Not to disagree with your points but to point out a big thing to me is that we all have our own minds. In order to find Happiness we have to be willing to give up beliefs, values, perceptions that don't serve us. In order to do that you first have to know what they are for you, most people don't know what they believe in, what values system they use, or how they filter their perceptions. You only have control over you're own self and your internal make up, or to say that you can get control over how you respond to the outer world if you have built your inner world the way you want. You can build your own belief system and find evidence of it being true everywhere. You can only get rid of it if you bring it to consciousness and make changes so it serves you.

You can't honestly be concerned about anyone else other than yourself first. You have to be happy before you can truely make others happy. You have control over yourself not others. When you are working right it spreads to others.

I believe that you have to focus on what you want in this life to get it, worrying about others going off the path is a waste of time, you have to trust that they will figure it out or maybe they really wanted to end up in the ditch. In my complete disbelief I have seen many people who didn;t want any help and shooting themself in the foot was the purpose of life.

I found much happiness knowing I did not share their path.

Paul may not be a Great Sage but I would say he is a great friend to any one who is on this path of seeking abundance. Friends in life who help you are a great asset. By treating them with respect you also treat yourself with respect, by treating them with disrespect you belittle the lessons you learned and cheapen yourself.

He gives you a great tittle "Abundance for Life" . Try focusing your mind on that, meditate on it, make it a burning desire and a passion to choose to have it. I think only a good friend would give you that idea. What you make of it is your choice, the power comes from you.

And maybe, for fun, think about this question "Who were you before you were dead?"
