Hi Margaret,
I also have "The Einstein Factor" (the book and the tape set). I'm only halfway through tape 2, so it's a bit premature to give an educated opinion.
The set focuses on 8 techniques.
- ImageStreaming
- Over-the-wall
- Photoreading/direct learing (not Win's, I know)
- High Think Tank
- Lucid Dreaming
- Borrowed Genius
- Advanced Civilization Toolbuilder
(I'm missing something but I'm not sure what from the outline)
The Einstein Factor tape set was a regurgitation of the book. It was good but somewhat redundant if you have the book. This appears to be a fresh approach in that it uses stair-stepping to achieve the appropriate state more quickly (you'll use the three-finger technique and not be so concerned about this...). It also uses something called "Fast Finish," in which they compress 20 minutes of lecture into 5-8 minutes. Interesting idea but I'm not far enough to make a comment on it yet.
They also spend time focusing on decoding the ImageStream. This wasn't covered in "The Einstein Factor" tape set and I don't think it was covered in the book. I'm inclined to believe that there is more value to the ImageStream than just experiencing it. I'm inclined to believe that deciphering it would lead to valuable/useful information. I have three hours of ImageStream content right now that means absolutely nothing to me. If this PLC enables me to extract meaning from those streams, there is great value to it. Again, since I'm not that far along yet, I really can't pass judgement.
The workbook looks good and it looks focused. It focuses on establishing goals for the course and recording your results in a journal. All of the scripts for the "Fast Finish" sections are included.
The intro tape was done by Paul. Although there is nothing earth-shattering or new on it (if you've absorbed The Einstein Factor), it does benefit from Paul's ability to break things down to a simpler level. So far, the second tape is handled by Win and it's more focused than the tapes in The Einstein Factor. One thing I like about it is that Win actually ImageStreams as a part of the tape. It's nice to hear the expert going through one. It provided quick validation that what I was doing was just fine.
If you'd like, I'll try to keep you appraised as I go along.
Originally posted by Margaret:
You know i was very keen on Genius Code until i read the advertisment. It just seems like i have done so much intuition work that i think the only interesting thing would be the paraliminal.I have literally digested The Einstein Factor. So, i'm just not sure about owning it. Plus, either Dana or Pete said that it was about image streaming and i do that already.
BTW, I envy you. Although Meyers-Briggs pegs me as intuitive off the chart, I clearly have a lot to learn compared to you. Apparently, I have all the potential but little of the functional.
mgrego, do you already have the course? And, if you do, what's your take on it? And, how familiar were you previously w/ image streaming?
[This message has been edited by mgrego2 (edited April 17, 2002).]