In the old days, photoreading could have been considered "magic" or "supernatural".
There's a character by the name of St. Germain, who it is alleged that he could wave his hand over books and know the information in them, without having to read them.
It was said that St. Germain was a genius, knew how to speak at least 12 different languages fluently, and that natives of the countries he visited thought he was one of their own, due to his mastery over the languages.
Edgar Cayce was also said to have fallen asleep on top of his school books as a boy and able to know what was in them. There are thousands of transcripts of Edgar Cayce helping to cure illnesses that doctors didn't even have a name for back then.
Although it is disputed whether or not St. Germain was an actual person, and it is disputed whether Edgar Cayce was a "real" psychic, (whatever that means), I am very interested in the idea of a person being to take implicit learning to such an advanced level as to call it "psychic" or "magic" or supernatural.
Arthur C. Clarke said "Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic".
Having said that, can we take this photoreading technology and advance it beyond the current known levels?
Do you think there's room for a little magic in the recipe of this technological experience?
Throughout history in every culture around the globe, there are always characters that were able to practice what we would call implicit learning in our day, but back then it was called magic or genius.
Paul Scheele makes mention in his book that you already know all the information , and that you're simply using photoreading and the steps of activation to remember the information.
This idea is nothing new, and quite ancient, but it changes your perception and ability to remember the information if you think of yourself as activating what's already inside of you as opposed to putting information in from the outside.
So here's my point: Information on its own, Ideas on their own is where the gold is for me.
Whether or not anyone's ever teleported or time traveled, it's the Idea of that which can cause a change and affect your perception and life.
I have done some superficial research into teleportation and time travel and I discovered that the ancient Egyptian rituals of worship of their deities were actually rituals to open energy portals of time travel.
Also, a lot of "hypnosis" is done with the idea of time travel and teleportation. Then you've got remote viewing with former government officials saying that the military conducts remote viewing studies secretly.
Have you any experience of your senses being heighted before, during or after photoreading?
What books would you recommend on time travel, teleportation, ESP, etc? Just for entertainment purposes, of course.