Thank you for your post Astrid.
It's important that we all hold space for everyone's personal journeys and maintain a sense of community and openness on our forum. Please feel free to offer insights with respect and remember we are all drawing from our own personal experiences, experiences that are filtered through our own perceptions. (I should have mentioned this before, in my earlier post.)
As Astrid points out, Feng Shui is a tool for exploring consciousness in one's home environment. No one thing holds every answer for every person, often we do better with a combination of avenues for exploration yet it is always our choice. We must find what resonantes with our own highest positive intentions and purpose.
No amount of speculation or statistics can take the place of doing the work yourself in relationship. I find that it is all too easy to sit back and speculate on relationship but the truth of the relationship is always between the people directly involved. The experiences in my own life have taught me that there are no absolutes particularly in relationship. Do we want to be right or happy is a little line one of my co-workers likes to dish up and I think it can be a good one. Expectations can get tricky and operating in the present moment is always a good option, of course, this is all from my personal perspective.

Thank you for reaching out Astrid and Om_shakti your compassion and love for your brother is honorable. Speaking with your brother and ascertaining what he perceives to be his highest good is also helpful.
All the best to you all!