quote.. "If I understand you, you're saying that relationships contain elements of interdependence. I agree."

Focusing upon and in the soup of sour relationships, is sort of like stirring a plugged toilet... We can all agree that much of many relationships is no more more than just "sewage" at best...
Forget about all that crap. It is your religious conditioning directing you into a slush zone to prevent you from learning more than religion wants you to know... I have proof, but it be extremely "blasphemous"...
Is there a part of this forum that can handle anti-religious extremes?

Students need to take a break from the "toilet of relationships", and look in and up simultaneously at evolving the Being in the required Kundalini steps, while the student still has breath... Don't be wasting your precious time digging into, and denouncing petty evil, or it will be your anchor and your demise...
Oh sure we all know that evil exist, but that is not reason to bathe in it...

A better use of ones time and energies be to work on neutralizing ones own fears... Kundalini won't work properly if the student harbors fears... In the advanced levels of Kundalini practices, fears can manifest, and hurt the student badly... or even destroy the student...

Is there a thread in this forum dedicated to Neutralizing Fears? I would call that "lesson-two"...

Lesson-one in learning Kundalini would have to be a strong lesson in "dumping" old data without being an obnoxious bully... which is what I''ve found lurking in the many other forums I've played in...
Is there a thread in this forum dedicated to "Dumping"?

Lesson three would likely be in neutralizing ones science and religious conditioning... crucial to attaining the more... But again that is another extreme that would no doubt offend the student who harbors religious conditioning...
Is there a place in this forum that can handle the extreme techniques in neutralizing religious conditioning?

Please Advise...