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#74370 11/23/09 03:00 PM
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My brothers bedroom is NW. He got divorced.. what can be done to attract new everlasting relationship. sw corner of the home is balcony and there are pile of newspapers and old things..what can be done for him for happy everlasting married life

Om_shakti #74376 11/23/09 08:21 PM
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All the best to your brother. A couple of things to consider. First, is he, himself ready to move on and heal the past relationship- to be grateful for what was good and heal what needs to be healed from his perspective? He can then start clearing mental, emotional and physical space to make room for a new relationship.

Clarity on the type of relationship he would like is important. He can activate his personal relationship direction by doing an activation card with his outcomes for relationship (there are great goal setting techniques in the Essentials course). He can put images and objects that speak of his goals for relationship in that particular area. The general space feng shui direction can also be activated. Southwest represents romance. He would want that area to be free of clutter and stagnation and to have beautiful representations of the symbols for the southwest. Earth symbolizes the southwest.

All the best!

Kat_McCall #74416 12/01/09 02:39 PM
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Thanks Kat...

I would like to mention that sw corner and nw corner were missing but now they are extended and sw corner is used as balcony and storage and nw corner is used as storage. I shtis the reason for divorce. DO you have any cures for this as well bathroom and toilet is east direction my borther born in 1971. The ledest brother also doesn't want to marry at all and the other one got divorce what must be wrong in hom and it happens in the same building that 3-4 guys got divorced. Pleas help

Om_shakti #74422 12/02/09 10:56 AM
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I also think that it is more important to strengthen the personal relationship directions, then general relationship direction SW and then look for what else could be harmful.

If your brothers sleep in their less good directions (see FS Course level 1) they could attract divorce as well. Check out their kua numbers and help them rearrange their bedrooms/offices (see Essentials course) and place activation cards with their relationship goals.

(By the way, is it their desire to have a relationship or is it yours? Please be careful, you cannot decide for your brothers, it's their life!) I also heard that a mirror on the bathroom door might be a good idea to pretend that the bathroom or toilet does not exit in this direction.

If you have Course level 3, you can also have a look at the flying stars, maybe some negative stars are located on the front door or the bedroom...

Another idea might be to check out their peach blossom direction (you'll find many entries on Google with the appropriate activations or it might just be necessary to remove blocks there). But it should be your brothers' desire to establish a new and lasting relationship, not yours \:\)


Last edited by astrid; 12/02/09 10:58 AM.
astrid #74423 12/02/09 02:42 PM
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Thanks...yes he is willing to have new realtionship but he is always sad for the 5 yrs old daughter which is always away from him. He is wonderful dad.He has 2 living rooms, In the living room where he sits most of the time has heavy gym equipment in it causing any prob for relationship? and bicylce in SE area.

Om_shakti #74458 12/08/09 08:08 PM
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The most important thing to remember is that an adult must take the personal responsibility for his own activations and goal setting. There are so many things that could have lead to a divorce, furniture placement would probably be an outlying component of divorce behind vital ingredients like communication and intimacy. More than likely we are outside viewers of the after effects of the relationship, the only two people who know the truth of the experience are the two who were involved, your brother and his partner. In addition to that, your brother and his former spouse will also have their own perceptions, filters, and view points of the relationship. Think of it as looking at the same mountain but from different view points.

The best ways to help anyone is to have them do their own activations, to encourage them to have clarity about what they would like to attract in their life. It has to be of his own accord. Areas that are free of clutter, peaceful and harmonious will really help support him in this time as well.

And remember energy flows where attention goes and what we resist persists. If you think about it, the more you concentrate on avoiding divorce it still is divorce that you are sending energy to. Hold space for what is desired and bolster the areas that can be supported. The possbilities for divorce are in anyone's life and so are the possibilities for a great relationship built on mutual values. Sometimes the dissolution of a relationship is not necessarily the worst thing either particularly if it was a harmful relationship. It really is a personal journey.

Perhaps doing a few activations for the relationship with his daughter would be helpful, again, he has to do them and they must be infused with his intentions. West is the area for children and the east for family.

All the best,

Om_shakti #74464 12/09/09 12:31 AM
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Hi Om_shakti:

It never fails to amaze me with the ignorance that most people have about relationships. Your focus needs to be on your life, not your brothers life. If you are in a great relationship then your relationship can be a model for him to follow.

Your replies from others had some good advise, but the "hows" were missing. And there was some arm chair psychology along with some statements that bordered on superstition!

Most beliefs about relationships are greatly distorted. Only 5% of relationships are considered to be functional, and therefore, 95% are not following models that bring happiness to a relationship. When a breakup comes in a relationship, it is always the other persons fault. Their behavior never has anything to do with the breakup. However, it takes two to create the problem.

Therefore, if your brother wants an "everlasting relationship" he first needs to start doing some homework. A person first needs to understand who they are before they can understand others. The person he is going to spend the rest of his life with needs to be his best friend.

Duane V
Duane V #74477 12/10/09 08:50 PM
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Thank you for your directness and insight Duane.

Initially the question about relationship/"ever-lasting married life" was asked from a feng shui perspective. We seemed to skirt the issue that there are real, human aspects that need to be taken care of first, as Duane adeptly points out.

Feng Shui does not take the place of well needed personal work, learning and healing. Everyone has to do their "homework" or none of this makes a difference in ANY area of life. Each person has to do their own work for themselves, no one can do it for them. We can wish our loved ones well yet we can not control their lives with feng shui or anything else.

No one person ever has the "right" answers particularly when it comes to relationship; that's what can be both frustrating and rewarding about relating and being with others. We're all learning about what it takes and what works best in each of our individual cases. We can read as many books as we want, obtain as many degrees or certifications as we want or hope that the energy of our homes helps things along, yet none of it takes the place of truly living it and working at it with the people that we need to.

Thanks and all the best,

Kat_McCall #74494 12/12/09 05:02 PM
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Thank you for your nice comments. I am pleased to hear that they were helpful to you.
One additional comment I would make regrading your reply. You had stated that "no one person has the "right" answers....." This could be a "limiting belief." I would think that those people (couples) who are in the 5% of of those with a functional relationship would be people who have the "right" answers. We must always remain open minded and willing to accept new beliefs and ideas that may be in conflict with the models we have learned to follow.

Wishing you the best with your personal growth and awareness,

Duane V
Duane V #74663 12/31/09 08:35 AM
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Dear all,

I would like to add that Feng Shui has nothing to do with superstitious beliefs. Feng Shui is the law of attraction in action!

Of course, the higher your personal energy level the less you are affected by your surroundings. If you're "pure at heart" like Jesus you would be able to overcome the material world and not be affected by it anymore.

Albert Einstein used to say that matter is clotted energie (Original quote in German: "Materie ist geronnene Energie"). Your home and the material world vibrate at different energetic levels and there is always an interaction between you and your surroundings. In fact the idea that there is a "you" or "me" separate from each other or from the rest of the world is an illusion.

I have been working with the law of attraction for more than ten years now and for me one of the most potent methods to let go of limiting beliefs is the "Feelings Exercise" by Arnold Patent (see Abundance course) and the Sedona Method.

I'd also like to add that the law of attraction is not the only universal law, there are some more \:\)

From my experience, there is not "right" or "wrong" in an absolute sense, they always depend on a personal point of view. And more often we are unable to realize the universal energy below: DIVINE LOVE.

With the help of Feng Shui I have been able to analyse the energy flow of my home and as it represents myself I was able to discover limiting beliefs by analysing my home. I changed my beliefs and I changed my home. From my experience, Feng Shui is like the law of attraction of your home. If your personal energy level is very high it is very unlikely that you attract or are attracted to a home with bad Feng Shui. On the other hand, improving the Feng Shui of your home can help you manifest your intentions, discover your limiting beliefs and raise the energy level of your surroundings (resulting in an overall positive energetic vibrance with positive effects on all that live and work there)

If Om_shakti wants to help her brothers by analysing their Feng Shui it is an expression of love and compassion. If she is able to analyse the surroundings and help her brothers change it and then consequently their attitudes will change over time, then I think it is a valuable effort. Feng Shui is all about the flow of energy and it is interesting enough that you do not have to believe in it - it works anyway. But if you're changing your home with intention and are open to inspiration and guidance, Feng Shui will help you realize and change your attitudes, as I discovered from my personal experience.

And I would like to quote Duane V: "We must always remain open minded and willing to accept new beliefs and ideas that may be in conflic with the models we have learned to follow."

Happy New Year!


Last edited by astrid; 12/31/09 08:40 AM.
astrid #74724 01/06/10 09:59 PM
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Thank you for your post Astrid.

It's important that we all hold space for everyone's personal journeys and maintain a sense of community and openness on our forum. Please feel free to offer insights with respect and remember we are all drawing from our own personal experiences, experiences that are filtered through our own perceptions. (I should have mentioned this before, in my earlier post.)

As Astrid points out, Feng Shui is a tool for exploring consciousness in one's home environment. No one thing holds every answer for every person, often we do better with a combination of avenues for exploration yet it is always our choice. We must find what resonantes with our own highest positive intentions and purpose.

No amount of speculation or statistics can take the place of doing the work yourself in relationship. I find that it is all too easy to sit back and speculate on relationship but the truth of the relationship is always between the people directly involved. The experiences in my own life have taught me that there are no absolutes particularly in relationship. Do we want to be right or happy is a little line one of my co-workers likes to dish up and I think it can be a good one. Expectations can get tricky and operating in the present moment is always a good option, of course, this is all from my personal perspective. \:\)

Thank you for reaching out Astrid and Om_shakti your compassion and love for your brother is honorable. Speaking with your brother and ascertaining what he perceives to be his highest good is also helpful.

All the best to you all!

Last edited by Kat_McCall; 01/06/10 10:01 PM.
Duane V #75301 03/14/10 11:26 PM
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Actually, from observation as a minister's daughter who got to see a lot of what's functional and what's not in relationships,as well as someone who's celebrated her 20th wedding anniversary, I'd say that the average of functional relationships is somewhat higher than 5%.

I'd also say that, while folks in functional relationships have a higher chance of knowing what makes a relationship good, that's not always the case

And both of these statements are true for the same reason-

The range of what's functional is a lot wider than most people think it is....

There's not one perfect template for a relationship that truly works

A person who comes from a family that yells when emotional is a rough fit with someone who comes from a family that doesn't raise their voices, but partnering with another yeller, this may work just fine.

The yeller and the quiet one can have a good relationship but they're going to have to realize that they speak different emotional languages; and then be willing and able to form a new mutual emotional language, rather than insist on "my way or the high way"

The problem is that many folks aren't ready to do that kind of work...

Furthermore, even if the yeller's in a functional relationship, his advice may not work for what a quiet relationship needs

I'd say more that Feng Shi can fit in here by creating an environment that energetically supports our ability to hear, understand and work with each other

Hope that's helpful


Fgodmom #75305 03/15/10 04:59 PM
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Om Shakti,

I believe I read somewhere (the course or maybe another book on Feng Shui) that if all or many of the children in a family have problems with relationships, you should look at the parents' Feng Shui. If the parents' home has things out of place for good Feng Shui, such as wrong element in relationship sector or even a Conflict Star for 20 year period that is uncured, this will affect the two generations after them.

You may want to check your parents' home for Conflict Stars (especially long lasting ones, such as the 20 year star), and check their general relationship sectors to be sure there is not a color or an object in those places that suppresses good chi.


Fgodmom #75592 04/07/10 07:04 PM
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Hi Fgodmom:

The 5% of relationships that are considered functional is a fact of research, not the result of someones thinking. Hopefully, your relationship has been a good one for your 20 years of marriage, however, I would not use that as criteria for a functional or even a happy relationship. People stay married for many reasons. It does not take a rocket scientist to realize that given the current rate of divorce, that God is surely the worst of all match makers. Careful of a limiting belief here. What one may think is a good functional, healthy relationship, could be completely blown out of the water with a future relationship.
The only reason people need to work at a relationship is because they don't want to move on in life. It was a bad choice from the beginning. From personal experience, the best relationships I have had, has required no work, they have just been allowed to happen. Best friends for sure. I thought the example you gave was a terrible one, unless, of course, one likes living in hell. Being in touch with and trusting in one's feelings can produce great benefits in life.

Duane V
Duane V #75691 04/15/10 04:56 PM
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Good question Om_shakti,

Since this is a Feng Shui forum, I'd redirect you back to what was presented to balance the energy of your home from a personal, space, and time feng shui perspective.

The rest is up to your son to choose his path, since he is not a child you can activate/set the intention for.

Much Love,


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