"Hey, that guy just read my mind."

When I'm in a crowded area all alone I like to listen to all sounds including the subtle ones to improve my sensory aqcuity. What I’m thinking is, other than picking up on people's words, almost accidently I pickup on people's words in their head which blend in with the rest of the noise. Unconsciously I react to those noises and somehow people notice I’ve read their thoughts.

Last edited by ZMasterNCreator; 07/02/09 04:25 PM.
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Another weird experience I've had was psychically calling a cab. One morning I woke up and I wanted to call a cab that day, but instead I called a cab in a totally different way. Before going into the shower I said out loud:

"Call a cab." (I didn't even say that wit the intention to get a cab to my house)

Before I was ready to call a cab after my shower there was a cab in my driveway and a cab driver knocked on my door. He said:

"You called a cab."

I said:

"No I didn't."

He was quite angry that I told him I didn't call a cab, he was trying to argue with me that I did. So he left and I was like wtf?

I was going to call a cab after I was ready, but a cab ended up showing up in front of my house before could call. This was recent too.

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...and then I woke up and found it was all a dream!

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I learned a little couplet many years ago that seems to apply here:

A man convinced against his will
Is of the same opinion still.

I have recently learned from another exercise in attempts to communicate that different people's perception of 'proof' and 'reality' vary greatly. What serves as proof to one person can just as easily be seen skeptically by another - whether the proffered proof is based on experience, statistics, or logic.
From these postings, I would suspect that ZMNC is unwilling to change his opinion in spite of any 'proofs' that might be offered.

In recent years I have looked at a number of different offerings by people who are sharing their insights into self-development. As I look at them, I find that each person seems to be saying many of the same things but approaching the subject from a somewhat different perspective. Each perspective meets the needs of some group - and not the needs of others. The ones it helps review it as 'the answer.' The ones it doesn't resonate with review it as 'a hoax.'
There really is no such thing as 'one size [program] fits all.' And just because the program didn't work to fit you doesn't mean it doesn't work and fit other people. Equally, just because the program did fit you, doesn't mean it will work to fit others. [You can read in here my deep distrust of testimonials styled on the order of, 'If it worked for me, it will work for you."] I'm sure PhotoReading is also a program that works well for some - and poorly for others.
Thomas Edison is reported to have said about his 'failures' to create a light bulb that he had discovered over 1,000 ways that didn't work before he discovered one that gave him the result he was seeking. So if you still want the result, mark this one down as one that didn't work for you and keep looking for something that will. May you eventually be successful in discovering it!
Margaret Ida

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Sarcasm is a difficult tool to use well in text communication - but I assume your comments on perfection were written with that tone in mind.
Perhaps I could share a thought or two on the concept of 'perfect.' There are several meanings for this word according to just about any dictionary you choose to consult. However, in the self-improvement/self-development context, I think the best synonym might be 'whole' or 'complete' - without the implication of arrival at the acme of potential excellence.
In terms of a body, at conception it contains all the elements necessary for it to develop into a viable living entity and is therefore 'perfect' (whole or complete) for the moment in which it exists. At any point in its development, the same thing may be said of it. At no time does this 'perfection' deny the value or potential for continuing change and development - whether it ever reaches the acme of its potential.
Apply the same thought to the human experience - mental, emotional, spiritual. Where we are in our experience is whole, complete - perfect - for the moment in which we are now living. However, that does not mean in any way that there is no value or use in additional development in any or all ways. Nor does the concept that our future perfection may include additional experience, perception, and understanding make this moment's perfection something negative.
I hope these thoughts may be of value to anyone seeking to live with the concept of 'perfect' today.
May you create a marvelous day!
Margaret Ida

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I still want to know what the definition of 'success' people are using with Photoreading actually is.

It doesn't give you a photographic memory, and you don't have access to the whole book at a conscious level, so I really don't see the point in it. If you have a book and want specific information from it, go to the index and look it up. I have been skim-reading a book on and off for the last few days to get information for one of my latest writing projects, and I'm getting just as much from it as I would had I Photoread it.

I would like to test Pete, Paul and Alex myself on this system.

I wonder where Alex has got to, actually...

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It feels great to live in reality again. When I conventionally read a book I can understand concepts with clarity. When other people conventionally read material they appear to have a clear understanding, but so far I haven't met a photoreader that can demonstrate a clear understanding as a result of using the system.

If demonstrating a clear understanding of material isn't the 'success' that photoreading brings, then what is this success? Having a clear understanding of the material is essential for university exams. Also, why have people claimed that they wished they knew photoreading before college?

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