1 Poor
2 Fair
3 Good
4 Very Good
5 Excellent

For each item listed below, circle the number to the right that best fits your judgment of its Quality. Use the scale above to select the quality number. Thank you to everyone who responds the is for a research paper for college.

Remember it is (1-5) 1 being poor 5 being excellent

Overall Effectiveness 1-5
Effort vs. Result 1-5
Product met expectations 1-5
Follow up Training 1-5
Usability 1-5
Customer Support 1-5
Satisfaction 1-5
Value vs. Cost
Product Guarantee 1-5
Understandable 1-5
Chance of referring to a friend 1-5
Is there any other system that you would recommend to accomphish similar results?

[This message has been edited by woode (edited October 15, 2004).]