Thanks Alex,
I appreciate your reply
So experiencially, paraliminal learning with more than one paraliminal didn't work as well as I thought.
What I found highly effective is justplacing one sleep learning paraliminal on repeat... What I experienced regularly was more of a spiralling momentum of energy of the paraliminal through the body and as it would really set into the body I would wake up and take headphones off... Although sometimes I would listen the whole night and wake up with a real sweetness and watch the paraliminal manifest itself during the day.
I would pick the paraliminal based on any welling of desire or emotion before bed...Or self esteem, finances ,letting go etc... And that would be most effective for myself.
I personally didn't put end track or beginning tracks... What I would do is have a small piece of paper next to my pillow and write my problem,desire or goal for the paraliminal before sleep and place it on my heart...:) And sleep