Hi Ali!
I think there are a lot of us who are or have been "dabblers." There are so many intriguing approaches out there. I have found over the years that I need two key ingredients - the approach needs to be simple (the more levels, exercises, complications, contradictions, perturbations, etc. the less likely I am to follow through)and I need to enjoy it. As the ancient wise man said "The one that will work is the one you will do!"
I have also come to believe that we all have our answers inside us. We just need a mentor who will keep reminding us of that and supporting us as we re-access what we are and know. When someome claims to have my answers or the solution for me, I run the other way as fast as possible!
I'm sure you will get a lot out of the paraliminals you ordered -
when you align your desires with the power of your other than conscious mind, incredible things happen. You start remembering how powerful you already are!
With love,