Dear all,
in my son's bedroom there is a negative vortex. I cured it last week and two days ago I felt a change. I have just checked and the vortex has moved by 15 cm. It's not the first time I have experienced this.
My son's very sensitive and the vortex is right below his bed. So whenever the vortex moves he has nightmares and wets his bed.
I positioned his bed there according to feng shui principles. If I move the bed he will no longer sleep in his power position. And the toilet is on the other side of the wall.
Any suggestions? I heard Marie say in a teleconference that it is necessary to recheck the cures every month due to the energetic shift that's going on until the end of 2012.
For now I will recheck the position of this vortex every day just to make sure that my son's sleep is undisturbed.
There's also a negative vortex in my daughter's bedroom but not below her bed. I will check it out later and reposition the cures as well, if needs be.
If you have any suggestions, please share
