Do You Feel Overcommitted?
By Pete Bissonette
Are you being stretched? Too many commitments? Things moving too quickly?
Speed and chaos may be the new norm of the world, but it does not have to be your norm.
And listen to the Simplicity Paraliminal. It's a Paraliminal exhale.
As you begin listening, think of where you feel burdened or pressured, and then let go. Go with the flow and the rhythm of the voices. Allow new perspectives to arise and gently guide you.
Consider listening to Simplicity just before the start of a jam-packed day. It will help your nonconscious mind keep you grounded and in touch with what is important for you.
With time you'll begin making choices that support what you want for your life--and not just the demands on your life.
For now, give yourself a break and listen to Simplicity.
To learn more about Simplicity and all our other Paraliminal programs, please click here.