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In the old days, photoreading could have been considered "magic" or "supernatural".
There's a character by the name of St. Germain, who it is alleged that he could wave his hand over books and know the information in them, without having to read them.
It was said that St. Germain was a genius, knew how to speak at least 12 different languages fluently, and that natives of the countries he visited thought he was one of their own, due to his mastery over the languages.
Edgar Cayce was also said to have fallen asleep on top of his school books as a boy and able to know what was in them. There are thousands of transcripts of Edgar Cayce helping to cure illnesses that doctors didn't even have a name for back then.
Although it is disputed whether or not St. Germain was an actual person, and it is disputed whether Edgar Cayce was a "real" psychic, (whatever that means), I am very interested in the idea of a person being to take implicit learning to such an advanced level as to call it "psychic" or "magic" or supernatural.
Arthur C. Clarke said "Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic".
Having said that, can we take this photoreading technology and advance it beyond the current known levels?
Do you think there's room for a little magic in the recipe of this technological experience?
Throughout history in every culture around the globe, there are always characters that were able to practice what we would call implicit learning in our day, but back then it was called magic or genius.
Paul Scheele makes mention in his book that you already know all the information , and that you're simply using photoreading and the steps of activation to remember the information.
This idea is nothing new, and quite ancient, but it changes your perception and ability to remember the information if you think of yourself as activating what's already inside of you as opposed to putting information in from the outside.
So here's my point: Information on its own, Ideas on their own is where the gold is for me.
Whether or not anyone's ever teleported or time traveled, it's the Idea of that which can cause a change and affect your perception and life.
I have done some superficial research into teleportation and time travel and I discovered that the ancient Egyptian rituals of worship of their deities were actually rituals to open energy portals of time travel.
Also, a lot of "hypnosis" is done with the idea of time travel and teleportation. Then you've got remote viewing with former government officials saying that the military conducts remote viewing studies secretly.
Have you any experience of your senses being heighted before, during or after photoreading?
What books would you recommend on time travel, teleportation, ESP, etc? Just for entertainment purposes, of course.
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At the PhotoReading Retreats we often held our hand out over the books to select books to work with.
The technique of pulling information from books without opening them Paul and Pete affectionately call photo-sucking. Be interesting attempting this on the internet rather than physical books.
Books on Time Travel (I prefer remote viewing than time travel) ESP etc depends on your level. There are a few books that are more real on technique and less on fluff.
The author that comes to mind is Billy Roberts (deceased to my understanding - wrote a series of books on psychic skills) And Anne Jirsch who talks about future progression (rather than past life) and intuitive skills.
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Hi Magickdoggie! Loved your topic - absolutely awesome! I have to admit I have been myself researching on Time Travel & have many books. I'm not a Scientist or anything like it though I did a Foundation Degree in Science & Engineering (in UK); my ambition is to go to a Canadian Uni & study a BA in Philosophy. Anyway, you asked about books on Time Travel; I can give you a few: Time Storms by Jenny Randles, that's a good book, I read it before I had the PR course-pack plus I just got another book by the same author called 'Time Travel' & also I had just ordered Time Barrier again by the same author. I like to recommend these books as well by an author named Anthony Peake - this guy is a genius; these are his books: Is there life after death?; The Daemon; Out-of-body experience & Labyrinth of Time. I already read Labyrinth of Time last year (his 4th book) & I had just acquired the other 3 from Amazon. When Time Barrier arrives I'm going to PR Anthony Peake's 1st 3 books I mentioned with Time Travel & Time Barrier. And I would recommend 2 more books: How to build a time machine by Paul Davies & The Time Traveller by Ronald Mallet...see what you think.
Best regards,
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Thanks for those two authors, I'm heading to the main LA public library today and a couple of bookstores to look them up. Can you tell me more about "photosucking"? Does Paul have any books about this?
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Hi Guillame, Nice to meet you! Thanks for the recommendations. I will be heading to the library and taking this list along with the other ones from Alex and looking these up.
Just curious, is Ronald Mallet the same person who is a physicist and was the first to be able to teleport tiny subatomic particles a few micro seconds back in time?
How far along on this research are you? Do you want to start an ongoing discussion about our findings on this?
Regards Magick doggie
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Hi Magickdoggie! Thanks for your reply, it was great to hear from you & nice to meet you too. Firstly, about Ron Mallet, yes he is the same one that you mentioned what he did. His book 'The Time Traveller' I have only PR it but, I will read it at some point. Secondly, about my research I have from associated books I PR & mind-map I may have a few answers/clues, I'll need to dig out the mind-maps to see again. When Time Barrier arrives as I mentioned I will PR with the other books...I feel very strongly that I will get some more concrete answers. And lastly, you asked about starting an ongoing discussion about our findings, I would ABSOLUTELY love to do it. When I saw that question a little voice in my head said "go for it!" & I want to really do this.
Take care!
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Hi Magickdoggie! I forgot to ask in my last message, how do you want to start a discussion on the above topic?
Also, more interestingly, I've got something to tell you that might interest you & it is to do with Tarot Cards...this can be put on the discussion when it starts.
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GOOD NEWS Magickdoggie! The book I ordered "Time Barrier" by Jenny Randles has arrived today. So what I'm going to do is PR the 5 books I mentioned & see what results I uncover. GUILLAUME.
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Hi Magickdoggie, I hope you're reading this. What it is I had PR all the 5 books I mentioned before; it did take make a long time to mind-map each book but, it was worth it in the end. I am beginning to get 2 concrete answers especially 1 from the Breaking the Time Barrier by Jenny Randles I was absolutely astonished by the result! Talk about a BIG surprise! GUILLAUME.
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Hi there Guillame, it's been some time since you photoread adn activated the books. What kinds of experiences have you had?
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Hi Magickdoogie, thanks for your message. Experiences I had was that when comes to the first 4 steps I'm OK, but, I've struggled with Activation. With the 5 books researching on Time Travel; couple of conclusions came up for me when I was mind-mapping:
(1) There is NO need to build a Time Machine to Time Travel; there are ways to do this without the need for machinery. (2) Kabbalah popped out at me; not too sure why but, I feel that could be a big key for this.
Also, I had an interesting thought! I have Tarot Cards & a while ago last year I asked the question "What must I do to be able to Time Travel?" the card I drew out was the Queen of Discs. Now a couple of months ago I asked the same question & guess what....I drew out the same card. Now that is very strange. See what you think. GUILLAUME.
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Hi there! You mention some interesting point about kabbalah coming up in your mind when you photoread those time travel books. I have had the same thought come up. Some believe the mind is the ultimate technology, aeons more advanced than anything the average person could ever wrap their mind around.
Do you use tarot cards with photoreading? I like to pick a particular one from the 22 major trumps and use it as a basic archetype to represent the subject of the book. I take about 5 minutes for the image to sink into my mind then I imagine the book transferring into the image and then I photoread with the image coming up spontaneously linked to the book. Then whenever I look at the image , I know that the information of any and all books I anchored with that image is going to be easily and quickly available to me.
QUeen of Disks...Queen of Disks is all about tangible, earth, physical manifestation. She's also the wealthy mother that has an abundance of nutrition and healthy diet for her family. Perhaps you could explore your thought connection of the Kabbalah and the time travel idea. I was just reading today about the 231 Gates or portals on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life in the Sepher Yetzirah , which is also known of the book of creation. Some powerful Ideas in that.
Some people believe that your physical body is a portal or has gateways into other worlds or higher states of consciousness that are not known in the ordinary sense. The idea of a connection between these ideas is fascinating and can be a lot of fun for experienced photoreader What do you think?
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Btw Guillame, the Kabalistic Tree of Life has 32 pathways that connect the 10 major sephiroth. These pathways are the tarot cards. The more I think about this connection with the Kabalah and time travel, the more curious I get to explore this with further reading on both of those topics.
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Hi Magickdoggie! Thanks for your info on Kabbalah; last year a German friend of mine taught me some of Kabbalah & also she gave me a gift of the Holy Zohar book which is the size of my hand. Anthony Peake has mentioned Kabbalah a few times in some of his books. First of all very interestingly I PR his book again Labyrinth of Time but over the 5-day test method & what REALLY stuck out for me was a chapter titled "Time in Disarray"...now when I finished it just hit me that there were events that had happened that should not have happened in the first place.
About the Tarot cards I have never used them with PR but I do feel very strongly that it can be used in PR depending on what the individual is doing. The Tarot cards I possess is a modern one but it is the Theta Healing ones & it was designed by the tutor I had for Theta Healing Basic Course. I also have the old style Tarot meanings book in which I bought in 2006 at a very cheap price & the meanings are very similar to her ones. I have found that to be of very good use to me; and also I am very familiar with the meaning of the Queen of Disks I just need to relate this more to time travel. Right, I did do a reading for you to pick a card which will be of use to you for your PR. However, 2 cards popped out & both of them right-side up; the 2 cards were 'The 3 of Wands' & 'The Fool'.
Now this is even more interesting! I have done the Holosync meditation program up to Awakening Level 4 last year...I'm going to order the next level when I get paid because Centerpointe are doing a special offer again & I want to take the opportunity. On Awakening Level 4 this has happened to so many people; everytime they meditate with that CD they have been recieving messages from time to time...this has also happened to me as well. Now this is the message that I recieved & it was on more than 1 occasion (several to be exact) "You must find a way to time travel. It's very important!" & I even had this message on a number of occasions "You should've been sent to France 20 years ago!" Quite unusual...also I have been recieving messages in relation to my past life (I was 1 of my ancestors) but, I'm not going to reveal this here because it's a very private & delicate matter.
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I have found another connection between the idea of time travel and Kabbalah. I was photoreading " The Essential Zohar" by Rav P.S. Berg and in it he implicitly states that the Kabbalah is a vehicle for teleportation and time travel."For the kabbalist, the Zohar is nothing less than a time machine and a teleportation device all in one; by replacing doubt with certainty and darkness with Light, it erases the limits that the physical world places on us. With it we see where we are, where we have been, and where we are going - the future, the past, the present, all as one." page 262-263
I then checked out the Zohar, the original text in Aramaic, a big bible of a book with several thousand pages. I just had the idea of photoreading the original text without any knowledge of the language. The language has a very unique energy to it, and looks a lot like Hebrew, which you know is a magical language as well.
I think these are interesting ideas to explore, this makes me think of the kabbala in a whole new way.
Last edited by Magickdoggie; 05/06/13 11:48 PM.
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Hi Magickdoggie!
Thanks for your additional input on Kabbalah...VERY, VERY INTERESTING!!! This is getting better & better!!! Yipeeeeee!!! Anyway, after your research into the link between Kabbalah & Time Travel it is very certain that it will hold the biggest key to time travel & I am going to do more research into Kabbalah. I'm going to ask my German friend more about Kabbalah when I get the chance. Also, as I understand that many of the Prophets had used Kabbalah on a number of occasions. Pythagoras used Kabbalah to become the World's first Pure Mathematician.
More interestingly, I had the intuition to PR the book "Leonardo da Vinci - the 1st Scientist" by Michael White in which I felt very strongly that it can hold keys to time travel. Now, as I PR that book I had a strange thought & it was around the painting of "The Last Supper" - did Leonardo da Vinci use image-streaming to go back to the time of the last supper & saw what actually happened? I certainly think da Vinci did & plus I think he may hold the keys to time travel. And surprisingly when I jotted down trigger words from that book I didn't get that many at all - about 8 words I think!
The books I first PR the books when we started the discussion one of the books "Time Travel" by Jenny Randles there was only 1 thing that kept on flashing at me & I still remember it bearing in mind I've only PR it, not read it; was that she stated "she believes she has time travelled". I'm not exactly sure why it kept on flashing at me so many times but, maybe it's telling me & you not to give up on the research into "Time Travel" bearing in mind what we have found out so far.
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Hi Guillame, How may times have you photoread both of those books now and in what time span? I found another connection with the idea of time travel with the Mayan calendar, the Zohar, and Sefer Yetzirah.
I saw very strong parallels with the 10 sephirot plus 3 ain/ain soph/ain sophaur and the 13 galactic tones of the Mayan calendar. Also the 22 paths in the Kabalastic tree of life and the 20 Sun Signs of Mayan calendar have striking similarities. I think that the Mayan calendar is the same as the Kabalistic Tree of Life.
I also found a connection with self hypnosis and time travel. Llewelyn publishes a book called" Doors to Past Lives & Future Lives: Practical Applications of Self-Hypnosis "
I have photo read several books 6 to 9 times throughout each week for about 2 and a half months. No activation other than flipping through pages and stopping to read a few sentences every other day. I must say that just playing with the idea has really affected my dreams in a positive way.
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Hi Magickdoggie! Thanks for your post; firstly the answer to your question those books I have only PR them once. Most of the books I've been PRing have been over the 5-day test period so far & I have been doing this the past many weeks. Unfortunately I am still having trouble with the activation part. But, I still want to carry on improving my PR. I'm going to look at Spontaneous Activation - I think I may have had done this before but, had a lot of trouble in that, but, I want to have a go at it again.
Secondly, you have come up with some amazing findings! I will look more into Kabbalah & the Mayan Calender. Also, I am doing the Holosync Purification Level 1 meditation CD & a number of occasions like Awakening Level 4 I'm still getting messages about "Time Travel". My German friend who introduced my to Kabbalah I'm hoping I'll be able to catch up with her soon (she has been away abroad) so I can ask more about it.
I will write again soon.
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Hi there Guillame, How does the Holosync work for you? I have been curious about using sounds and music with photoreading. I have been anchoring 1 song to a set of books for a couple of months. I simply photoread the same books over and over while listening to the same song over. Now every time I play that song, I implicitly feel more confident and empowered. I have an urge to try out the info I've been PR'ing. I also find it easier to recall things when quizzing myself on the books I anchored to the song.
Back to the time travel subject. I've thought about this a lot after photoreading so many books that have a connection. If time is a mental construct, then self hypnosis could be thought of as a very real and viable door for time travel.
This lead me to a phrase known as "reality hacking". Have you come across that one yet, Guillame?
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Hi again Magickdoggie! Thank you for your recent reply; I was meant to reply sooner but unfortunately I haven't been myself lately. Anyway, on the subject of Holosync; I'm not sure how familiar you are with this, but, what it is Holosync is a meditation CD & it is a deep meditation. There are different levels to do after the 1st 1 which is the Awakening Prologue. There are the Awakening Levels 1-4 then Purification Levels 1-4 & the final 4 is the Flowering Levels 1-4; I am currently on Purification Level 1 which will take approx 8-12 months to complete. With LS they use Holosync on many of their Paraliminals which produes the binural beats. Many people who use Holosync have had different experiences during the meditation. And there many including me who have been seeing messages on the Awakening Level 4 CD & as I mentioned there were some to do with 'Time Travel'. However, more interestingly I had a message on the 1 I'm doing now & it is "work with Magickdoggie to find a way to time travel". There was another message in reference to you that I must tell something in person rather than via this forum or e-mail etc etc. I certainly think that Holosync can help with PR & I suppose listening to music whilst doing PR would certainly help. Also, with each Holosync level there is a CD called Alpha Super Focus...there was some1 wo mentioned that doing PR whilst using that CD aids this very well.
On the time travel subject...very interesting that you mentioned self hypnosis. What it is I recently finished reading a book titled Mary Magdalene, Beloved Disciple by Clysta Kinstler. It is a fictional story based on possible true events. Beforehand, I did PR the book & mind-mapped it too...& I'm so glad I did. There was 1 particluar trigger word that came out at me which was a Chapter titled "Descent to the Netherworld"...there Mary Magdalene is put into some kind of trance where she completely knocked out unconscious. Whilst in that unconscious position she sees images of what looks like hell from her point of view; but, in reality it is her OWN HELL i.e. from within. So what this proves without a shadow of doubt is that Mary Magdalene had an Out-Of-Body experience. This certainly in my opinion is another key to solving ways to time travel. About self-hypnosis, YES I certainly feel very strongly that this would open the viable door to time travel.
On the subject of Kabbalah which we both researched into; I very recently 5/28/2013 (Tuesday) visited a Kabbalah Centre in London. The area I live in is very near London & it took me about 40 mins to get there by both mainline & underground trains. When I got there some1 there had a chat to me about Kabbalah & what she has done is put me onto some1 else who is going to Skype me at some point to give me more in-depth info on this.
I haven't heard of "reality hacking" but, it sounds very interesting. What I am going to do is research into that & see what I can find.
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Hi Magickdoggie! I've got some more info to put down here:
KABBALAH: I had recently commenced the Kabbalah course on-line & I have a tutor who I work with 1-on-1 via Skype. I can't do this at the Center itself in London because they do this in the evenings & I work in the evenings so it was best for me to study this on-line. I had worked through the on-line videos & had just finished Kabbalah Level 2...I had learnt so much! When I was being tutored my tutor mentioned that when you want to achieve a specific goal using the Zohar you first put the imagination in your mind to picture it then you scan the Zohar for as long or little as you want...you have to continually do this until the goal manifests. At the moment I am using the Zohar to get to a Canadian University then I will be able to progress from there...I muscled-tested myself to see which goal should I go for first & THAT 1 came up. There are so many goals that I want to achieve.
REALITY HACKING: I'm glad you mentioned this; I googled that term and there many interesting concepts about it. The way some people had said about this seems to me that we do live in an infinite universe where anything can happen I will read more on this indepth. I suppose in a sense that to be literal in that term is a case of going into your own reality to hack into it to change your history or someone elses for the better. Now as I was googling this term what surprised me was that I was led to a website by someone called Steve Pavlina - someone else on the PR forum here had given me his website & it is very interesting in terms of a broad range of subjects...he also goes on to discuss the same subject & more or less he has said the same thing but, I did notice that there's more...I will read his version more in-depth.
BACK TO THE FUTRUE MOVIE: I'm very sure you have seen that movie; I first saw it on TV back in 1987 xmas time - I LOVED IT!!! I've seen it so many times I can't get enough of it & I even possess the whole Trilogy on DVD. I also have seen many other movies on Time Travel. Thinking about it I do feel very strongly that 1 of my main goals is to find a way to time travel - I had been researching on this since I was about 16/17 years of age & I do believe I am getting a bit closer to this unique goal....see what you think.
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Hi Magickdoggie! A few days ago I PR a book titled 'How the world is made. The story of Creation according to Sacred Geometry' by John Michell with Allan Brown. That was a REALLY good book. Anyway, I wanted to find out more about Sacred Geometry & there were some interesting info I found there but, all of a sudden I had a thought that SACRED GEOMTERY could also be a key to time travel. There was information which in a way can lead to solving this phenomenon.
See what you think.
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Hi magickdoggie! Hope you're well. I wanted to send you this because something extraordinary had struck over me. What it is I was looking at the LS 'Recommended Reading' section & I saw a book which just popped out at me title 'The Divine Matrix' by Gregg Braden (facinating book). I had looked at that book beforehand a long while ago & thought "I must get that book" hence it was like a reminder so as to speak. Anyway, when I was doing my Holosync meditation CD I saw the image of that book with a message saying "get that book". So what I did is that I bought the book from Amazon - & I am so glad I did! When I recieved the book before I PR it 1 word struck me which was "miracles". However, after I had done the 1st 2 steps I then PR; what really struck me was that there were so many references to 'Time Travel'...talk about extraordinary!!!
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Hi Guillame and everyone. It's been a while since I've been on here. Divine Matrix, I've seen that book and I have been meaning to get it so now that you've got my curiousity about it I will check this one out.
Now I have been doing a little time experiment with self hypnosis during photoreading. I have been able what seems like alter future events through a combination of anchoring the books to a visual symbol/archetype and then immediately going into creative visualization of already implementing the information at a future point.
Been keeping journals of these sessions and forthcoming results. I have to say that usually it takes about 2 to 4 weeks for the results to start being noticed by me to the point were there is a substantial change from the usual patterns. Although, lately, it has happened as quick as the next day a few times.
I basically use NLP to timeline and step into a few days or weeks ahead and then use the creative visualization and the methods in Natural Brilliance.
I'm going to read those two books Guillame and then come back and discuss.
Also, I have done another experiment which works very well. I have decided to change my career path to web developing/full stack engineering. I'm completely new in it, although I've a little knowledge of some programming, such as HTML and CSS.
So what I did was connect subjects that are seemingly unrelated, anchored them together, so that when I end up doing one thing, it triggers all the other associated anchors.
For example:
I anchored psychotherapy books, such as Neuro Linguisitc Programming (NLP)to computer programming languages like C, HTML, Ruby on Rails and then anchored those to Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Meditation, and Stress relief.
NLP topic can be used to connect anything to programming since it is Neuro-brain Linguistic-language/words Programming.
I also used Logic for Dummies as a connector. The idea was that every time I worked on programming code, in the background I would trigger the powerful tools of stress management, CBT (tools for managing your moods, thoughts and feelings), and mindfulness. All these background "programs" will run during my work day at a future IT job. Therefore, the idea being that I would have much more resources to handle any kind of work stressors.
Actually by photoreading you are programming your neuro-brain-mind in much the same way as sitting in front of a computer and using programming code.
So I'm thinking if I photoread Divine Matrix, perhaps I could be programming and altering that. Well, it's all information, and really interesting stuff. What do you think?
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Hi magickdoggie! I trust you are well. Just wanted to tell you something more on "The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden. What it is when I PR the book as I mentioned before I found many references to time travel in which it did surprise me. However, something else did struck me...when I was PR other books on the subject of time travel, there were many references to the "Holographic Universe". Then, something else struck me...I remember a while ago I was thinking about the book "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot & that I must get that book. Then on Thursday I had an e-mail from Amazon in which they sent me a "recommended books" section & guess which book it was...yep! "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot. To me that was a sign that I should get that book...so what I did I ordered the book from Amazon. So when the book arrives I will PR it & see what results I'll get.
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Guillaume hi! I am getting these books and photoreading them. Are you doing mind maps on them? Let's share our ideas and thoughts on these books on this thread here. I'll get them, mind map them and then come back and post. Would you be interested in doing a syntopic photoreading project on Time Travel here?
Let's get a book list going. So far between the two of us I have the following:
1.Mary Magdalene , Beloved Disciple by Clysta Kinstler
2. How the World Is Made, The Story of Creation According to Sacred geometry by John Mitchell/Allan Brown
3. Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden 4. Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot 5. Doors to Past and Future Lives : Practical Applications of Self-Hypnosis - Carl LLewellyn Weschke
6.Garden Of Pomegranates - Israel Regardie
7. Exploring the Fifth Dimension: Parallel Universes, Teleportation and Out of Body Travel by Bruce Goldberg
8.Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel by Michio Kaku
Any books you want to add feel free. Let me know if you're interested in doing this project and what your time constraints are.
Happy weekend to you Guillaume!
Last edited by Magickdoggie; 08/17/13 03:24 PM.
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Hi Magickdoggie! Thank you putting a list of books for the project. For 1, 2 & 3 I have already done Mind-Maps on those books...it did take me a bit of time but, I did get there in the end (I have to work on my Mind-Mapping techniques). In terms of 8 I have already ordered the book plus 2 others of the same author; I had been meaning to buy those books. At the moment I'm just waiting for them to arrive.
Your project, YES I would absolutely love to do it (without hesitation); this is something which very passionate to me! This will be a FANTASTIC project. About my time constraints: on Mon-Fri I work between 4.30pm - 7pm so the other times of the day I am at home. Whilst I'm at home I am writing my short-stories & sending them off to my friend in the USA, from time to time in the day I do PR on books I get from my local library which is 5 mins walk from my house. So I would say most of my time is free especially in the middle of the day.
Take care!
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Guillaume hi! I am getting these books and photoreading them. Are you doing mind maps on them? Let's share our ideas and thoughts on these books on this thread here. I'll get them, mind map them and then come back and post. Would you be interested in doing a syntopic photoreading project on Time Travel here?
Let's get a book list going. So far between the two of us I have the following:
1.Mary Magdalene , Beloved Disciple by Clysta Kinstler
2. How the World Is Made, The Story of Creation According to Sacred geometry by John Mitchell/Allan Brown
3. Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden 4. Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot 5. Doors to Past and Future Lives : Practical Applications of Self-Hypnosis - Carl LLewellyn Weschke
6.Garden Of Pomegranates - Israel Regardie
7. Exploring the Fifth Dimension: Parallel Universes, Teleportation and Out of Body Travel by Bruce Goldberg
8.Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel by Michio Kaku
9. Parallel Worlds: The Science of Alternative Universes and Our Future in the Cosmos by Michio Kaku
10. Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension by Michio Kaku
Any books you want to add feel free. Let me know if you're interested in doing this project and what your time constraints are.
Happy weekend to you Guillaume!
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Hi magickdoggie! Hope you're doing well...there's something I want to add which will certainly interest you very much; it happened to me a few days ago. I was in my bedroom getting ready for work & all of a sudden the book "The Daemon" by Anthony Peake flashed at me & the page no. 297 came into my head like a little voice. So I followed my intuition and read p.297; the result was ASTOUNDING! What is it was to do with the late Philip K Dick...he was able to predict the future quite accurately (Anthony Peake has mentioned him a few times in his other books). Also, more interestingly Anthony Peake has written a book about him titled "A life of Philip K Dick - the man who remembered the future". That book will be releasd in November 2013. I will DEFINATELY buy that book when it's released because I know that it will hold other keys to Time Travel.
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Hi magickdoggie! Just to let you know in terms of 4, 8, 9 & 10 they have all now arrived...it was no. 10 I had to wait for but, it arrived this morning which is good news. What I'm going to do is PR those 4 books tonight & then Mind-Map them the next day and see what answers I come up with.
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Hi magickdoggie! Hope you're well, I am doing great at the moment. I wanted to add to this forum on what I have found so far. I will add more to this at some point.
THE OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE by Anthony Peake: What happened when I was doing my Holosync meditation CD I had an image of 2 books & this was 1 of them. What I did I went on a trip somewhere & on the coach I did the 1st 3 steps of PR then I went straight into Rapid Reading. The book has 212 pages I read 190 of them in 1 day in which I was astounded. And I did gain a lot from it! In particular there were 2 chapters which caught my eye: The case of Robert Monroe & Ingo Swann. What it is when I read about those 2 again they both did have an OOB experience when you read more into it. As a conclusion after reading about the 2 was that Astral Travel can be used to time travel.
TIME TRAVEL by Jenny Randles: This was the other book that I saw on my Holosync CD. I read this after reading OOB by Anthony Peake & I'm glad I did! The main thing that caught my eye was about 'The Philidelphia Experiment'...it still sticks in my mind. What I did was on YouTube I watched a movie of the same name as it was based on possible true events...& I loved the movie. What had happened the Navy were doing an experiment on their ship using electricity to make themselves invisible; except what had happened something went wrong with this & all of a sudden 2 sailors seemed to have travelled forward in time. It seems that all the electricity they used to try to make themselves invisible had opened a portal to another dimension...see what you think of that.
BREAKING THE TIME BARRIER by Jenny Randles: I read this 1 after Time Travel...now this will interest you very much! I remember when PR books on Time Travel there were many references to Nikola Tesla; it just kept on popping out at me...I didn't know why at the time. That book has hit the nail on the head. What it is Tesla was a very eccentric scientist but, he was a genius! What had happened he was conducting an experiment with huge transfomers & then all of a sudden by accident he produced enormously powerful rotating magnetic fields...he then felt he entered the 4th dimension (Time) & there were strange tingling on his hands. He seemed to alter the dimensions of time & space. What it seems to me is that with transfomers it can create a form of vortex/black holes which then could open the doors of time...Tesla stated that when you travelled into this dimension it was like you could walk into another room. Tesla was recognized as the 1st Chrononaut but, unfortunately for him he could NOT get any funding to build a time machine & this was in the year of 1895. But, also at the same when this happened to him he did have an OOB. Now I know why the 2 books I mentioned appeared during my Holosync meditation...it makes perfect sense!
"ABOUT TIME" MOVIE: I watched this movie a few weeks ago, it was written by Richard Curtis...this movie was awesome! It was about a man whose father taught him how to time travel. In his family only the males could do this extraordinary phenomenon. What REALLY interested me about it was that he could do this using the power of his mind hence, not needing to build any time m/c...I remember I stated this early in the forum that it struck me that we don't need to build a time m/c in order to travel back in time.And when he changed history he changed it for the better! I'm so glad I watched the movie...it was worth it.
"ATLANTIS" TV DRAMA: Last Saturday this TV drama began; it is in 13 parts. I've always had an interest in Atlantis because it was a very spiritual place. Anyway, wat reall struck me was there was this man "Jason" who in this era is going underwater using a mini-submarine to search for his father who went missing. Now as he was going underwater something unusual happened - Jason seemed to go through some kind of unusual light & all of a sudden he ends up in Atlantis. What really hit me was that the character in the TV drama seemed to have entered a portal into another dimension...I can't wait for part 2 to come out.
All the best!
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Hi magickdoggie...you're going to love this! What happened I received the book "The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis" by Bruce Goldberg; so what I did last night I did the first 3 steps of PR & then I went straight into Rapid Reading & read the whole book from beginning to end in 1 HOUR! There were 134 Pages in that book - I was totally astounded! I have never read that many pages in that amount of time...WOW!!!!
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Hi Magickdoggie...hope you're well. I just wanted to post my results on the book I PR titled "The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden. I actually PR it ages ago & Mind-Mapped it as well which gave me some interesting results. When I studied my Mind-Map I noticed I put words down in relation to God & Jesus Christ. For one there was a reference to the Lords' Prayer and then about DNA being the God Eternal within the body. Then again in reference to Jesus where he talks about speaking to the universe. And whilst I was thinking about this I immediately thought about the book "Mary Magdalene, Beloved Disciple" in which was put in our list of books. Now what this tells me in some ways we can ask the universe to help find a way to time-travel; it's kind of a cosmic-ordering so as to speak.
There's something even more weird from a PR point of view that happened to me but it is good! On an earlier post I explained about the book The Daemon by Anthony Peake when p.297 flashed out at me out of nowhere & it was about Philip K Dick. Now this is the weird part...again with the same book p.288 flashed out at me for no reason, it had done a few times. So what I did took out the book & looked at p.288 - it was the beginning of Chapter 10 which profiles on Philip K Dick. Believe me I was totally astounded! So with that book I am going to PR it again & focus ONLY on Philip K Dick because I feel there are more answers there especially to do with Time-Travel.
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ask the unviverse... why don't you ask the universe if someone created it or not ... this creator worth asking more than the universe then..
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Hiya BnOmar....actually I did ask the universe a while ago when I was doing my Cosmic Ordering, I even used Theta Healing. What I am going to do is let the Universe bring this to me...I know it will come very soon to me, I can feel it.
Take care,
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Hi mgagickdogie! This week just gone I had managed to PR 'The Daemon' by Anthony Peake and 'Exploring the 5th Dimension' by Bruce Goldberg I will give my conclusions.
EXPLORING THE 5TH DIMENSION: When I looked at my mind-map 1 of the 1st thoughts that came into my mind was the year 3050. What it is Dr. Goldberg stated that it will be in that year that people will finally be able to "time-travel". But, I beg to differ so as to say...because after reading Jenny Randles books & Anthony Peake's books it had seemed that some people may have time-travelled already in this life-time and also before we were born. But Dr. Goldberg does have good input into this. There were words that did spring out at me & they were: Astral-Plane, Hypnosis, New Age & Other Dimensions. I'm not too exactly why they seemed to attract to me but, what it could be is is that Hypnosis can be used to travel along the Astral-Plane & hence we can travel to other dimensions & also time travel. When I read the book again I will see what other answers I'll come up with.
THE DAEMON: When I PR this book again I focussed mainly on Philip K Dick (PKD), the former Sci-Fi writer. What it is PKD had a form of schizophrenia which he had suffered since he was a child & it had carried on until his death in 1981. But, what was interesting when he had an episode of a fit he could easily see into the future. And on a number of occasions he would speak to this light-being called his "daemon" who would tell him certain things about his future. It was also stated that this "being" informed PKD when he would meet his death.
Right, let me explain where the word "daemon" came from. It was more or less discovered by a Christian group called the Gnostics (this is where the word 'Agnostic' came from). They were the ones who believed in this being...but, what had happend the Catholic Church had tried to suppress it by making negative comments about it then by renaming it DEMON i.e. they had demonized the word. Many of the Gnostics were murdered by the Catholic Church due to this. In the ancient times of Atlantis it was said that the great Philosopher Plato had also discovered this daemon (in those times it was called daimon) & he had spoken to it too. In more modern terms the daemon is your higher-self which can see into anyone's future. In Anthony Peake's books there had been many cases where people had spoken to this "being" & it had changed the course of their history. The former French-Soccer player Zinedine Zidane had also encounted his daemon back in 2005 & what had happened he returned to International Soccer with France.
What this is telling me is that this "Daemon" certainly holds many keys to Time-Travel...if we focus more on our daemon we would DEFINITELY be able to time-travel...the only question is how do we access our daemon & how do we use it to time-travel?
Another word which also popped out at me was "Zohar" which is quite interesting because "Kabbalah" was mentioned before...my thoughts are that can the Zohar be used to access our Daemon?
See what you think!
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Time-travel will never be possible.If its possible,like in all other fields there will be some people who exploits it for their own good.There will be time bandits or something like in some fictional movies,and surely some might have traveled to our time period and commit some crimes here, for those crime the only possible way to explain how it happened is by time travel.Have you heard of such an incident occurred recently or in past which can only be explained by time-travel??? I think not. Better use your time for something else rather than running behind some fantasy stories.
Why this topic doing in the 'Photoreading' section which has nothing to do with PRing.[Deleted By AlexK, flaming is not acceptable. Keep to the topic]
Time Travel is not possible nor is Photoreading unless you are born with the gift of Eidetic memory.
No wonder Paul Scheele using 'Pete Bissonette' to market this fictional book.
I was cheated by this company by buying their product hoping to read like Pete Bissonette who has Eidetic memory.
Last edited by Alex K. Viefhaus; 12/23/13 07:42 AM. Reason: Flaming comment removed
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Time-travel will never be possible.If its possible,like in all other fields there will be some people who exploits it for their own good.There will be time bandits or something like in some fictional movies,and surely some might have traveled to our time period and commit some crimes here, for those crime the only possible way to explain how it happened is by time travel.Have you heard of such an incident occurred recently or in past which can only be explained by time-travel??? I think not. Better use your time for something else rather than running behind some fantasy stories. Having experienced time travel first hand, I wonder what you base your comments on? It doesn't give us food for thought. Why this topic doing in the 'Photoreading' section which has nothing to do with PRing. Because the books they are discussing are books they've used the PhotoReading system on. Time Travel is not possible nor is Photoreading unless you are born with the gift of Eidetic memory. Everyone is born with an Eidetic memory. Research shows that the eidetic memory falls into disuse because it is too slow once we start using language to discuss things. That is not to say that the skill isn't there. What happens is the brain processes and recreates memory constantly in order to make our memories useful for our day to day experiences. What are your sources to say that time travel is not possible? No wonder Paul Scheele using 'Pete Bissonette' to market this fictional book. I actually find that funny for a number of reasons. Paul is also a proficient PhotoReader as am I. And none of us have an eidetic memory. If one explores the post on the forum, I found that an eidetic memory is actually slower than than an informed mind. There is little point in PhotoReading a book and having to have the pages sit in the mind like a bookshelf waiting for the information to be read. I love that PhotoReading allows me to process the information and make use of it in minutes rather than taking days until I understand what the author is explaining. How much time have you spent with the PhotoReading course and how many books have you applied it on. Alex
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Guillaume hi! I am getting these books and photoreading them. Are you doing mind maps on them? Let's share our ideas and thoughts on these books on this thread here. I'll get them, mind map them and then come back and post. Would you be interested in doing a syntopic photoreading project on Time Travel here?
Let's get a book list going. So far between the two of us I have the following:
1.Mary Magdalene , Beloved Disciple by Clysta Kinstler
2. How the World Is Made, The Story of Creation According to Sacred geometry by John Mitchell/Allan Brown
3. Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden 4. Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot 5. Doors to Past and Future Lives : Practical Applications of Self-Hypnosis - Carl LLewellyn Weschke
6.Garden Of Pomegranates - Israel Regardie
7. Exploring the Fifth Dimension: Parallel Universes, Teleportation and Out of Body Travel by Bruce Goldberg
8.Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel by Michio Kaku
9. Parallel Worlds: The Science of Alternative Universes and Our Future in the Cosmos by Michio Kaku
10. Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension by Michio Kaku
11. The Infinite Mindfield: The Quest to Find the Gateway to Higher Consciousness by Anthony Peake
12. A Life of Philip. K. Dick: The Man Who Rememebered the Future by Anthony Peake
Any books you want to add feel free. Let me know if you're interested in doing this project and what your time constraints are.
Happy weekend to you Guillaume!
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Hi magickdoggie...I had done PR on the book "How the world is made - the story of creation according to sacred geometry" by John Mitchell & mind-mapped it a while ago...I want to give my conclusions. When I looked at the mind-map I created in reference to that book my main thought was on triangles. Then it hit me that maybe triangles in one way or another may hold keys to time travel. Also, this is quite interesting & kept on flashing at me...in the book it mentions about the no. 666 in which it is known as the "mark of the beast" in biblical terms. In the book it states that 666 is neither good nor bad but, again there is a link to triangles. With the no. 666 it is associated with the magic squares nos. 1-36. I am going to do some more research into triangles...& I will add to this.
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Hi Guillame and everyone HOw are you !? I've been on hiatus but I'm back! I've got the list of the books on the previous posts. Did you do any mind maps on them? The Sacred Geometry sounds very interestining, Guillaume. I've read some information on 666 being the configuration of the protein molecule, which is what every living mammal is made up of. What else have you found as far as the triangles? Hope you and everyone here is doing well
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Hi magickdoggie! Great to hear from you I hope things are well with you. The 2 books by Anthony Peake I have PR'd & activated them & hence created a mind-map I will put my results down asap. Also, there was another book in which I managed to mind-map in about 15 minutes which was the quickest I have done a mind-map & got answers to...I will post that one too asap.
Just to let you know I had recently returned from the Photo-Reading/Genius Code seminars which were held in Minneapolis, MN & taught by none other than Paul Scheele. My goodness after doing the PR seminar I had really IMPROVED on my PR & learned new & exciting stuff. With the GC seminar it took PR to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!!! It was such an amazing experience....the best 6 days of my life!!!!
I will write again very soon to add more results.
Take care!
Last edited by Guillaume; 04/13/14 11:01 PM.
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Hi magickdoggie! In my last post I stated about a book I PR'd & then mind-mapped in 15 minutes. The name of that book was "Can we travel in time?" by Michael Brooks. I was looking at the mind-map I did for this & these are my conclusions for this: The "Theory of Everything" (TOE) states that anything can happen & also I was looking at another word associated with this & it was "butterfly effect" (I saw the movie not that long ago on TV). I'm not too sure indepth why these 2 words came up. Then this was what I would say a mini "A-ha" moment..."Philip K Dick" & 2 words associated with him was "Matrix" & "Perception of Reality". Then I had thought of E=mc^2 & Wormholes...I suppose in a way there are cracks in "time" so as to say. I will add more input very soon.
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Hi magickdoggie & all Time-Travel enthusiasts! It has been a long while since I've written on this forum as I myself had a bit of a hiatus - but, now I have more time on my hands. I do particularly like being part of this unique forum.
A couple of months ago I was reading the book "The Time Traveller" by Ron Mallet. The "a-ha!" moment that came up for me was when he explained about opening portals to another dimension of time. He said that the way portals open it first becomes a size of a wooden pencil & then expands into a big cone-shape. It kind of makes me think in similarities with an glass egg-timer; the ones that have the sand inside of it. When you turn it upside-down the sand falls from the top-end to the bottom-end. It makes me think - does the universe operate in that scenario?
Thinking about this takes me back to when I did Day 1 of the Genius Code...& this is interesting! When did the Over-the-Wall exercise (& this was done with a partner) I had an usual image of a "whirlpool" & it was spinning around so much was in the shape of a cone. Funny though during that exercise I actually went through the whirlpool & travelled back in time to when I was about 12 years old. And what I did was that I ran away from home! The image of the whole thing was so clear....I still remember it.
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Hi all PR Time-Travel enthusiasts! I had to write on this forum because something REALLY interesting I found out in relation to me in terms of this forum.
WIND TUNNEL EXERCISE: I have the DVD titled Results Supercharger which came with the PR course-pack. What I did was to watch the exercise on the DVD which was led by Win Wenger (he co-developed Genius Code with Paul Scheele). What the exercise involved was that the group of people who were at the PR Retreat...when they did the 'Power Day' PR they did Syntopic PR which is where they pick 4 books in the same subject area & then do a giant mind-map of their 4 books. It was important they had to do this in order to be able to do the exercise. Next, they had to pick ONE book from their 4 books then with their chosen book they will hold the book & let a torrid flow of words come straight into their minds no matter how silly it seems. When people did the exercise they had got so many interesting results plus they had stated that it was more to do with them rather than the book. I found it to be absolutely amazing!
THE LIFE OF PHILIP K DICK - THE MAN WHO REMEMBERED THE FUTURE THE FUTURE BY ANTHONY PEAKE: I had mentioned this individual PKD a few times because I was always fascinated by his precognition abilities. When he wrote his stories in which some of them became movies it was more to the fact that it was delving into his own mind.
* When I received the book the first thing I did, of course, was to PR it. And I did activated it which also included a mind-map. Now I did read the book on the plane when I went to the Photo-Reading/Genius Code seminars this year. What was REALLY ironic was when Paul Scheele (who taught the seminars at the time) saw the book I told him what it was all about & when I mentioned the movie "Blade Runner" it surprised both me & Paul...because the film itself was Paul Scheele's all-time favourite movie. Now a few months down the road when I was doing my Holosync meditation CD I had an image of the book appear at me & it slightly opened at the bottom-corner end, then the page no. 97 flashed at me. So what I did was to get the book out again & before I went to p.97 I looked at my mind-map...from there the word "dark-haired girls" seemed to have caught my attention but, I was unsure why. However, the only thing I knew was that PKD liked dark-haired girls. Now bear this in mind I did not remember what I read on p.97 which from a PR point of view is a good thing! So then I went to p.97 & to my astonishment it was the beginning of a page subtitled 'Escape to Vancouver'...that really took me by surprise. So next I read that section & to my even bigger astonishment the word "dark-haired girl" was there.
* After watching the 'Wind-Tunnel Exercise' on the DVD I wanted to do this on that particular book that I had just mentioned. I did the exercise as demonstrated on the DVD & I was totally shocked at what information I received. Let me give an example of 1 of the questions I asked when I did the Postview & it was "When did PKD encountered first his Daemon?" when I held my mind-map that particular question just flashed at me (at the time I didn't know why I asked that question). When I did the exercise it then became apparent to me it was more of a case of "When did I first encounter my Daemon?"...& now I know why. It was back in 1992 (I was still 14 years, not yet 15) I had an unusual thought of leaving the UK & going to France to do my education I didn't know why I had that thought at the time - but, unfortunately my parents refused! Now doing the exercise I had found out I did have a DAEMONIC experience & that was when I had my 1st one! At the time I just didn't realize it. What it really means to me was that I should've been sent to France...& also the main reason why it was to do with my past-life/ancestor. Then when I looked at "dark-haired girls" the words that came to me was "holds the key to time-travel" it felt like when even though I wrote it down that I wasn't the one who was writing it down.
I know there are going to be more answers in relation to the book & I will add more to this but this is just so fascinating!
Take care everyone!
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Hi all PR Time-Travel enthusiasts! I trust everyone is good & well. I want to give some more interesting results. Enjoy!
THE LIFE OF PHILIP K DICK - THE MAN WHO REMEMBERED THE FUTURE BY ANTHONY PEAKE: Reason why I have again picked this book is because I wanted to elaborate more on what I found. If you all re-call I mentioned I saw p.97 of the book when I was doing my Holosync meditation. Now this gets more interesting! I had more page nos. from the same book that appeared to me during the Holosync meditation and they were 137 & 38. Not too sure why this had happened but I did check both pages out; but, at the time nothing flashed out at me. Then what happened again when I did my Holosync meditation the 3 page numbers I saw (in order) 97, 137 & 38 seemed to have formed a HEXAGON (see below):
9 7
1 3 7
3 8
Now this gets even more interesting! From the no. 1 there when you go round the hexagon in a clockwise direction then you'll form a spiral in the middle of no. 3. From no.1 the first 4 nos. obtained is 1977 - the year I was born in; then after that you get no.8 which is the 8th month (August) the month of my birthday and with the two 3's you get 3 x 3 = 9 the date of my birth. Now how weird is that?
Carrying on with the same book; on my mind-map I noticed the word "I Ching" (pronounced yee-jing) popped out at me which means "Book of Changes" in Chinese Spiritual Wisdom. When I researched more into this I found out that PKD had used this method a few times to write his stories when he got stuck. I also realised that "I Ching" is mentioned a few times in the Diamond Feng Shui course pack (I've had this since 2010). When I delved more into I came to realized that I need to purchase I Ching coins which will help me immensely - I also believe that I Ching can be used to time travel.
TIME TRAVELERS FROM OUR FUTURE BY DR. BRUCE GOLDBERG: When this forum was in its early stages I remember magickdoggie & I put some books on the list; I was so glad he put down 'Exploring the 5th Dimension' by the same author. Because what it did for me was to buy more books by this man (I've got 4 of his). Now with this book I followed the 4 steps of PR & let it incubate over night then the next day I activated it including doing a mind-map. Before I rapid-read the book I did the "Wind-Tunnel" exercise - now when I did this I had the word "Stonehenge" pop out at me plus I had an image of this place as a FULL CIRCLE. Not too sure why this had happened! But, then when I rapid-read the book from beginning to end there was a chapter in there which mentioned about a man who was regressed back to the time of Stonehenge. It was founded out that it was built to accommodate space-ships when they landed on Earth. That is it was an Ancient form of an airport for the extra-terrestrial visitors. People should get this book it has a lot of interesting information.
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Hello Guillaume, Magickdoggie, & Time Travel enthusiasts:
Have you guys read:
Quantum Jumping by Burt Goldman Parallel Universes of Self by Frederick Dodson Reality Creation Technique by Frederick Dodson Reality Shifters by Cynthia Sue Larson How to use your God Power by Richard Lee McKim Jr.
Am interested in your insights. Thanks
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eblaine, what are your insights from those books?
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Hi there my friend how have you been? I've gotten off track from our project, but still want to keep working on it. How was your Christmas and New Years?
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Hi Eblaine, I have not read any of the titles you mentioned, however I am interested. Please tell me some of your insights and experiences with the books. Have you been able to use them as portals to enter different worlds through photoreading?
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Hi magickdoggie, great to hear from you. My Christmas & New Years was quiet but, good. At my local Catholic Church I had a great time at the Epiphany party.
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Hello Eblaine...welcome to this very unique forum. It's so awesome to have another Time-Travel enthusiast. What a way to kick off 2015. First of all on an interesting note about Quantum Jumping by Burt Goldman; I have the audio course on my laptop. I bought it 2 years ago this month & have used it a few times. It's quite a coincidence that this was mentioned. Secondly, I'm going to be doing a small project in relation to this which could give more answers to time-travel. I have the book Astral Travel by Dr. Bruce Goldberg. What I did I used that book with 3 other books to research into this project. When I looked at the results after doing the mind-map that book in particular gave me an answer: on one page there was a picture of the Egyptian God Osirius lying down at 37 degrees angle & what was stated was that his soul left his body for a while. Now I tried that in my bedroom using what I can to improvize & when I did lie down at 37 degrees for a brief moment I did see a large LCD screen with binary numbers. Then a few times during my Holosync meditation I saw a design of a bed at an angle of 37 degrees. So what I am going to do is buy some wood & build a bed at an angle of 37 degrees & when I do lie down again I will see what results I'll get. Lastly, I purchase I Ching coins so what I did I asked the question "What is my main priority in seeking a way to time-travel?" On the top half I got "Tui" & the bottom half I got "Ch'ien". I'm going to see what I can interpret from the answer - I'm beginning to understand I Ching quite well bit-by-bit. I'm going to write here again very soon. GUILLAUME. Hello Guillaume, Magickdoggie, & Time Travel enthusiasts:
Have you guys read:
Quantum Jumping by Burt Goldman Parallel Universes of Self by Frederick Dodson Reality Creation Technique by Frederick Dodson Reality Shifters by Cynthia Sue Larson How to use your God Power by Richard Lee McKim Jr.
Am interested in your insights. Thanks
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Hi Time-Travel enthusiasts. Haven't been on here a while as I had been so busy with other stuff which couldn't wait.
Anyway, I want to elaborate more on the "I Ching" result I got which was "Tui" on the top & "Ch'ien" on the bottom. That is Hexagram #43 which is Kuai/Breakthrough (Resolutness). To me in reference to the question I had asked the key word is "Breakthrough". When I did more research into this what this is telling me is when the opportunity for me to time-travel arrives I must act immediately...it also tells me that it WILL present itself to me.
I want to take you back to the earlier parts of the forum; I did a tarot card reading & asked the question in relation to time-travel & I received the "Queen of Disks". Now I know from the card itself it describes a woman with dark-hair of large build & expressive dark eyes. But, I want to point your attention to DARK HAIR. Because when I PR'd the book "Philip K Dick: the man who remembered the future" by Anthony Peake; and on my mind-map I had one of my words which was "dark-haired girls" (PKD liked dark-haired girls & married 5 of them). I also, stated that when I did the Wind-Tunnel exercise for the book I had realized that a dark-haired girl has the keys to time-travel....now I realized why I had picked out the "Queen of Disks" in reference to time-travel...it was meant to describe the person in whom I'm suppose to seek out....A DARK-HAIRED GIRL. The only question is..."where is she?"