Well as far as imploding ego's and the universe, as we know it, falling apart
I see no reason to feel bad about it.

In Zen Buddhism they mention that the Universe is just an illusion also. So if that were true then you could create the illusion you wish to see at any time. It's your experience.

It couldn't be any worse than a film maker producing a story he wanted to see.

So all of a sudden you realized you have control of your life and it's overwhelming.
Nothing new there.

When I realized this my first thought was to visualize going to a party with Ambassadors and Dignitaries, walking up the steps and spilling my champagne on the guest of honor as I tripped on the steps. Getting control of my feelings and then saying something like "Ooops" and then flirting with the most beautiful lady imaginable who was next to me.

So that sobriety thing is only an illusion?
