My first 'practice' workshop was April 19th. I chose to title the workshop "A Life of Happiness Begins Now". There were 7 participants and me. It was a nice size for my first workshop.
Everyone was open and willing to participate. I gave each of them a folder with the 16 page handout, my business card, a one page Feed Forward questionnaire and a page for resources as a follow up. I did not use a computer or the PowerPoint. I used a binder with my facilitator notes in it.
Next time I plan to go thru the 7 areas of the home for happiness only once, and discuss the happiness set-point earlier. The PPT and handout goes thru the 7 areas twice, once is supposed to be done quickly and the next time with more interaction. I want to simplify this and go thru them only once, and to go into depth on a few rather than skimming over all of them.
I started by asking them to share something they appreciate about themselves. I think that was a good way to start, and I plan to do that again.
The Feed Forward questions I asked were:
[1]What did you like best about the workshop?
[2]What was the most valuable thing you learned during the workshop?
[3]What would you want more of or less of during the workshop?
[4]How would you describe your experience in the workshop to someone interested in taking a future workshop?
[5]Other comments?
One person said they wanted another meditation, and another said they wanted more visualizations. I played the centering recorded for us by Marci near the beginning, and played the visualization recorded by Marci at the end.
I love one of the answers to question 4: "I would tell them that this class is like a vitamin supplement for your soul." I plan to use that one on future handouts and my website and social networking posts.
Overall I feel very good about my first workshop, and I'm looking forward to the next one May 16th. That will be the Love Course which I've titled "Love for All Seasons."