Hi all PR'ers! This week just gone I hadn't done any 5-day PRing but, I did the previous week. So here are my results.

The book I PR'd was titled "The Gnostics - the first Christian Heretics" by Sean Martin (2006). This book really blew my mind.

My purpose for the book was "I want to undertsand Gnosticism so that I am able to use it's power".

What I found about the book was that Judas who was Jesus betrayer was actually instructed by Jesus to do that particular task as it was his destiny. In a sense it does seem very plausible. Now looking at my mind-map there are many answers which seem to coincide with my purpose so as to say. But, however I'm going to pick 2 of them as I feel these are the real answers. Firstly, I'm going to look at the Gospels of Thomas & Philip - reason why is because there were a lot of references to do with Chinese Philosophy. And it seems to both coincide with "Zen Buddhism" & "Toaism". Now as I fully understand when Jesus went on his travels at the age of 12 he did visit China so I do strongly feel he had learnt both of these forms of Chinese Philosophy. And I also do feel that at the age of 12 he had a "Daemonic" experience which instructed him to go on his travels. Now onto the Sci-Fi writer Philip K Dick (PKD). Reason why I want to mention him is because I had in the past done research into this man as he could easily communicate with his Daemon (Higher-Self). I other words he had a great understanding in Gnosticism. On a more interesting note his story VALIS flashed out at me - what this is telling me is that I need to buy that book as it will give me more answers in relation to my purpose.

It does seem to me that I need to study & understand "Gnosticism".