The Everyday Genius

We are excited to introduce to you a brand new program called The Everyday Genius. This is Paul Scheele at his finest.

Your participation will help you use your inborn limitless resources to your personal benefit so you get more from your day-to-day living. Personally, professionally, spiritually…you name it. Your mind is here to support you. And Paul will help you access its full potential.

Here is what you will experience during The Everyday Genius:

Session #1: Imagery of Your Genius

Yes, you can lay your ambitions on the universe and invoke the Law of Attraction to produce miraculous results. As most have already discovered, it is a lot like driving a stick-shift car without power steering and power brakes. If you want an effortless ride, something not hampered by the limited thinking of the conscious mind, let the universe be your guide. Don’t try to guide the universe.

You’ve heard that before, but how? Start by stopping to visualize the future.

Yes, visualizing works, but using imagery to find the “Eidos” will get better results.

The “Eidos” is an image from your ideal future. Where your hopes and dreams are alive and fulfilled. From the “Eidos” you will receive guidance that allows you to step into that future (perhaps even a better future), to achieve what you want, to live your ideal life.

Once you try it, you won’t be able to go back. It will be with you no matter what you do in the future. It automatically changes how your mind uses visualization and imagery.

Paul will lead you step-by-step through the process of bringing in an “Eidos” for something you would like to bring into reality. He’ll guide you in using the “Eidos” to make significant progress toward the goal in a way that would be quicker than how you might right now.

Session #2: Sustaining Behaviors / Creating Habits

Every session of The Everyday Genius will be mind candy. You’ll love how Paul illuminates the deep capabilities of your genius mind. And when you put everything into action, you’ll see greater results in your life. 2014 could very well be your breakthrough year.

But how can you sustain these new behaviors and turn them into real habits? How can you make sure your investment today pays off for years to come? That’s what Paul addresses in this session. He’ll share his personal secrets to using everything long into the future. He’ll give you the exact strategies he uses on a daily basis to keep connected with his genius mind so you can model his success.

These strategies, these specific steps, can be used by you for all of the sessions of The Everyday Genius as well as any personal learning course you may have from us.

Session #3: Accelerate the Learning of Anything

During The Everyday Genius you’ll be turning yourself into an effortless learning machine. You’ll be experiencing the tried and true as well as bold and adventurous strategies that help you capitalize on the genius capabilities of your mind.

Like it or not, life is always about learning. It has been for centuries and will be long into the future.

In this session Paul will give you specific tips and techniques to make everything easier, from learning the features of your phone to figuring out taxes, from navigating through detours to understanding labels at the grocery store. “Learning Made Easy.” Perhaps that is what we should have called this session.

Session #4: Dream Programming / Sleep Learning

Your dreams can be more than jumbled episodes and weird sleep time entertainment. They can unravel problems, give clear direction, and let you try out most anything your heart desires.

They can teach you how to make better decisions, how to resolve conflicts, and how to look at anything from more noble positions. Dreams can help unpack books and other sources of knowledge, present brilliant ideas, and wake you up from living in a rut.

They are powerful bridges between the treadmill of your life and your mighty nonconscious. They are unlimited resources of accelerated learning waiting for your direction, your query, your issue, your desire.

In this session you will learn the simplest way developed by Paul over the past thirty-plus years to use your sleep time to your full advantage while getting a great night’s sleep.

Session #5: Accessing, Trusting, Following Intuition

Intuition – those powerful messages coming from your genius mind – is potent.

Some of the world’s greatest discoveries and most far-reaching decisions have come from people following their intuition.

Even in corporate America, perhaps the most left-brain bastion of our society, intuition has resulted in the most profound advancements. Admissions come through autobiographies of corporate leaders, who are often forced into providing left-brain back-up for decisions based on intuition.

In this session you get Paul’s greatest insights into intuition and ways to develop, access, trust, and follow your own intuition.

Session #6: Communicate through Hypnosis

There are two seductive reasons for you to learn hypnosis.

First, so you can communicate more effectively with your genius mind.

Second, so you can communicate more effectively with others.

If you knew what a professional hypnotist knew, wouldn’t you be a better communicator?

Paul is one of the best hypnotists in the world today. His understanding of communicating with the nonconscious is second to none. In this session you’ll learn the top “tricks” and techniques for accessing your genius mind as well as reaching anyone else you need to make a better connection: with spouse, child, boss, coworker, clerk…date!

Session #7: Remove Self-doubt, Worry, and Anxiety

When you think about what stops you most, you are likely to come up with 1) self-doubt, 2) worry, and 3) anxiety. The three showstoppers of life.

No matter how accomplished you may be, it is a bear to continue your string of achievements without the showstoppers peeking from behind the curtains.

In this session you will learn the most powerful way to direct your nonconscious mind to remove them once and for all.

Session #8: Physiology of Genius

The phrase “Sit up straight, eyes forward, shoulders back” gives keen insight into one of the most powerful ways to instantly change your mental and emotional state: use your body.

With the ideal state you can move mountains, live excellence, exude genius, and succeed when success would be otherwise difficult.

Paul will teach you how to use your body to tap into powerful states of excellence. You’ll be able to use this technique in nearly any circumstance including when you need to ask someone for a favor, write a report, give a speech, influence anyone, brainstorm a breakthrough, solve a problem, meet a leader in your field… it does not matter.

You can even use this technique to pull yourself from a slump, change your attitude, shake the cobwebs from your mind, and get onboard with a new idea.

When you need to be at your best, the Physiology of Genius will give you support.

Session #9: Success Buttons

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could install a button on the top of your left hand so when you want to do something, you can push the button, and you’ll do that task to the absolute best of your ability?!

What would you attempt? What would you accomplish? At the push of an imaginary button (made real because of an ingenious connection with your genius mind) you can rally all of your internal resources and strengths so you rise above limitations and hesitancies to perform with utmost excellence.

Paul knows how to install that button, and he will teach you how to install it and use it yourself.

Session #10: Relationships of Genius

If you cannot get along with others… If you cannot love others as you love yourself… If you cannot share your life with others… You’re in for a tough, brain-shrinking, not-so-satisfying life.

Paul will share the genius behind relationships in this session. He’ll show how to rally the resources of your genius mind to build safe and rewarding relationships with others. He’ll give you practical insights for relating to coworkers, he’ll help you nurture love in your family, and he’ll help you find an ever-bubbling love in that special someone.

Session #11: Everyday Abundance

In this penultimate session of The Everyday Genius Paul will guide you through using everything you’ve learned so far to help with your personal wealth and abundance.

We know that money isn’t everything. We also know that money is a powerful force in our world.

Paul will focus this session on helping to focus your genius mind on bringing more money into your life.

Session #12: Palm Reading

No, you’re not going to learn to read the squiggly lines on your palms, although that could be cool.

Instead, you’ll learn to suck information directly from books through the palm of your hand. It is like PhotoReading on steroids.

Now before you push the delete button, ask yourself, “What if this really is possible? If Palm Reading is possible, what else is possible? If my genius mind can actually absorb information through my palm, what else is my genius mind capable of?”

Come to these sessions with an open mind. Try it. See how it might work for you. It will shed a different light on everything else in The Everyday Genius. It will help you realize how infinitely capable and extraordinarily talented you are.

We’ve been saying that for the last thirty years, and you’ll know it through every cell of your body.

Check it out here:

How will The Everyday Genius work?

The Everyday Genius will be delivered live by Paul Scheele beginning on Wednesday, January 29, 2014. You can join in on the telephone or Internet once a month for around 90 minutes, for all of 2014. If you miss the live sessions, you will be able to download the recordings.

You will also receive transcripts of each session so you can easily review the session. These will appear in your online Library as soon as they are ready after each session.

What are the prerequisites?

Absolutely none. You simply need to come to each session with an open mind, an open heart, and an open will. Come with a childlike curiosity to be willing to play.

And if you have some goals you would like supported, all the better. Paul will keep the sessions focused on real-life benefits so you can experience tangible results.

I hope you see the great opportunity Paul Scheele is making available for you through The Everyday Genius. He has devoted his professional life to innovating ways for you to experience your potential. Having recently completed his Ph.D. in the keys to personal transformation, he has created this remarkable, highly-creative 12-session teleseminar series to guide you through a year of spectacular and positive change.

To learn more about this upcoming teleseminar series, please visit: Everyday Genius page.
